OFFICIAL LAKERS 2009/2010 (57-25) 2009-2010 CHAMPIONS!!!!!!!

Fish as a starting pg next season ? Nah.... pass on that. We need a new taller and better scoring pg
Originally Posted by ACBboyz84

Fish as a starting pg next season ? Nah.... pass on that. We need a new taller and better scoring pg
Yeah lets bring back Smush Parker again

Lakers are over the cap already and won't have anything but the MLE to use this year.

Good luck trying to get a pipe dream PG like Kirk Hinrich this summer.

Farmar as our starting PG? HELL NO.
Absolutely agree that we need to bring Fish back, at the very least, as a backup point (and NO, i am not one of those dudes who constantly hated on Fish throughout the season)...We need to understand his value to the team is more than what's on the court.

A lot of you impatient dudes wanted him gone during the season...y'all gotta think much farther than that. Fish is a big part of this team period.

Enough about the offseason talk...that will handle itself when the time comes.

Game 2 tomorrow is a MUST WIN for us IMO. Can't let these guys have confidence heading back to Boston for 3 straight with a W in their pockets...absolutely cannot have that.

I expect the Celts to come out hard tomorrow. Hopefully our guys show up and exceed the intensity they showed in Game 1.
Fish stays but if we have a very sold back up for him then he can start but have less minutes in the regular season.

Game 2 is just as big if not bigger then game 1 was. The winner of this game will win the series.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Fish stays but if we have a very sold back up for him then he can start but have less minutes in the regular season.

Game 2 is just as big if not bigger then game 1 was. The winner of this game will win the series.

i wouldn't go as far to say that if Boston were to win because I doubt they would win all 3 straight at home in Boston, and the Lakers would need to just win once out there to regain home court back.

however if the Lakers win and go up 2-0 im 99.9% sure we can start planning what time were going to get up for the Laker parade at. If it's 2-0 Lakers, Boston would need to win 4 of the final 5, and if the Lakers were to take a game in Boston then the Celtics would need to win 2 in LA. Game 2 is that big for both teams.
The obvious thing that the lakers need to do with the fisher situation is resign fact, start him next season as well.

As the old saying goes, "If it aint broke don't fix it." If the lakers are able to win this series and another nba championship, that will be 5 rings for fisher. The lakers haven't won anything without him. I am one of the biggest fisher critics you will ever meet, but with him at the helm the lakers win. Champions know that a championship team, the make up of one, is delicate, and when you find the exact ingredients to making a championship team, you don't go messing that up.

If you have a cake that's a homerun hit with everyone, you dont decide to change the icing after you have won 5 exhibitions with that exact cake. Same with the Lakers.

People say fisher has slowed down....that's %!$%#**%. This is the exact same fisher that we have seen ever since he has played in Los Angeles. He's slowing down? Fisher has NEVER been that good of a defender, although he looks like one because he tries hard. From stoudimire, to bibby, to iverson, to westbrook, to nash, etc. he has always been busted by opposing lead guards. The point(No pun Intended) i am making here is that fisher isn't slowing down, he 's the same fisher to me imo and if that fisher has started on 4 championship teams and won 5, then you have no choice but to resign him, if you want to keep winning.

When fisher's time is up, everyone will know. He looks to be in tremendous shape, and his shooting as of late has been spectacular which comes as no suprise seeing as this is June.

Lakeshow, resign fish, and let him lead you to 6.
Man Lakers F'ed up and didn't protect home court.

I had a bad feeling going into game 2 because the Lakers had not lost a home playoff game this year and we were due for a home loss.

Now the Lakers have to go in bean town and win 2 out of 3 which is going to be very difficult.

If the Larkers only get 1 win in bean town and comeback down 3-2 it's not going to be good because the C's have shown they are a good road team and can win here in LA.

So yeah I'm nervous now.

Kobe played bad and the Lakers stopped going down low in the post to Pau & Drew who were playing great.

That 3 Kobe took and missed with 1:30 left in the 4th when the Lakers were down 95-90 was horrible and sealed up the W for the C's
Like I said earlier, I wasn't about to christen us champions just because of gm 1.

Now we go to Boston tied 1-1. And I don't think eother team is going to sweep in Boston. If I'm right, that means one team will win 2 games and the other will win 1 game. Soooo... someone will leave Boston up 3-2.

Anyone see this dude?


All I've seen is some guy running around not playing defense, fouling people, not making shots, and not passing effectively...
I have confidence that Lakers will take Game 3 and Game 5.  Game was horribly called both ways it seems and it just seems like the refs picked on Kobe tonight. I know for a fact Kobe will not have 5 fouls going into the 4th quarter in any games in Boston. Hopefully this game woke up Lamar Odom, cause hes about to get an ear full.
Ray Allen is the X-Factor in this series in my eyes. He's one of the surefire 3 point shooters on that squad and when he's on like he was tonight then some not-so-great numbers from KG and Pierce don't mean much. Big Baby, Nate, and Rasheed and even Rondo hit timely shots.

I'm concerned, can't even front. It's a real tough loss and we need great ball movement going into Boston.

Kobe missed some of the same shots that he did Game 1 but the difference is that Pau & Drew weren't cleaning them up as much.

Our bench HAS to step up. The Celtics bench is providing more. Shannon and Jordan need to drive and dish or something instead of taking those jumpers early in the shot clock. Just like I figured, this is one of those every possession matters 48 minute type of game.

I hope we gain back momentum Game 3
I just HATE when Pau is having a big game and the Lakers forget about him and stop running the offense through him.

Dude only had 10 shots for the game.

Pau needs to be more assertive and demand the ball more.
GuttaGetsBusy wrote:
Our bench HAS to step up. The Celtics bench is providing more. Shannon and Jordan need to drive and dish or something instead of taking those jumpers early in the shot clock. Just like I figured, this is one of those every possession matters 48 minute type of game.

I hope we gain back momentum Game 3
Lakers will have momentum. I'm sure they know that they're now in deep trouble. Celtics have a chance to take all three back in their home and it'll be like 2008 again. Like I said Lamar needs to wake up. He should be one of the guys on the bench that is the most pumped about this series.
Lamar still hasn't shown up. I'm wondering why we didn't go ahead with Sasha earlier in the game. Shannon Brown killed us leaving Ray Allen wide open.

Nothing to worry about, series is tied. Boston has 3 games at home and we know they aren't the best home team.

Pau should have gotten more touches, he was doing well out there. I'm glad to see that Andrew had a big game for us, that's a positive because I thought his injury would be worse for this series.

Now we know how the refs are gonna be calling the games with ticky tacky fouls, so we gotta adjust so that we don't get into foul trouble.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

I just HATE when Pau is having a big game and the Lakers forget about him and stop running the offense through him.

Dude only had 10 shots for the game.

Pau needs to be more assertive and demand the ball more.

It wasn't their fault they didn't run the offense through him, he quit posting up. If you want the ball, take a lesson from Bynum and get post position and go from there. Nobody's going to give you the ball if you just act like a spectator. What was even worse was KG wasn't even in the game due to foul trouble and Pau did absolutely nothing to take advantage.
Bottom line is Kobe needs to play better and more efficient right now he's not playing like the Finals MVP and Pau has been playing the best out of all the Lakers so far in the Finals.
Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Bottom line is Kobe needs to play better and more efficient right now he's not playing like the Finals MVP and Pau has been playing the best out of all the Lakers so far in the Finals.

lol the hell?  he barely played in this game and was out of rhythm, it wasnt his fault the refs called those 2 horrible fouls on him ..
yall crack me up.
So farmar and brown are free agensts right? These dudes are as good as gone unless they pull some miracle and play well the rest of the series

These dudes are some of the worst passers I have ever seen. They have a shoot first attitude which destroys the whole team concept every time they get in the game.
Their defense is non existent either. The lakers would be a much more efficient team if they just ran the offense and dumped the damn ball into post every damn time.

Lamar is not inconsistent. He just is not that good. Yeah he has the body to be good but he really does not excel at anything other than being long. He could still be a decent trash play player like Glen Daivs but
he just does not care or is mentally soft. How can a player get in foul trouble in 2 min. TWO TIMES IN A ROW IN THE NBA FINALS? Dude is just trash and laker fans should not expect him to show up anymore, especially in Boston.

Artest is the same as Brown and Farmar except that he plays defense and hustles more. He can be good if he STOPS FORCING SHOTS.

Everyone can say that the Lakers need to commit less turnovers and play better defense but can that really happen with Artest, Farmar, and Brown playing? Nah.
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Bottom line is Kobe needs to play better and more efficient right now he's not playing like the Finals MVP and Pau has been playing the best out of all the Lakers so far in the Finals.

lol the hell?  he barely played in this game and was out of rhythm, it wasnt his fault the refs called those 2 horrible fouls on him ..
yall crack me up.
QFT. He had an off game for him mainly due to the foul trouble, he only played 34 MINUTES! KB was never allowed to get into any rhythm. Pau had one of those disappearing acts in the 2nd half where he was floating on the perimeter. His numbers look great, but he didn't have any impact when the game was hanging in the balance. 
Originally Posted by badboyf0life420

Originally Posted by Notorious 858

Bottom line is Kobe needs to play better and more efficient right now he's not playing like the Finals MVP and Pau has been playing the best out of all the Lakers so far in the Finals.

lol the hell?  he barely played in this game and was out of rhythm, it wasnt his fault the refs called those 2 horrible fouls on him ..
yall crack me up.

Come on man be real now.

I'm not going to bring up the calls in game 2 tonight.

But seriously look at his stats for the first 2 games in the Finals:

Game 1: 10-22 from the field. Need a 3 at the end when the game was already decided  to get to 30 points.

Game 2: 8-20 from the field and 2-7 3 point shooting.

That not good at all and won't get it done in the Finals.
Originally Posted by knightngale

So farmar and brown are free agensts right? These dudes are as good as gone unless they pull some miracle and play well the rest of the series
he has a player option so im sure he will be back next year.
^does it make a difference if he decides to opt-out? he said he was going to do that.
i do NOT want him back on the team next year
he was brought in for his D, and he hasnt been doing that. farmar can go be a starting pg in the D-league

horrible officiating on both sides, which is disrupting the way both teams play
we have to get game 3
we need to play Sasha more than farmar or brown, btw. he was efficient in today's game
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