Ye "Big Brother came through and kicked my @#$"

Can't wait HOVA :smokin

Uhhh NO!!!

As has been the case for many years now, Big Brother came through and bit off lil brotha's innovative formula.

2007: "First I did a song wit' Coldplay, next thing I know he got a song wit' Coldplay"

2013: "Had Rick Ruben producing the album, next thing I know he got Rick producing his album"

I really wish y'all could see Jay for the leech that he is...:lol:

Can't wait :pimp: That promo was awesome...

Glad its only a couple weeks away... Don't know how I'd be able to manage after seeing that commercial :lol:

Hov going platinum already though :wow: :x

That producer lineup :wow:

That Pharrell joint is too cold :smh: :pimp: :pimp:
Not that it has to be a competition... I love the way Timberlake, Ye and now Jay approached their album releases.

I too love the way these artists have been releasing their music.

I hope he just drops the album without too much more info than a few more videos/tidbits through the app discussing the theme of the album etc. I honestly don't even want to see a tracklist or hear a single. Just drop the album and let that be that. Jay is at the point where an artist of his caliber and with such a strong fanbase he doesn't need to drop a single.

I like what I heard as far as the production goes in the video. Hopefully this album is strong and I have a feeling Jay is going to bring it lyrically. A 12-14 track album would be dope!
Uhhh NO!!!

As has been the case for many years now, Big Brother came through and bit off lil brotha's innovative formula.

2007: "First I did a song wit' Coldplay, next thing I know he got a song wit' Coldplay"

2013: "Had Rick Ruben producing the album, next thing I know he got Rick producing his album"

I really wish y'all could see Jay for the leech that he is...:lol:


I really wish you could see the fact that you don't know the timeline of the events and when exactly Jay recorded and Kanye recorded. So I don't know how you know that he is being a leech. Honestly none of us have any idea and also who cares?!
not really anticipating this project but i can legitimately say i'll check for it which is somethin i havent said about new material from jay in years...
Wow, Kanye has really been Jay's lifeline since like 2008. Almost embarassing in a way.

Curious to hear some of the beats but honestly not expecting much lyrically.
Never understood why Jay age always came up but Baby older walking around looking like a clown.
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Jay-Zs age always comes up, yet Snoop Dogg is a similar age, been on for longer, and has been putting out pure trash for around a decade and gets unlimited passes. Its a classic crabs in a barell scenario. He's at the top so people have to try and take him down.
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Looking forward to it. He has to be better lyrically than his last couple tracks, which have not been memorable.
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Never understood why Jay age always came up but Baby older walking around looking like a clown.

Yup Baby looking like a ******g cartoon but that ***** ok while Jay atleast makes decent music (not feeling the new stuff lately). What is the deal with Hip Hop age. Like once you been out for about 10 years its a crime that you still rap :lol:
is it me or has be really lost a step lyrically? like he's become reliant on production a little too much (ala kanye)
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oh NEAT. a group of old men that were in their prime 10+ years ago. serious. If the market dictated what was put out this album wouldn't get made. But since this guy can't just fall back and play with his kid he needs to spend millions to force material down our throat. I used to be a huge jay fan but he needs to hang it up.

What a BAN comment :rofl: :rofl:

Yall take this **** WAY too serious
Wow, Kanye has really been Jay's lifeline since like 2008. Almost embarassing in a way.

Curious to hear some of the beats but honestly not expecting much lyrically.
........and of course, what would a Jay Z thread be without the usual detractors, case in point.  Got my man throwing rocks from all the way overseas, hope that arm strength is good enough to made it across the water champ.  You, just like the rest of them will probably be the first to download it, jam to it, then post how bad it is on NT just to fulfill your role.   
:stoneface: snoop been wack for ages. last hot thing he did was hop on drop it like it's hot...which was only hot because of P's production

:stoneface: at your reading comprehension skills.
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Jay-Zs age always comes up, yet Snoop Dogg is a similar age, been on for longer, and has been putting out pure trash for around a decade and gets unlimited passes. Its a classic crabs in a barell scenario. He's at the top so people have to try and take him down.
snoop been wack for ages. last hot thing he did was hop on drop it like it's hot...which was only hot because of P's production
And why are you stonefacing me exactly? You just agreed with what I said
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