Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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sorry your corks came creased. thats why i hate ordering online cause you cant inspect the shoe, then you gotta deal with it cause they out of stock to replace your pair. i guess you can get a refund, but u can probably sell or trade em to someone for more.
They love them for the RESALE value, not because the actual damn concept
Money is money.  Somewhere, someone is willing to spend ridiculous cash on these.  I wonder where the end of the line is for all the awful but hyped shoes.

The out of the box defects on these shoes is insane, especially considering the price tag and the fact that they will not be replaced.  "Yeah I got a messed up one, but at least I got one!"
You have friends that work for NASA but you are focused on trying to get shoes? lol ahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahjahj

Man,I would try to be a billionaire with them

Prolly in jail also lol ahahahahhahahahahahah
"...a billionaire with them". 

Yeah, I'm pretty sure scientists at NASA aren't billionaires. I'd be surprised if many of them were even high-millionaires...
has anyone seen steph curry's shoes tonight. i've seen glances but no dvr. first glance looks like maybe a custom x but not 100%
Got one of my pairs my say there really nice in person, im affraid to wear them so might slap them on ebay
Lol. Also your damn ankles are wrinkled as a Bish in that pic. I can't see dropping cash on them brons then doing that but DAMN you must have some money to just stomp ugly Christmas joint out!
You got interesting taste in women if all of them are ugly to you. They ain't all 10s, but ugly?

Just saw you're a hater tho, so hate on! Lol
I don't know how long you've been on NT, but it seems like you're at the phase I was at a week or two ago, where I was astonished and disgusted with the kind of hating and lame-brain nonsense that goes on on NT. I must've commented hundreds of times on it. Now, I'm starting to get over it and understand that that kind of behavior is the norm over here, largely because most of the people commenting on here are probably 16 through 23 and haven't "grown up" yet; or, they're older than that and just never will grow up.

Don't let it bother you too much, it's something you're going to have to accept if you want to enjoy niketalk at all, unfortunately... Peace
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