[::Official Lakers Offseason Thread | Vol. Watch out world...we might sign Othello Hunter::]

Ya'll lost me with that Sloan crap.  Dude is done.  He's tough, yes, but he's old and the game passed him by as well.  He's not the guy we're lookin for. 

I don't really like Adelman either, but I do understand the reservations about Shaw bein the coach with Kobe and Fish still around.  I fear they would struggle under him. 

I would LOVE to give Shaw a look as soon as Kobe and co are gone.  But right now, I dunno, seems shaky to me. 

Now Fisher, that boy gonna have a job lined up with us the second he retires.  And I bet he's our coach someday, and I bet he's a damn good one as well. 

I still wish Scott was available.  He wears his teams out after 3 years or so, that's exactly what we want.  3 years, then he can leave with the rest of our core.  He was hopin to land Lebron, shoulda never took that job. 
Ya'll lost me with that Sloan crap.  Dude is done.  He's tough, yes, but he's old and the game passed him by as well.  He's not the guy we're lookin for. 

I don't really like Adelman either, but I do understand the reservations about Shaw bein the coach with Kobe and Fish still around.  I fear they would struggle under him. 

I would LOVE to give Shaw a look as soon as Kobe and co are gone.  But right now, I dunno, seems shaky to me. 

Now Fisher, that boy gonna have a job lined up with us the second he retires.  And I bet he's our coach someday, and I bet he's a damn good one as well. 

I still wish Scott was available.  He wears his teams out after 3 years or so, that's exactly what we want.  3 years, then he can leave with the rest of our core.  He was hopin to land Lebron, shoulda never took that job. 
Well if Buss wants to bring "Showtime" back then Adelman would make sense.

I don't think Sloan is returning. Especially not LA. Doesn't seem like he would fit with the team or city.

I read earlier today about JVG being asked about the job by a radio station. He didn't really tip his hand except just saying there would be a lot of pressure.


I dislike it when assistant coaches get promoted to head coaches. Usually doesn't end well.
Well if Buss wants to bring "Showtime" back then Adelman would make sense.

I don't think Sloan is returning. Especially not LA. Doesn't seem like he would fit with the team or city.

I read earlier today about JVG being asked about the job by a radio station. He didn't really tip his hand except just saying there would be a lot of pressure.


I dislike it when assistant coaches get promoted to head coaches. Usually doesn't end well.
Yeah I completely forgot about Byron, I wish he would have waited, he'd be perfect for this position. I don't think Jerry is done, D-Will just tried to take over and he wasn't having that. I think with a veteran laden team like LA and a guy in Kobe that respects the hell out of him, he'd be able to get through, plus it would be fun to watch these guys try to run his motion offense.

Honestly though, who else is there with good credentials/respect, Pop ain't leaving SA, Doc is going back to Boston, Nate is staying in POR and Larry Bird for damn sure ain't coming to coach LA
Yeah I completely forgot about Byron, I wish he would have waited, he'd be perfect for this position. I don't think Jerry is done, D-Will just tried to take over and he wasn't having that. I think with a veteran laden team like LA and a guy in Kobe that respects the hell out of him, he'd be able to get through, plus it would be fun to watch these guys try to run his motion offense.

Honestly though, who else is there with good credentials/respect, Pop ain't leaving SA, Doc is going back to Boston, Nate is staying in POR and Larry Bird for damn sure ain't coming to coach LA
God, please no Jerry Sloan...pretty please. No knock on Sloan, but that's a bad fit for the LAkers.

JVG would be nice. Adelman is proven.

I'm not exactly against Brian Shaw being promoted. We've seen new guys on the scene. Hollins for Memphis, the guy for the Hawks, Tibs (granted, he had solid experience
with that Celtics defense). Plus you factor in that Shaw has been watching and learning under Phil Jackson...you have to like that. He isn't the sexy pick, but I'd like to keep
him in the discussion, especially if the bigger aforementioned names are not available.
God, please no Jerry Sloan...pretty please. No knock on Sloan, but that's a bad fit for the LAkers.

JVG would be nice. Adelman is proven.

I'm not exactly against Brian Shaw being promoted. We've seen new guys on the scene. Hollins for Memphis, the guy for the Hawks, Tibs (granted, he had solid experience
with that Celtics defense). Plus you factor in that Shaw has been watching and learning under Phil Jackson...you have to like that. He isn't the sexy pick, but I'd like to keep
him in the discussion, especially if the bigger aforementioned names are not available.
23ska909red02 wrote:
List your priorities, Lakers fans.

I've gone with these issues:
- bench
- PG
- head coach
- shooters

Use those or create your own.

My priorities:
#1. Head coach
We can't start training camp in a few months if we don't even know what kind of offense/defense we're going to be running.

#2. PG
Fish is my dude, and I've aid many times that HE has been my favorite Laker the last decade or so... but he's not cutting it anymore. We need a PG that is going to quarterback this team in times of trouble, when other teams are making 11-0 runs, when we're up 16 and the other team is gaining momentum... FAST. We need someone with the confidence to say "We're going to get a couple stops and a couple buckets, and here's how," and then do it. He needs to see weaknesses in the other team at all times, he needs to be constantly be aware of who's hot for us, and if no one is, then he needs to either GET someone hot or get a couple buckets himself. Fisher... did not do that this playoffs; hell, not this year.

#3. Shooter
I see you guys mentioning guys like Arenas, and that's what I'm talking about. We need people who can DRAIN from the perimeter. Ray Allen, James Jones, James Harden... those guys make sure the defense doesn't just constantly double Pierce/Garnett, Wade/LeBron, Westbrook/Durant, because they WILL get found by the team's PG (see my 2nd priority), and they WILL put up 3-balls for days.

#4. Bench
Yeah, we need to improve our bench, but I have this as our last priority because today's NBA is really more of a 7-8 man rotation. I think if we kept 2 of 3 Bs on the bench (Brown, Barnes, Blake), we'd be alright. If we pick up a shooter, get rid if Brown. If we get a PG, get rid of Blake.

Sort of a weird problem, getting the speed/athleticism automatically upgrades our bench, hence why I'm not too worried about the bench, in an indirect way.  If it was simply a matter of player upgrade not dependant on speed and athleticism I would move bench up dramatically.  But getting one JR Smith/CJ Miles type would improve both areas in one shot, if that makes sense.  (it does in my head, but so do a lot of things

Shooting, same, a JR would fit nicely, althought I dunno if I want that much shooting. 
  I want his range/ability, but I dunno if I wanna see 9 30 footers off the bench neither.  If we could get a guy to stroke 3 3's a night in maybe 5-6 attempts, I'd be happy with that.  I honestly thought Blake was going to do this for us this year.  It's what he was good at in Portland, but he never found his groove with us.  Not sure if it was minutes or what.  And if you remember, early in the year, Shannon was LIGHTS OUT, and a big reason we went 13-2 to start the year.  Barnes also started out well, til he got injured.  I'm tellin ya, the guys "could" do it, we all simply wore down.  70 playoff games in 3 years will do that to ya. 
If Shannon stays, let's hope he hits the gym shooting again like he did last year, and with the extra rest, maybe he sustains that thru the end of the season.  He does that, and we add one body off the bench that can shoot, then there's are weapons.  (plus any improvement Blake and Barnes could give us)  BTW, darkhorse here, Ebanks.  If he adds anything to his game, and can give us 10 minutes a night, there's some speed and athleticism we could use. 

Coach I addressed in a previous post.  I still hold out hope that Phil gets his vacation over with, relaxes, maybe a lockout lasts a couple weeks/months, gives him extra rest and he comes back, but if his ship really sails, then I suppose Shaw is next.  I wish for Jeff Van Gundy for this team, and he can leave in 3 years when the core does, but I dunno if he wants the stress.  Either way, we're LA, we have a ton of talent, finding someone to want to coach us shouldn't be hard.  Finding the right guy, that Kobe can't walk all over, may prove to be more difficult. 

PG, I know everyone has tired of Fisher.  Certainly he isn't what he once was.  But he's still solid as a spot up guy and leader.  And I know for a fact we'll need a big shot from him at some point, someday.  But we have sucked at PG for a decade, and done ok I suppose. 
  But in today's NBA, PG is getting better and better, deeper and deeper in the NBA.  If this was 3 years ago, I would have PG last as my concern instead of 4th.  But we do need something to help out.  Be nice if Blake got comfortable and gave us what I expected.  But if we can't count on that, then we need to look elsewhere, problem is, not much out there.  Not a lot of options, esspecially when you consider having both Fish and Blake on the roster.  If Blake got moved somehow, then you have a chance.  One thing to keep an eye on (and I don't like it) is Andre Miller.  Portland could decline his option and go another direction, then he needs a job.  Vet guy, vet team, maybe no more triangle to learn, but he don't shoot for @#$% and he damn sure don't speed us up, but overall, he is a talent upgrade, so it's worth the look.  Him and Blake together on the same team might kill me though. 

Bench.  Perfect world, find a decent PG, Fish goes to the bench, Odom already there, Shannon improves his jump shot some more, Barnes gets healthy with rest, Ebanks improves his game, and we add one decent big to our bench.  A nice compliment to the rest of the benches game.  A stretch 4 won't work, that's what Odom is supposed to be, a big Z type would work since he can hit outside shots, but by NO MEANS do I want Big Z.  I said TYPE.  Big enough to defend and board, but also can add shooting to our team if we fail elsewhere to add some. 

We don't have a lot of roster space or money to move stuff around.  If Barnes and Brown decline their options, then maybe we have some space to play with, but if not, we pretty much have the exact same roster, plus maybe a second rounder that makes the team.  I pray Ebanks can improve a lot in one off season.  I hope he spends weeks at Kobe's house playin, learnin to shoot a little bit, but even more so, how to defend a tough offensive player.  He coulda helped us close out some shooter better than Ron can these days.  Next year, teams are going to space us to death just like Dallas and also Phoenix did.  (that 22 3's game, and 3 OT game make a lot more sense now after seeing what Dallas did too us) 

Now, our big hope is obvious.  Dwight tells ORLD he wants to play in LA, no where else.  If that happens, our whole team changes.  He changes our entire defense, as well as gives us many more easy buckets.  Lobs, fastbreaks, putbacks would all be in play more with him, than Bynum.  If not, then we just have to hope Bynum can stay healthy, improve his game even more, lose some weight, and go from there.  Longer offseason for Kobe and Pau should do wonders, and maybe Ron will get back in gear as well.  Article I read today mentions, all year long Kobe couldn't practice, and it hurt the team.  This year, he says he can use the longer offseason to heal and build strength, he will practice again next year, and they will get on the same page better.  Also, if Bynum plays 70 games, (or 65) then Pau won't have to burn heavy minutes and wear himself down, that will also help us.  A fresh, healthy LA squad would have had the answers for Dallas.  A wore down squad could not.  Dallas played like a team fresh as hell, even if there are older in terms of years and what not.  It's the minutes/games/wear and tear that grind on players. 

We will be a problem next year if injuries leave us alone.  We'll always have minor ones, no worry there, but with the extra rest this year, we should be more solid next year.  We shall see. 
23ska909red02 wrote:
List your priorities, Lakers fans.

I've gone with these issues:
- bench
- PG
- head coach
- shooters

Use those or create your own.

My priorities:
#1. Head coach
We can't start training camp in a few months if we don't even know what kind of offense/defense we're going to be running.

#2. PG
Fish is my dude, and I've aid many times that HE has been my favorite Laker the last decade or so... but he's not cutting it anymore. We need a PG that is going to quarterback this team in times of trouble, when other teams are making 11-0 runs, when we're up 16 and the other team is gaining momentum... FAST. We need someone with the confidence to say "We're going to get a couple stops and a couple buckets, and here's how," and then do it. He needs to see weaknesses in the other team at all times, he needs to be constantly be aware of who's hot for us, and if no one is, then he needs to either GET someone hot or get a couple buckets himself. Fisher... did not do that this playoffs; hell, not this year.

#3. Shooter
I see you guys mentioning guys like Arenas, and that's what I'm talking about. We need people who can DRAIN from the perimeter. Ray Allen, James Jones, James Harden... those guys make sure the defense doesn't just constantly double Pierce/Garnett, Wade/LeBron, Westbrook/Durant, because they WILL get found by the team's PG (see my 2nd priority), and they WILL put up 3-balls for days.

#4. Bench
Yeah, we need to improve our bench, but I have this as our last priority because today's NBA is really more of a 7-8 man rotation. I think if we kept 2 of 3 Bs on the bench (Brown, Barnes, Blake), we'd be alright. If we pick up a shooter, get rid if Brown. If we get a PG, get rid of Blake.

Sort of a weird problem, getting the speed/athleticism automatically upgrades our bench, hence why I'm not too worried about the bench, in an indirect way.  If it was simply a matter of player upgrade not dependant on speed and athleticism I would move bench up dramatically.  But getting one JR Smith/CJ Miles type would improve both areas in one shot, if that makes sense.  (it does in my head, but so do a lot of things

Shooting, same, a JR would fit nicely, althought I dunno if I want that much shooting. 
  I want his range/ability, but I dunno if I wanna see 9 30 footers off the bench neither.  If we could get a guy to stroke 3 3's a night in maybe 5-6 attempts, I'd be happy with that.  I honestly thought Blake was going to do this for us this year.  It's what he was good at in Portland, but he never found his groove with us.  Not sure if it was minutes or what.  And if you remember, early in the year, Shannon was LIGHTS OUT, and a big reason we went 13-2 to start the year.  Barnes also started out well, til he got injured.  I'm tellin ya, the guys "could" do it, we all simply wore down.  70 playoff games in 3 years will do that to ya. 
If Shannon stays, let's hope he hits the gym shooting again like he did last year, and with the extra rest, maybe he sustains that thru the end of the season.  He does that, and we add one body off the bench that can shoot, then there's are weapons.  (plus any improvement Blake and Barnes could give us)  BTW, darkhorse here, Ebanks.  If he adds anything to his game, and can give us 10 minutes a night, there's some speed and athleticism we could use. 

Coach I addressed in a previous post.  I still hold out hope that Phil gets his vacation over with, relaxes, maybe a lockout lasts a couple weeks/months, gives him extra rest and he comes back, but if his ship really sails, then I suppose Shaw is next.  I wish for Jeff Van Gundy for this team, and he can leave in 3 years when the core does, but I dunno if he wants the stress.  Either way, we're LA, we have a ton of talent, finding someone to want to coach us shouldn't be hard.  Finding the right guy, that Kobe can't walk all over, may prove to be more difficult. 

PG, I know everyone has tired of Fisher.  Certainly he isn't what he once was.  But he's still solid as a spot up guy and leader.  And I know for a fact we'll need a big shot from him at some point, someday.  But we have sucked at PG for a decade, and done ok I suppose. 
  But in today's NBA, PG is getting better and better, deeper and deeper in the NBA.  If this was 3 years ago, I would have PG last as my concern instead of 4th.  But we do need something to help out.  Be nice if Blake got comfortable and gave us what I expected.  But if we can't count on that, then we need to look elsewhere, problem is, not much out there.  Not a lot of options, esspecially when you consider having both Fish and Blake on the roster.  If Blake got moved somehow, then you have a chance.  One thing to keep an eye on (and I don't like it) is Andre Miller.  Portland could decline his option and go another direction, then he needs a job.  Vet guy, vet team, maybe no more triangle to learn, but he don't shoot for @#$% and he damn sure don't speed us up, but overall, he is a talent upgrade, so it's worth the look.  Him and Blake together on the same team might kill me though. 

Bench.  Perfect world, find a decent PG, Fish goes to the bench, Odom already there, Shannon improves his jump shot some more, Barnes gets healthy with rest, Ebanks improves his game, and we add one decent big to our bench.  A nice compliment to the rest of the benches game.  A stretch 4 won't work, that's what Odom is supposed to be, a big Z type would work since he can hit outside shots, but by NO MEANS do I want Big Z.  I said TYPE.  Big enough to defend and board, but also can add shooting to our team if we fail elsewhere to add some. 

We don't have a lot of roster space or money to move stuff around.  If Barnes and Brown decline their options, then maybe we have some space to play with, but if not, we pretty much have the exact same roster, plus maybe a second rounder that makes the team.  I pray Ebanks can improve a lot in one off season.  I hope he spends weeks at Kobe's house playin, learnin to shoot a little bit, but even more so, how to defend a tough offensive player.  He coulda helped us close out some shooter better than Ron can these days.  Next year, teams are going to space us to death just like Dallas and also Phoenix did.  (that 22 3's game, and 3 OT game make a lot more sense now after seeing what Dallas did too us) 

Now, our big hope is obvious.  Dwight tells ORLD he wants to play in LA, no where else.  If that happens, our whole team changes.  He changes our entire defense, as well as gives us many more easy buckets.  Lobs, fastbreaks, putbacks would all be in play more with him, than Bynum.  If not, then we just have to hope Bynum can stay healthy, improve his game even more, lose some weight, and go from there.  Longer offseason for Kobe and Pau should do wonders, and maybe Ron will get back in gear as well.  Article I read today mentions, all year long Kobe couldn't practice, and it hurt the team.  This year, he says he can use the longer offseason to heal and build strength, he will practice again next year, and they will get on the same page better.  Also, if Bynum plays 70 games, (or 65) then Pau won't have to burn heavy minutes and wear himself down, that will also help us.  A fresh, healthy LA squad would have had the answers for Dallas.  A wore down squad could not.  Dallas played like a team fresh as hell, even if there are older in terms of years and what not.  It's the minutes/games/wear and tear that grind on players. 

We will be a problem next year if injuries leave us alone.  We'll always have minor ones, no worry there, but with the extra rest this year, we should be more solid next year.  We shall see. 
CP you my dude but i can't believe you even brought up the notion of Al Thornton

Dude is a one-dimensional player who aint even that good in that dimension....and he's a terrible defender.

Anyway, I don't mind Rick....he's good with working with veteran teams, and he has some playoff success in the past albeit short of a championship.

But if we're getting Rick, he better bring a guy who's gonna preach sound defensive principles as an assistant....Our defense this postseason was appalling
CP you my dude but i can't believe you even brought up the notion of Al Thornton

Dude is a one-dimensional player who aint even that good in that dimension....and he's a terrible defender.

Anyway, I don't mind Rick....he's good with working with veteran teams, and he has some playoff success in the past albeit short of a championship.

But if we're getting Rick, he better bring a guy who's gonna preach sound defensive principles as an assistant....Our defense this postseason was appalling
 I just meant in terms of scoring, nothing else we would ask of him, just give us punch off the bench, run 2 man games with whichever big we have in there, Bynum or Gasol.  That role was Shannon last year, you think Al Thorton is worse? 
 I just meant in terms of scoring, nothing else we would ask of him, just give us punch off the bench, run 2 man games with whichever big we have in there, Bynum or Gasol.  That role was Shannon last year, you think Al Thorton is worse? 
Al Thornton is a little bit like a cheaper version of Corey Maggette, but from what I saw, a bit more under control. He's not a bad scorer to have off the bench. I liked him when he was on the Warriors...or rather, he didn't give me a reason to hate him.
Al Thornton is a little bit like a cheaper version of Corey Maggette, but from what I saw, a bit more under control. He's not a bad scorer to have off the bench. I liked him when he was on the Warriors...or rather, he didn't give me a reason to hate him.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Arenas would be awesome. You can NOT leave him open. He's not the player he once was, where he would just get buckets for days, but you double Pau in the paint, and Arenas WILL make you pay from beyond.

The Wizards being my other NBA team, I've watched a good bit of Gilbert Arenas' games and he shoots a lot better with somebody covering him than when he's too wide open(kinda like Kobe). He's more likely to drain a three off the dribble or from triple threat than from posting in the corner and getting a kickout. The closest he gets to hitting open/setup jumpshots is when the ball is working around the perimeter and he should probably pass it or attack the rim and instead he just instantly shoots it 
 He was pretty good at those bad shots though. 
As far as my priority list goes, I would say:

1) If we are going to keep Pau, we need to figure out what's wrong with him and how to fix it. Remember when we made that trade and everybody talked about how lopsided it was? And remember how Marc Gasol vastly outplayed Pau in these playoffs?
That's issue #1 as far as I'm concerned; get Pau to snap back into reality.

2) Coach. I like Brian Shaw but everyone seems to be speculating that he wouldn't be enough of an authority figure to keep Kobe reigned in and manage the personalities of the team; which might be a fair point. Personally I'd like to see JVG give it a try, but I think I'm biased just because I just wanna hear his press conferences

3a) Shooters. While Pau got a lot of flack for this series, Kobe caught some as well, including from me a little bit. But when I went back and looked at it, he was creating a good bit of open shots for guys on the perimeter, but nobody was hitting them. I can't recall seeing a team shoot so poorly from 3 in a series as we did against the Mavs. And many of those were wide open from Artest, Blake, etc.

3b) Assuming we ditch the triangle, getting a viable point guard becomes even more important. Even with Kobe and Pau being fairly ball dominant, we need somebody to keep the offense running when they aren't in the game or don't have the ball. I don't even think I can put into words how upset I was with how stagnant the offense got at times against the Mavs. That's what pretty much cost us the series; we'd play well enough to have a lead in the 4th quarter and then just completely refuse to even move or run any kind of offensive sets at the most critical juncture of the game. What the hell was that? Ugh.  It's funny that Phil made the comment he did about the Heat playing iso/playground ball when a lot of the time our offense will be nothing but iso for long stretches. In Game 3 down the stretch we just stood around and let Odom do iso on Peja, while the Mavs actually moved the ball and found the open man for a shot 
 It's frustrating because Kobe, Pau, and Odom are really good passers when they actually try. Same with the interior passing between Pau and Bynum. And then it just disappeared...

Wow, before I went on that rant my main point was going to be that we need a PG that can defend, even if he isn't great on O. I wasn't surprised to see CP3 give us some issues, but JJ Barea almost singlehandedly beat us in the 4th quarter of Game 3. That's flat out unacceptable and Fish has to be delusional at this point to think that his role on this team should be anything more than locker room presence and spot up shooter off the bench. He finally hit that stage where not only was he awful in the regular season, but he was no longer good in the playoffs either
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

Arenas would be awesome. You can NOT leave him open. He's not the player he once was, where he would just get buckets for days, but you double Pau in the paint, and Arenas WILL make you pay from beyond.

The Wizards being my other NBA team, I've watched a good bit of Gilbert Arenas' games and he shoots a lot better with somebody covering him than when he's too wide open(kinda like Kobe). He's more likely to drain a three off the dribble or from triple threat than from posting in the corner and getting a kickout. The closest he gets to hitting open/setup jumpshots is when the ball is working around the perimeter and he should probably pass it or attack the rim and instead he just instantly shoots it 
 He was pretty good at those bad shots though. 
As far as my priority list goes, I would say:

1) If we are going to keep Pau, we need to figure out what's wrong with him and how to fix it. Remember when we made that trade and everybody talked about how lopsided it was? And remember how Marc Gasol vastly outplayed Pau in these playoffs?
That's issue #1 as far as I'm concerned; get Pau to snap back into reality.

2) Coach. I like Brian Shaw but everyone seems to be speculating that he wouldn't be enough of an authority figure to keep Kobe reigned in and manage the personalities of the team; which might be a fair point. Personally I'd like to see JVG give it a try, but I think I'm biased just because I just wanna hear his press conferences

3a) Shooters. While Pau got a lot of flack for this series, Kobe caught some as well, including from me a little bit. But when I went back and looked at it, he was creating a good bit of open shots for guys on the perimeter, but nobody was hitting them. I can't recall seeing a team shoot so poorly from 3 in a series as we did against the Mavs. And many of those were wide open from Artest, Blake, etc.

3b) Assuming we ditch the triangle, getting a viable point guard becomes even more important. Even with Kobe and Pau being fairly ball dominant, we need somebody to keep the offense running when they aren't in the game or don't have the ball. I don't even think I can put into words how upset I was with how stagnant the offense got at times against the Mavs. That's what pretty much cost us the series; we'd play well enough to have a lead in the 4th quarter and then just completely refuse to even move or run any kind of offensive sets at the most critical juncture of the game. What the hell was that? Ugh.  It's funny that Phil made the comment he did about the Heat playing iso/playground ball when a lot of the time our offense will be nothing but iso for long stretches. In Game 3 down the stretch we just stood around and let Odom do iso on Peja, while the Mavs actually moved the ball and found the open man for a shot 
 It's frustrating because Kobe, Pau, and Odom are really good passers when they actually try. Same with the interior passing between Pau and Bynum. And then it just disappeared...

Wow, before I went on that rant my main point was going to be that we need a PG that can defend, even if he isn't great on O. I wasn't surprised to see CP3 give us some issues, but JJ Barea almost singlehandedly beat us in the 4th quarter of Game 3. That's flat out unacceptable and Fish has to be delusional at this point to think that his role on this team should be anything more than locker room presence and spot up shooter off the bench. He finally hit that stage where not only was he awful in the regular season, but he was no longer good in the playoffs either
Originally Posted by PMatic

Well if Buss wants to bring "Showtime" back then Adelman would make sense.

I don't think Sloan is returning. Especially not LA. Doesn't seem like he would fit with the team or city.

I read earlier today about JVG being asked about the job by a radio station. He didn't really tip his hand except just saying there would be a lot of pressure.


I dislike it when assistant coaches get promoted to head coaches. Usually doesn't end well.
with Kobe's old legs, there will not be a "showtime II" 
I think the Lakers need to keep the triangle offense because you don't want to change the offensive scheme at this stage in Kobe's career so my pick would be Shaw. 
Originally Posted by PMatic

Well if Buss wants to bring "Showtime" back then Adelman would make sense.

I don't think Sloan is returning. Especially not LA. Doesn't seem like he would fit with the team or city.

I read earlier today about JVG being asked about the job by a radio station. He didn't really tip his hand except just saying there would be a lot of pressure.


I dislike it when assistant coaches get promoted to head coaches. Usually doesn't end well.
with Kobe's old legs, there will not be a "showtime II" 
I think the Lakers need to keep the triangle offense because you don't want to change the offensive scheme at this stage in Kobe's career so my pick would be Shaw. 
I feel like throwing some "Did not read".gifs at you CP. But i'll cut you some slack since you care so much about our team. 
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