Official June 2014 WDYWT Thread Vol. Summer Begins...

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nice bro - i went from 275 to 175 & basically kind of did the same thing. I just budgeted calories so if i knew i was gonna be bad later that night, i would try to keep it low key during the day. low calorie foods that are filling are your friend when trying to lose weight. also not eating too close to bedtime and drinking mad water all day. finally, no fast food. cut it out completely. go buy some ground beef or turkey and cook your own patty up if you want a burger, it'll be better for you and more filling. one thing u can't be is too lazy to cook if you want to cut down on the ****** food intake that happens when you eat out
Yeah pretty simple, also saves a lot of money :lol:
I don't count calories though because that's not natural, but I keep what I eat in mind and have an idea of how much is enough.

alp alp You rocking pink pants? Your swag is more far out there than mine.

Alp b takin dem fashion risks 8)

They red, not pink :lol:
I wouldn't say they are pink but they are nice nonetheless idk how he rocking them in this weather in NJ it's to hot for me too even think about wearing sweats
It aint that hot out here. When it's 100+ I'll probably stick to shorts though :lol:
It aint that hot out here. When it's 100+ I'll probably stick to shorts though

You don't ditch the sweats till it hits 100?
that makes sense i guess

Props for putting in the effort to better your appearance
thanks. After a certain point enoughs enough. Not even just about appearance, also nice to be healthier. Although I'm not gonna lie a lot of fits simply can't work when you got excess weight on you
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