Official LeBron X Thread Vol. 2: Corks and Volts Launch 2/23

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Family affair in Denver has 28 pairs....I wonder if this will be the same for other stores releasing
Do you guys really think nike didnt test the shoes before hand ? i mean come on there not gonna sell a shoe for 305 that you could only wear them 1 time think about it
Man screw this. I live in Cincinnati and the closet place that's getting them is in Florida. (So i've heard) Anyone know any place? I figure i'll have to try my luck on NDC now 


There WAS a shop near you that had them for pre order.
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more stores are getting the corks than people truly realize. Today I was just made aware 3 stores within MI alone will have them..let the games begin..
I'd pay $500 a piece for two pair right now. One to rock, and one to display in a cube. I know that $500 ain't gonna happen, but that's my absolute limit I'll spend for any "luxury" for myself.
Man, releases like these make me stupid mad that I live in Iowa. Not nowhere in Iowa do ANY kicks release. Sheeeit, I was hype when the Dunkman 9s released here. That's how scare it is in the DM area anyway.

Any Iowa 'heads out there got better info than my ***?
feel your pain
I was able to get a pair of corks mid january for about 500 which i thought was a steal and i will say that they creased sooo easily after only wearing them one time and it makes me not even want to really wear them again...also i dont know why the hell nike decided to put a while sole on the shoe, instead of like a gum bottom cuz the white gets so dirty.  All in all the sneaker I will say that the sneaker is very unique and nice but even the 305 price tag is steep considering the easy creasing and the white bottom cuz if i buy a shoe im tryna rock them and not just have them sit there for display.
Do you guys really think nike didnt test the shoes before hand ? i mean come on there not gonna sell a shoe for 305 that you could only wear them 1 time think about it
its a lifestyle model not a performance model, so who knows if they had to test em like that.. You think nike care if they fall apart.. money spent, no refund..but i get your point tho
I just dropped $800 myself on a pair.

They already being shipped to me, confirmed and all that. I am sad that on Niketalk ppl are getting flamed for dropping 

that price in 2013!!! Back when I first joined this site in 2000, ALL OF US were considered crazy b/c we ALL dropped thousands

a year on sneakers. Now you want to HATE on ONE OF YOUR OWN for it? C'mon. This is why I just lurk these days, but the

comments made me come back just to remind yall where we came from. 

Now since yall haven't posted this info yet (Shame on ya NT,LOL),  in NYC you can have these kicks right now in hand (and could have since this past

saturday) for a stack in a couple of stores in manhattan. If you been on this site long enough like I have ( and you all claim to have been), then you know

which stores I mean specifically... (think galaxy foams)

To those who are willing to pay up, much respect. The haters? Well, keep hating until you are on our side of the fence.
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