Official LEBRON 2010 Thread (The Decision: MIAMI HEAT)

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Originally Posted by Los Benjaminz

Let's just hope he doesn't sign with the Miami Heat.

The Heat are such a lame team.
*Looks at sig*

Oh. NY fan........

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by EEntegRa

if Lebron wants to be great, he'll stay away from miami. he should be in a team that beats miami.

this is where i miss the 90s. friends off the court. foes on the court. magic/isaiah, mj/chuck, bird/magic, mj/ewing, mj/mj...they never teamed up. they want to beat each other big time. and i think they are better friends because of it.

bron should go to cle/chi/ny and beat mia in a playoff and then win a championship to show the world how great he is.

just my $0.02
I don't get this....

If he wants to be "great" he has to stay away from miami? 
  I thought the main objective in the NBA was to win championships.  If he joins the heat, he'll have his best chance of winning MULTIPLE times because of the talent around him.  Legacy be damned, there are always detractors who discredit accolades because of who "said player" is teamed with.  If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT.  No matter what he does ON THE COURT people will find something to criticize.  Look at the great teams in NBA history....The Bulls...Mike, Pip, and Rodman....Lakers with Magic, Kareem, Worthy, etc...GREAT PLAYERS NEED OTHER GREAT PLAYERS AROUND THEM. 
Total difference.
Leaving a team built around you...and going into another situation built around someone else...two play with not one...but two top 10 players in their prime is a little different. 

This is not an old Kevin Garnett or Ray Allen we're talking about . This is arguably one of the most popular athletes of ALL TIME. It may sound petty or unreasonable but welcome to the world of sports...these unwritten rules exist. Championships are the essential goal...and they'll win alot of them. But this a guy who is supposed to revolutionize the game and potentially be the greatest to do it. If he signs with's atypical of what someone in his position would do. And the city thing is HUGE here IMO. They call that place Wade County for Christ Sakes. 

Sorry...just could never see Money, Kobe, etc. doing something like that in their primes...EVER. Could you see Mike leaving Chicago to play with the Lakers in the 80s? 

Hate to bring my boy KD into this...but he'd never do something like that either.'ll be great to watch as a fan of basketball...but dude can kiss his rep goodbye. Doesn't make any sense to me...but oh well.

But...I think this is all blowing smoke anyway. Knowing what an Alpha male LBJ is after watching him since HS...I'll put my money on New York or Cleveland. 

Shaq did it in his prime... and he was the face of those laker championships
Trust me, I see everyone's opinion on Lebron potentially joining Miami. But honestly (and assuming) he wins a championship there will be detractors no matter where he signs (aside from Cleveland). I can't front, I've flip-flopped on this whole issue MANY times over the past couple of days. One day I'm thinking NY, and the next it's somewhere else. While I appreciate Lebron's talents, at the end of the day, he's handling this whole situation like a %!++%. I'm sure I'm not alone in having no respect for the guy after this whole ordeal. If he signs with Miami, can he put his ego in-check to be second-fiddle in South Beach. Like ya'll were saying, it's "Wade County." As a b-ball fan, I'd love to see him sign to see how this "dream team" would work out. I have doubts because there is a lot of ego, and I dunno if there is any coach aside from Coach K or Phil Jackson who could handle Bosh, Wade, and Bron on the same team for 82+ games. At the end of the day, I still think legacies are built through championships. Bron has accomplished plenty through his regular-season exploits, but if he wants to take that next step and TRULY be mentioned amongst the greats...I think he goes to Miami.
Originally Posted by bigtimejerky

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by EEntegRa

if Lebron wants to be great, he'll stay away from miami. he should be in a team that beats miami.

this is where i miss the 90s. friends off the court. foes on the court. magic/isaiah, mj/chuck, bird/magic, mj/ewing, mj/mj...they never teamed up. they want to beat each other big time. and i think they are better friends because of it.

bron should go to cle/chi/ny and beat mia in a playoff and then win a championship to show the world how great he is.

just my $0.02
I don't get this....

If he wants to be "great" he has to stay away from miami? 
  I thought the main objective in the NBA was to win championships.  If he joins the heat, he'll have his best chance of winning MULTIPLE times because of the talent around him.  Legacy be damned, there are always detractors who discredit accolades because of who "said player" is teamed with.  If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT.  No matter what he does ON THE COURT people will find something to criticize.  Look at the great teams in NBA history....The Bulls...Mike, Pip, and Rodman....Lakers with Magic, Kareem, Worthy, etc...GREAT PLAYERS NEED OTHER GREAT PLAYERS AROUND THEM. 
Total difference.
Leaving a team built around you...and going into another situation built around someone else...two play with not one...but two top 10 players in their prime is a little different. 

This is not an old Kevin Garnett or Ray Allen we're talking about . This is arguably one of the most popular athletes of ALL TIME. It may sound petty or unreasonable but welcome to the world of sports...these unwritten rules exist. Championships are the essential goal...and they'll win alot of them. But this a guy who is supposed to revolutionize the game and potentially be the greatest to do it. If he signs with's atypical of what someone in his position would do. And the city thing is HUGE here IMO. They call that place Wade County for Christ Sakes. 

Sorry...just could never see Money, Kobe, etc. doing something like that in their primes...EVER. Could you see Mike leaving Chicago to play with the Lakers in the 80s? 

Hate to bring my boy KD into this...but he'd never do something like that either.'ll be great to watch as a fan of basketball...but dude can kiss his rep goodbye. Doesn't make any sense to me...but oh well.

But...I think this is all blowing smoke anyway. Knowing what an Alpha male LBJ is after watching him since HS...I'll put my money on New York or Cleveland. 

Shaq did it in his prime... and he was the face of those laker championships

But wasn't Kobe a rookie in Shaq's first year in LA? 
I'm still saying he stays with the Cavs. My 2nd pick would be NY.'

EDIT: Shaq? Again singular greatness going to prove his singular greatness. Did he go in with knowledge that a team would be built? YES. But it was to be AROUND him.
at anyone who listens to that fool chris broussard.

He literally said "My sources are telling me that right now Lebron is leaning towards signing with the Miami Heat but that could change in the next few hours. The sources say that it's almost neck and neck between the Heat and Cavs with the Bulls and Knicks coming up in the rear and the Knicks making a strong late push. The Nets are still there too but they have almost no chance."

Sounds to me like in those three sentences he made a prediction that if it comes to fruition makes him look like he did REAL reporting, while also covering his *$# by saying "oh but my sources said all the other teams still have a shot in the next few hours too."

All of this is *#%%%$!%. Just wait til his press conference.
That LA team wasn't Kobe's yet, Shaq came in as the dominant guy (easy LA fans, I don't want to get into the Shaq>Kobe thing just stating facts).

As purely a fan of basketball, it would be exciting to see all 3 play together, but if they were blowing teams out and racking up multiple titles, it would feel slightly cheap and unfair. As a basketball fan, Wade/Bosh vs. LBJ/Amare vs. Rose/Boozer/etc. vs. Orlando, would make the East more exciting and it would be better basketball. As an LBJ fan, I don't want him to hitch his wagon to Wade's team, and it will always be Wade's team... but it would mean he's giving up a lot of his ego and pride to win titles... he would be putting winning first and most important (which has been a criticism that he's about himself)

I'm going down with the ship and saying this is just a last smokescreen and he's going to NYC, but we'll find out in 11 hours.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by EEntegRa

if Lebron wants to be great, he'll stay away from miami. he should be in a team that beats miami.

this is where i miss the 90s. friends off the court. foes on the court. magic/isaiah, mj/chuck, bird/magic, mj/ewing, mj/mj...they never teamed up. they want to beat each other big time. and i think they are better friends because of it.

bron should go to cle/chi/ny and beat mia in a playoff and then win a championship to show the world how great he is.

just my $0.02
I don't get this....

If he wants to be "great" he has to stay away from miami? 
  I thought the main objective in the NBA was to win championships.  If he joins the heat, he'll have his best chance of winning MULTIPLE times because of the talent around him.  Legacy be damned, there are always detractors who discredit accolades because of who "said player" is teamed with.  If Lebron goes to Chicago and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted by many for playing with a great PG in Rose....if he goes to NY and wins a championship, he's going to be faulted for playing with a premier 4 in STAT.  No matter what he does ON THE COURT people will find something to criticize.  Look at the great teams in NBA history....The Bulls...Mike, Pip, and Rodman....Lakers with Magic, Kareem, Worthy, etc...GREAT PLAYERS NEED OTHER GREAT PLAYERS AROUND THEM. 
Total difference.
Leaving a team built around you...and going into another situation built around someone else...two play with not one...but two top 10 players in their prime is a little different. 

This is not an old Kevin Garnett or Ray Allen we're talking about . This is arguably one of the most popular athletes of ALL TIME. It may sound petty or unreasonable but welcome to the world of sports...these unwritten rules exist. Championships are the essential goal...and they'll win alot of them. But this a guy who is supposed to revolutionize the game and potentially be the greatest to do it. If he signs with's atypical of what someone in his position would do. And the city thing is HUGE here IMO. They call that place Wade County for Christ Sakes. 

Sorry...just could never see Money, Kobe, etc. doing something like that in their primes...EVER. Could you see Mike leaving Chicago to play with the Lakers in the 80s? 

Hate to bring my boy KD into this...but he'd never do something like that either.'ll be great to watch as a fan of basketball...but dude can kiss his rep goodbye. Doesn't make any sense to me...but oh well.

But...I think this is all blowing smoke anyway. Knowing what an Alpha male LBJ is after watching him since HS...I'll put my money on New York or Cleveland. 
im not discrediting any nba greats at all. my point was that to be the greatest, you have to beat the best...and not 'join' em. seriously if that was the case imagine MJ joining forces with ewing when the bulls got dumped by detroit 3 straight years. that is not happening. i think the competitiveness/rivalry is missing in the players today. im just saying that he goes to another team and beats mia with those stars then he earned it and would be looked at differently than if we win with 2 other top 10 all stars. im not saying he can do it alone. he does need a good sidekick.

but the real question is what does bron wants to be? a winner/champion? to be great? rich? both? all of the above? who knows. i just can't see bron going to a place where he is not the #1 option.

This whole thing has made me a huge Kevin Durant fan

Yes, I want LeBron to go to NY because of what he does on the basketball court, but as a person, KD is head and shoulders over LBJ.

Even if LeBron doesn't go to NY, hopefully Melo will join Amare next year
Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by debs 168

how does being a sidekick to win rings help his brand??
Winning ring(s) helps his brand. There will be no denying that, especially in China (see Bean Bryant).
china men only buy fakes. 85% cannot afford a pair of nikes. stop with your china analogy, never again

Dude, +!+$+%@% is not the preferred nomenclature.
This whole Lebron craze is getting out of hand, can you imagine what he is thinking right now "I got the whole world upside down over me", I mean you have the world cup going on which is the biggest sporting event in the world, yet ESPN spends about 10 minutes covering it and 40 minutes on Lebron. I am glad this will all be over soon. I respect Lebron as a player he is my favorites behind my hometown star Melo, but this hype is making him look very Kanye West like and he is eatting it up.
He's going to NY. Point Blank. I would be shocked...Abs. shocked of he goes to Miami.

Only other team I see him going to is the Bulls now that they signed Boozer.
This guy Lebron

from his twitter....

Good Morning! It's your chance to ask me a question about my decision, use #lebrondecision to submit and I'll answer them tonight.

Unbelievable....I don't know how ANYONE can respect this dude.
Out of's 10:15 right this moment, can you name 3-5 people (aside from Lebron) who you think know what his decision will be?
He's going to NY. Point Blank. I would be shocked...Abs. shocked of he goes to Miami.

Only other team I see him going to is the Bulls now that they signed Boozer.
Originally Posted by Nako XL

at anyone who listens to that fool chris broussard.

He literally said "My sources are telling me that right now Lebron is leaning towards signing with the Miami Heat but that could change in the next few hours. The sources say that it's almost neck and neck between the Heat and Cavs with the Bulls and Knicks coming up in the rear and the Knicks making a strong late push. The Nets are still there too but they have almost no chance."

Sounds to me like in those three sentences he made a prediction that if it comes to fruition makes him look like he did REAL reporting, while also covering his *#% by saying "oh but my sources said all the other teams still have a shot in the next few hours too."

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

This guy Lebron

from his twitter....

Good Morning! It's your chance to ask me a question about my decision, use #lebrondecision to submit and I'll answer them tonight.

Unbelievable....I don't know how ANYONE can respect this dude.


Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

This guy Lebron

from his twitter....

Good Morning! It's your chance to ask me a question about my decision, use #lebrondecision to submit and I'll answer them tonight.

Unbelievable....I don't know how ANYONE can respect this dude.

You don't even know him like that tho


Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by HANNSUM

Originally Posted by Mamba MVP

Originally Posted by debs 168

how does being a sidekick to win rings help his brand??
Winning ring(s) helps his brand. There will be no denying that, especially in China (see Bean Bryant).
china men only buy fakes. 85% cannot afford a pair of nikes. stop with your china analogy, never again

Dude, +!+$+%@% is not the preferred nomenclature.
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