I wonder how Quinn feels now. Does he realize Brody was set up or is he mad and looking to kill him? I feel anyone who saw the confession tape should see Brody got set up.
Probably a stupid question, but was that Hebrew or Arabic that Sual was speaking at the end?

It's Hebrew.  He is saying a prayer that is sung in Temple over the dead.
Oh ok. I thought he was repeating the prayer the guy was saying for Abu Nazir. Thought it was a little connection with that but ah well.
-Why isn't Brody being monitored?
Cuz he was deemed to no longer be a threat since he changed sides and was working for them, and was the main reason Abu Nazir is dead as Quinn said in the ep. There was no reason to be suspicious of him any longer. There was no chatter of another attack. All of the known ppl connected to Nazir's cell were dead or caught and even then the only person monitoring Brody was Quinn and that was just to kill him. He explained why he didn't and that was that.
-Why is Brody still running around free in the first place?
He made a deal with the CIA. He was never publicly arrested. He was only secretly abducted so they can make him confess and supply them with info, then they made him a double agent. After that one ep he was monitored only when involving catching Nazir. The Op was done when Nazir died. Even when he was monitored he was able to lose them at times and he was always pretty free to do what he wanted.
-A guy who just attempted to bomb the VP is in the same room when the VP dies, at about the same time his lover is kidnapped by his terrorist mentor...and no one thinks that it is highly suspicious?? |I
Given that they just thought they stopped an attack on US soil no. They didn't know Nazir captured her until she contacted them and let them know and by then when they were searching for her the VP dies. Brody being in the same room isn't suspicious at all since he didn't kill the VP, cause of death is pacemaker. All he did was not help in time. Plus he told Saul he was going to meet the VP and tell him he was stepping down.
-A car with a bomb attached makes it onto the CIA grounds, where a VIP funeral is taking place???
Everybody there was cleared personnel. You forget that Brody managed to get a bomb vest in to a shelter consisting of the VP, the president's cabinet, and other CIA personnel? The only thing that should be questioned is when the C4 got in to his car. If it was after he parked it then yes, a group of ppl carrying C4 in to a guy's car and then moving it is suspect and a huge plothole but if it was in there the night before one person moving his car isn't that suspicious.
-and the US president isn't present? for his vice presidents memorial??? I guess he was busy doing other stuff.
The president gonna president man. This show has made an effort to not even hint at who is the US president in this world. I found it more of a problem when the VP was in the war room when they went after Nazir in Beirut. I mean it was clear they were referencing the pics from Obama okaying the kill of Osama by Seal Team 6.

So who knows why he aint show up.
-So no one is debriefing Carrie about Nazir?
From what I'm beginning to understand that's not immediate especially when it's over. Estes was talking about them getting a media spot and being praised more than handling the bureaucratic wrapping up of this op. So official debriefing could've been days or a week away. I get the feeling it would've happened the same time Saul mentioned he would lobby for her to get a promotion.
-Carrie is still running around like she owns the place? Going into peoples offices, escaping Langley with a terrorist suspect during a terrorist attack????
That location was weird. I get the feeling she was gonna take Brody in to Estes office so they could bang but yes she's cleared to walk around in the building. Also it seems everyone in the CIA was out or at the memorial.
-Quinn suddenly thinks that Brody has a heart of gold?
Nah, Quinn thinks what he said. Killing Brody, kills Carrie, a great CIA analyst and in the field agent, kills a man he has pity for who went through a lot (keep in mind the initial torture before being turned which he might see as brainwashing), who managed to find some love/peace with Carrie while making good on his word as a double agent.
-Quinn is a sucker for love?????
Yes. I say yes based on the part of that one ep where Saul had him followed and then met his wife/baby mama. Quinn probably is a sucker for love.
-Brody's family likes to ask government intelligence officers a lot of dumb questions:smh:
The family has been the most annoying and dumb part of this show and honestly given how they make this show as real as it can it makes sense.
-A car bomb only destroys buildings to it's immediate right, and not buildings on the left.
It wasn't a car bomb. It was the C4. They mention this later in the ep in scenes with Saul I think.
-Canada is a safe harbor for terrorists
Well at least getting there safely. I too felt it was dumb to think he wouldn't be recognized but the plan was to get to international waters I believe. It probably really easy to sneak in Canada, they're not having the same amount of problems the US has with Mexico. Aint no fences
-Nazir is a supergenius and hatched the perfect plan???>D :stoneface: >D :smh:
Just a back up plan that's only possible if this other cell he had waiting actually succeeds. So not so much a super genius but keeping in line with him being smart. Just a really good contingency plan. Nobody expects an attack after you stop the first one and the leader dies.
-because he knew that the memorial would take place next to an unoccupied parking spot? he knew that ****!?!?
If it was occupied I assumed whoever moved it would've just drove the car in to the building.
-Why would anyone want to frame Brody, when claiming responsibility is the ultimate goal???
It's not anybody and it's not about claiming responsibility. Brody betrayed them but already sent them the last confession for the attack he *****ed out on. This was about adding insult to injury. This was always the plan. It's not just about killing high ranking Americans on American soil but the fact they got one of their own, a marine to do it for them. That was always the intent. Plus I'm sure they were expecting to kill Brody as well so he'd actually be a martyr. So it's not really framing, it's just making things go the way they were suppose to according to their original plans. Mind you this was 8 years in the making.
-No one is really investigating whether there was foul play in the VP's death???
Maybe. Cause of death was the pacemaker. Who knows if the m.e. figures out there was foul play.
-Carrie really bought Brodys story???????
Given that it was Carrie that hinted to them leaving the memorial to bang, not Brody, the time they just spent in the cabin and what they talked about, after her initial knee jerk reaction I don't see why she or us the viewers wouldn't believe him.
-Carrie returning to the CIA after surviving a terrorist attack is cool, especially when she survived as a result of leaving a memorial with the prime terrorist suspect?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? >:
She got id and the credentials to pass through. I'm assuming all security there is new. Also NOBODY saw her leave with Brody. As of right now with the confession and the media everybody thinks Brody is dead except for Saul and the person who handed him the list talking about more bodies need to be pulled out and Carrie is presumed dead.
-Apparently only 3 or 4 people work at the CIA, because a guy who was just on lock down for failing a lie detector test is now the CIA director??? :\
If you were watching the show from season 1 you'd know given experience and seniority Saul was directly under Estes and next guy in charge. There's nothing surprising here. Plus he hasn't officially been named the CIA director. He's just the highest ranking officer left. The lady that showed up to greet was from another branch of federal law enforcement I think dod, fbi, or something like that and talked about helping.
-How do you know she even has i'd and credentials? Is she even CIA anymore, this really hasn't been she a free lancer? And just because you have clearance and credentials doesn't mean you can go anywhere on the CIA campus without impunity. Congressmen don't just get to walk around CIA buildings like it's nothing.
From the time she was brought back to the time they started the OP and abducted Brody she basically had the same status as before she lost her job and was allowed access. We basically see her go to these places throughout the season. Now as far as going anywhere I don't know what you're talking about. Rewatch the finale. Where exactly did she go that she wouldn't be allowed to? Like I said it looks like she went to go bang in Estes office.
-It hasn't been explained whether or not Brody has/had recieved immunity for assisting in the investigation...real life does not work like that, terrorists don't just get immunity regardless of the level of assistance in an investigation (just ask the chick who offed herself with the wine glass).
What you mean it hasn't been explained? They told him the terms of his deal, then we find out Estes was never going to stay true to his word, then Quinn says he aint gonna kill him and basically makes Estes stay true to the deal. No we haven't seen Brody sign a paper or get brought in to finish that part of everything but going by all of the characters on the show the CIA was going to keep their end of the bargain. We see it from Saul's behavior, we see it when Estes lets Saul go, we see it after Quinn tells Estes to do it. I'm not saying he had immunity already I'm saying he was going to still get it. So he was running around free cuz he handled his part of the deal and he was never fully under arrest by them. As a double agent he needed some freedom to begin with so things could look normal. They pulled surveillance on him cuz the OP was over. No one was expecting another attack and cuz Brody did everything they wanted there was no reason to be suspicious of him. That's how it works when you have an inside man working for you on the other side. You don't have complete control.
-Your Quinn assement is B.S., it just doesn't jive with his character...'he wanted to save Carrie???"...B.S. The writers where just lazy on that one.
You can call it bs and think so but you asked the question with those specific words so it must've been on your mind as well. Plus the damn creator of the show basically said the same damn thing. Watch Showtime after a movie or show is finished and they do those commercials for their other tv shows or after they rerun the finale they'll show him breaking down parts of the finale and what he says about Quinn and his decision not to kill Brody. Quinn specifically explains why he doesn't do it to Estes I'm not sure what else you need. If that's lazy writing oh well. Nothing about his character has shown he's some cold blooded killer that follows orders without thinking for himself. You assumed that. We've never seen his stance on Brody to begin with.
-If they move the car ...blah blah blah. The point is Abu Nazir planned for the memorial to take place at location that was near a parking lot.????
Like I already said if it wasn't near one I'm sure the dude who moved the car would've drove the car in to the memorial instead and detonated it that way. You're thinking far too much in to arbitrary details that wouldn't change anything. Also it wasn't Abu Nazir. It's the ppl he entrusted his plan to. His plan probably went as far as if I die and the attack doesn't go down (or maybe even if it goes down) they'll all have their guard down, so wait till they all get together for VP's funeral or something and kill them all with this C4 we never got to use. After that this other cell decides how to implement the plan after figuring out when the memorial and funeral is, where it's at, and how to do it.
-C4 car bomb, same difference...C4 can be used for a car bomb
Are you forgetting how much C4 we're talking about? You forgot how much they took from the tailor's shop and what they were saying about causalities? This was going to be used to kill all the returning troops, family, and the VP, probably the same amount if not more that died at the memorial. Go google C4 explosions or something and stop thinking it was a simple car bomb. For all you know the bomb wasn't some little thing under the car but the same size that was in the van just in trunk of Brody's car. There is no same difference. If you're not expert on this you should probably get some perspective on this before complaining.

I will say the spx was pretty bad though.
-Brody is the one who motioned to Carrie that they should leave the the episode again.
I watched they both got eye contact. He was looking fed up for the praise of the VP and she gave the upwards head nod.
-So you're telling me everyone was at the memorial, even the security guards and other personnel. Are you aware of how high level langley is? It's a pretty big deal security ranks up there with the Pentagon, white house, and nsa. Security guards don't just get to stop 'secuting'  because some dude died, matter of fact they ramp up the security.
What is this in reference to exactly? That everybody died or that Brody and Carrie got away? Cuz regardless after an explosion nobody is focusing on who is leaving, especially guards and analysts in this situation. It's not a stretch to think two ppl could take a car and dip under those circumstances. Even ppl saw them leave it's not like anyone would recognize them in that situation. Nothing to complain about here.
-Stupid show manmean.gif
Guess you won't be coming back next season.

Dudes busy spending their time complaining about what's not possible and realistic as if everything prior to this season was reasonable. It's just plain laughable a show gets bad when things they don't like go down and how willing they were before to ignore things. As if this is not a work of fiction or as if the show was pitched as something that is as real as possible :lol:
Last edited:
I wonder how Quinn feels now. Does he realize Brody was set up or is he mad and looking to kill him? I feel anyone who saw the confession tape should see Brody got set up.
Probably a stupid question, but was that Hebrew or Arabic that Sual was speaking at the end?

It's Hebrew.  He is saying a prayer that is sung in Temple over the dead.
Oh ok. I thought he was repeating the prayer the guy was saying for Abu Nazir. Thought it was a little connection with that but ah well.
-Why isn't Brody being monitored?
Cuz he was deemed to no longer be a threat since he changed sides and was working for them, and was the main reason Abu Nazir is dead as Quinn said in the ep. There was no reason to be suspicious of him any longer. There was no chatter of another attack. All of the known ppl connected to Nazir's cell were dead or caught and even then the only person monitoring Brody was Quinn and that was just to kill him. He explained why he didn't and that was that.
-Why is Brody still running around free in the first place?
He made a deal with the CIA. He was never publicly arrested. He was only secretly abducted so they can make him confess and supply them with info, then they made him a double agent. After that one ep he was monitored only when involving catching Nazir. The Op was done when Nazir died. Even when he was monitored he was able to lose them at times and he was always pretty free to do what he wanted.
-A guy who just attempted to bomb the VP is in the same room when the VP dies, at about the same time his lover is kidnapped by his terrorist mentor...and no one thinks that it is highly suspicious??
Given that they just thought they stopped an attack on US soil no. They didn't know Nazir captured her until she contacted them and let them know and by then when they were searching for her the VP dies. Brody being in the same room isn't suspicious at all since he didn't kill the VP, cause of death is pacemaker. All he did was not help in time. Plus he told Saul he was going to meet the VP and tell him he was stepping down.
-A car with a bomb attached makes it onto the CIA grounds, where a VIP funeral is taking place???
Everybody there was cleared personnel. You forget that Brody managed to get a bomb vest in to a shelter consisting of the VP, the president's cabinet, and other CIA personnel? The only thing that should be questioned is when the C4 got in to his car. If it was after he parked it then yes, a group of ppl carrying C4 in to a guy's car and then moving it is suspect and a huge plothole but if it was in there the night before one person moving his car isn't that suspicious.
-and the US president isn't present? for his vice presidents memorial??? I guess he was busy doing other stuff.
The president gonna president man. This show has made an effort to not even hint at who is the US president in this world. I found it more of a problem when the VP was in the war room when they went after Nazir in Beirut. I mean it was clear they were referencing the pics from Obama okaying the kill of Osama by Seal Team 6.

So who knows why he aint show up.
-So no one is debriefing Carrie about Nazir?
From what I'm beginning to understand that's not immediate especially when it's over. Estes was talking about them getting a media spot and being praised more than handling the bureaucratic wrapping up of this op. So official debriefing could've been days or a week away. I get the feeling it would've happened the same time Saul mentioned he would lobby for her to get a promotion.
-Carrie is still running around like she owns the place? Going into peoples offices, escaping Langley with a terrorist suspect during a terrorist attack????
That location was weird. I get the feeling she was gonna take Brody in to Estes office so they could bang but yes she's cleared to walk around in the building. Also it seems everyone in the CIA was out or at the memorial.
-Quinn suddenly thinks that Brody has a heart of gold?
Nah, Quinn thinks what he said. Killing Brody, kills Carrie, a great CIA analyst and in the field agent, kills a man he has pity for who went through a lot (keep in mind the initial torture before being turned which he might see as brainwashing), who managed to find some love/peace with Carrie while making good on his word as a double agent.
-Quinn is a sucker for love?????
Yes. I say yes based on the part of that one ep where Saul had him followed and then met his wife/baby mama. Quinn probably is a sucker for love.
-Brody's family likes to ask government intelligence officers a lot of dumb questions:smh:
The family has been the most annoying and dumb part of this show and honestly given how they make this show as real as it can it makes sense.
-A car bomb only destroys buildings to it's immediate right, and not buildings on the left.
It wasn't a car bomb. It was the C4. They mention this later in the ep in scenes with Saul I think.
-Canada is a safe harbor for terrorists
Well at least getting there safely. I too felt it was dumb to think he wouldn't be recognized but the plan was to get to international waters I believe. It probably really easy to sneak in Canada, they're not having the same amount of problems the US has with Mexico. Aint no fences
-Nazir is a supergenius and hatched the perfect plan???
Just a back up plan that's only possible if this other cell he had waiting actually succeeds. So not so much a super genius but keeping in line with him being smart. Just a really good contingency plan. Nobody expects an attack after you stop the first one and the leader dies.
-because he knew that the memorial would take place next to an unoccupied parking spot? he knew that ****!?!?
If it was occupied I assumed whoever moved it would've just drove the car in to the building.
-Why would anyone want to frame Brody, when claiming responsibility is the ultimate goal???
It's not anybody and it's not about claiming responsibility. Brody betrayed them but already sent them the last confession for the attack he *****ed out on. This was about adding insult to injury. This was always the plan. It's not just about killing high ranking Americans on American soil but the fact they got one of their own, a marine to do it for them. That was always the intent. Plus I'm sure they were expecting to kill Brody as well so he'd actually be a martyr. So it's not really framing, it's just making things go the way they were suppose to according to their original plans. Mind you this was 8 years in the making.
-No one is really investigating whether there was foul play in the VP's death???
Maybe. Cause of death was the pacemaker. Who knows if the m.e. figures out there was foul play.
-Carrie really bought Brodys story???????
Given that it was Carrie that hinted to them leaving the memorial to bang, not Brody, the time they just spent in the cabin and what they talked about, after her initial knee jerk reaction I don't see why she or us the viewers wouldn't believe him.
-Carrie returning to the CIA after surviving a terrorist attack is cool, especially when she survived as a result of leaving a memorial with the prime terrorist suspect??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
She got id and the credentials to pass through. I'm assuming all security there is new. Also NOBODY saw her leave with Brody. As of right now with the confession and the media everybody thinks Brody is dead except for Saul and the person who handed him the list talking about more bodies need to be pulled out and Carrie is presumed dead.
-Apparently only 3 or 4 people work at the CIA, because a guy who was just on lock down for failing a lie detector test is now the CIA director???
If you were watching the show from season 1 you'd know given experience and seniority Saul was directly under Estes and next guy in charge. There's nothing surprising here. Plus he hasn't officially been named the CIA director. He's just the highest ranking officer left. The lady that showed up to greet was from another branch of federal law enforcement I think dod, fbi, or something like that and talked about helping.
-How do you know she even has i'd and credentials? Is she even CIA anymore, this really hasn't been she a free lancer? And just because you have clearance and credentials doesn't mean you can go anywhere on the CIA campus without impunity. Congressmen don't just get to walk around CIA buildings like it's nothing.
From the time she was brought back to the time they started the OP and abducted Brody she basically had the same status as before she lost her job and was allowed access. We basically see her go to these places throughout the season. Now as far as going anywhere I don't know what you're talking about. Rewatch the finale. Where exactly did she go that she wouldn't be allowed to? Like I said it looks like she went to go bang in Estes office.
-It hasn't been explained whether or not Brody has/had recieved immunity for assisting in the investigation...real life does not work like that, terrorists don't just get immunity regardless of the level of assistance in an investigation (just ask the chick who offed herself with the wine glass).
What you mean it hasn't been explained? They told him the terms of his deal, then we find out Estes was never going to stay true to his word, then Quinn says he aint gonna kill him and basically makes Estes stay true to the deal. No we haven't seen Brody sign a paper or get brought in to finish that part of everything but going by all of the characters on the show the CIA was going to keep their end of the bargain. We see it from Saul's behavior, we see it when Estes lets Saul go, we see it after Quinn tells Estes to do it. I'm not saying he had immunity already I'm saying he was going to still get it. So he was running around free cuz he handled his part of the deal and he was never fully under arrest by them. As a double agent he needed some freedom to begin with so things could look normal. They pulled surveillance on him cuz the OP was over. No one was expecting another attack and cuz Brody did everything they wanted there was no reason to be suspicious of him. That's how it works when you have an inside man working for you on the other side. You don't have complete control.
-Your Quinn assement is B.S., it just doesn't jive with his character...'he wanted to save Carrie???"...B.S. The writers where just lazy on that one.
You can call it bs and think so but you asked the question with those specific words so it must've been on your mind as well. Plus the damn creator of the show basically said the same damn thing. Watch Showtime after a movie or show is finished and they do those commercials for their other tv shows or after they rerun the finale they'll show him breaking down parts of the finale and what he says about Quinn and his decision not to kill Brody. Quinn specifically explains why he doesn't do it to Estes I'm not sure what else you need. If that's lazy writing oh well. Nothing about his character has shown he's some cold blooded killer that follows orders without thinking for himself. You assumed that. We've never seen his stance on Brody to begin with.
-If they move the car ...blah blah blah. The point is Abu Nazir planned for the memorial to take place at location that was near a parking lot.????
Like I already said if it wasn't near one I'm sure the dude who moved the car would've drove the car in to the memorial instead and detonated it that way. You're thinking far too much in to arbitrary details that wouldn't change anything. Also it wasn't Abu Nazir. It's the ppl he entrusted his plan to. His plan probably went as far as if I die and the attack doesn't go down (or maybe even if it goes down) they'll all have their guard down, so wait till they all get together for VP's funeral or something and kill them all with this C4 we never got to use. After that this other cell decides how to implement the plan after figuring out when the memorial and funeral is, where it's at, and how to do it.
-C4 car bomb, same difference...C4 can be used for a car bomb
Are you forgetting how much C4 we're talking about? You forgot how much they took from the tailor's shop and what they were saying about causalities? This was going to be used to kill all the returning troops, family, and the VP, probably the same amount if not more that died at the memorial. Go google C4 explosions or something and stop thinking it was a simple car bomb. For all you know the bomb wasn't some little thing under the car but the same size that was in the van just in trunk of Brody's car. There is no same difference. If you're not expert on this you should probably get some perspective on this before complaining.

I will say the spx was pretty bad though.
-Brody is the one who motioned to Carrie that they should leave the the episode again.
I watched they both got eye contact. He was looking fed up for the praise of the VP and she gave the upwards head nod.
-So you're telling me everyone was at the memorial, even the security guards and other personnel. Are you aware of how high level langley is? It's a pretty big deal security ranks up there with the Pentagon, white house, and nsa. Security guards don't just get to stop 'secuting'  because some dude died, matter of fact they ramp up the security.
What is this in reference to exactly? That everybody died or that Brody and Carrie got away? Cuz regardless after an explosion nobody is focusing on who is leaving, especially guards and analysts in this situation. It's not a stretch to think two ppl could take a car and dip under those circumstances. Even ppl saw them leave it's not like anyone would recognize them in that situation. Nothing to complain about here.
-Stupid show manmean.gif
Guess you won't be coming back next season.

Dudes busy spending their time complaining about what's not possible and realistic as if everything prior to this season was reasonable. It's just plain laughable a show gets bad when things they don't like go down and how willing they were before to ignore things. As if this is not a work of fiction or as if the show was pitched as something that is as real as possible
How ironic and yes I probably wont be watching. 

As if I'm the only person voicing these concerns, Have fun watching 24 part 2.
From the time she was brought back to the time they started the OP and abducted Brody she basically had the same status as before she lost her job and was allowed access. We basically see her go to these places throughout the season. Now as far as going anywhere I don't know what you're talking about. Rewatch the finale. Where exactly did she go that she wouldn't be allowed to? Like I said it looks like she went to go bang in Estes office.
What you mean it hasn't been explained? They told him the terms of his deal, then we find out Estes was never going to stay true to his word, then Quinn says he aint gonna kill him and basically makes Estes stay true to the deal. No we haven't seen Brody sign a paper or get brought in to finish that part of everything but going by all of the characters on the show the CIA was going to keep their end of the bargain. We see it from Saul's behavior, we see it when Estes lets Saul go, we see it after Quinn tells Estes to do it. I'm not saying he had immunity already I'm saying he was going to still get it. So he was running around free cuz he handled his part of the deal and he was never fully under arrest by them. As a double agent he needed some freedom to begin with so things could look normal. They pulled surveillance on him cuz the OP was over. No one was expecting another attack and cuz Brody did everything they wanted there was no reason to be suspicious of him. That's how it works when you have an inside man working for you on the other side. You don't have complete control.
You can call it bs and think so but you asked the question with those specific words so it must've been on your mind as well. Plus the damn creator of the show basically said the same damn thing. Watch Showtime after a movie or show is finished and they do those commercials for their other tv shows or after they rerun the finale they'll show him breaking down parts of the finale and what he says about Quinn and his decision not to kill Brody. Quinn specifically explains why he doesn't do it to Estes I'm not sure what else you need. If that's lazy writing oh well. Nothing about his character has shown he's some cold blooded killer that follows orders without thinking for himself. You assumed that. We've never seen his stance on Brody to begin with.
Like I already said if it wasn't near one I'm sure the dude who moved the car would've drove the car in to the memorial instead and detonated it that way. You're thinking far too much in to arbitrary details that wouldn't change anything. Also it wasn't Abu Nazir. It's the ppl he entrusted his plan to. His plan probably went as far as if I die and the attack doesn't go down (or maybe even if it goes down) they'll all have their guard down, so wait till they all get together for VP's funeral or something and kill them all with this C4 we never got to use. After that this other cell decides how to implement the plan after figuring out when the memorial and funeral is, where it's at, and how to do it.
Are you forgetting how much C4 we're talking about? You forgot how much they took from the tailor's shop and what they were saying about causalities? This was going to be used to kill all the returning troops, family, and the VP, probably the same amount if not more that died at the memorial. Go google C4 explosions or something and stop thinking it was a simple car bomb. For all you know the bomb wasn't some little thing under the car but the same size that was in the van just in trunk of Brody's car. There is no same difference. If you're not expert on this you should probably get some perspective on this before complaining.
I will say the spx was pretty bad though.
I watched they both got eye contact. He was looking fed up for the praise of the VP and she gave the upwards head nod.
What is this in reference to exactly? That everybody died or that Brody and Carrie got away? Cuz regardless after an explosion nobody is focusing on who is leaving, especially guards and analysts in this situation. It's not a stretch to think two ppl could take a car and dip under those circumstances. Even ppl saw them leave it's not like anyone would recognize them in that situation. Nothing to complain about here.
Guess you won't be coming back next season.
Dudes busy spending their time complaining about what's not possible and realistic as if everything prior to this season was reasonable. It's just plain laughable a show gets bad when things they don't like go down and how willing they were before to ignore things. As if this is not a work of fiction or as if the show was pitched as something that is as real as possible :lol:

You remind me of those Nintendo Gamecube fanboys back in the day that would be on video game message boards going all out and ride or die for Nintendo when the PS2 and Xbox came out.
From the time she was brought back to the time they started the OP and abducted Brody she basically had the same status as before she lost her job and was allowed access. We basically see her go to these places throughout the season. Now as far as going anywhere I don't know what you're talking about. Rewatch the finale. Where exactly did she go that she wouldn't be allowed to? Like I said it looks like she went to go bang in Estes office.
What you mean it hasn't been explained? They told him the terms of his deal, then we find out Estes was never going to stay true to his word, then Quinn says he aint gonna kill him and basically makes Estes stay true to the deal. No we haven't seen Brody sign a paper or get brought in to finish that part of everything but going by all of the characters on the show the CIA was going to keep their end of the bargain. We see it from Saul's behavior, we see it when Estes lets Saul go, we see it after Quinn tells Estes to do it. I'm not saying he had immunity already I'm saying he was going to still get it. So he was running around free cuz he handled his part of the deal and he was never fully under arrest by them. As a double agent he needed some freedom to begin with so things could look normal. They pulled surveillance on him cuz the OP was over. No one was expecting another attack and cuz Brody did everything they wanted there was no reason to be suspicious of him. That's how it works when you have an inside man working for you on the other side. You don't have complete control.
You can call it bs and think so but you asked the question with those specific words so it must've been on your mind as well. Plus the damn creator of the show basically said the same damn thing. Watch Showtime after a movie or show is finished and they do those commercials for their other tv shows or after they rerun the finale they'll show him breaking down parts of the finale and what he says about Quinn and his decision not to kill Brody. Quinn specifically explains why he doesn't do it to Estes I'm not sure what else you need. If that's lazy writing oh well. Nothing about his character has shown he's some cold blooded killer that follows orders without thinking for himself. You assumed that. We've never seen his stance on Brody to begin with.
Like I already said if it wasn't near one I'm sure the dude who moved the car would've drove the car in to the memorial instead and detonated it that way. You're thinking far too much in to arbitrary details that wouldn't change anything. Also it wasn't Abu Nazir. It's the ppl he entrusted his plan to. His plan probably went as far as if I die and the attack doesn't go down (or maybe even if it goes down) they'll all have their guard down, so wait till they all get together for VP's funeral or something and kill them all with this C4 we never got to use. After that this other cell decides how to implement the plan after figuring out when the memorial and funeral is, where it's at, and how to do it.
Are you forgetting how much C4 we're talking about? You forgot how much they took from the tailor's shop and what they were saying about causalities? This was going to be used to kill all the returning troops, family, and the VP, probably the same amount if not more that died at the memorial. Go google C4 explosions or something and stop thinking it was a simple car bomb. For all you know the bomb wasn't some little thing under the car but the same size that was in the van just in trunk of Brody's car. There is no same difference. If you're not expert on this you should probably get some perspective on this before complaining.
I will say the spx was pretty bad though.
I watched they both got eye contact. He was looking fed up for the praise of the VP and she gave the upwards head nod.
What is this in reference to exactly? That everybody died or that Brody and Carrie got away? Cuz regardless after an explosion nobody is focusing on who is leaving, especially guards and analysts in this situation. It's not a stretch to think two ppl could take a car and dip under those circumstances. Even ppl saw them leave it's not like anyone would recognize them in that situation. Nothing to complain about here.
Guess you won't be coming back next season.
Dudes busy spending their time complaining about what's not possible and realistic as if everything prior to this season was reasonable. It's just plain laughable a show gets bad when things they don't like go down and how willing they were before to ignore things. As if this is not a work of fiction or as if the show was pitched as something that is as real as possible :lol:

You remind me of those Nintendo Gamecube fanboys back in the day that would be on video game message boards going all out and ride or die for Nintendo when the PS2 and Xbox came out.
Sorry but I'm not familiar with them so I can't really feel the zing of this comparison.

Regardless I just replied to questions that if you've watched the show and payed attention you'd be able to answer on your own for the most part. I mean in this quote I'm basically repeating answers I just told dude on the last page. It's okay not to like the show or feel it's jumped the shark but at least have legit complaints and keep it consistent.
From the time she was brought back to the time they started the OP and abducted Brody she basically had the same status as before she lost her job and was allowed access. We basically see her go to these places throughout the season. Now as far as going anywhere I don't know what you're talking about. Rewatch the finale. Where exactly did she go that she wouldn't be allowed to? Like I said it looks like she went to go bang in Estes office.
What you mean it hasn't been explained? They told him the terms of his deal, then we find out Estes was never going to stay true to his word, then Quinn says he aint gonna kill him and basically makes Estes stay true to the deal. No we haven't seen Brody sign a paper or get brought in to finish that part of everything but going by all of the characters on the show the CIA was going to keep their end of the bargain. We see it from Saul's behavior, we see it when Estes lets Saul go, we see it after Quinn tells Estes to do it. I'm not saying he had immunity already I'm saying he was going to still get it. So he was running around free cuz he handled his part of the deal and he was never fully under arrest by them. As a double agent he needed some freedom to begin with so things could look normal. They pulled surveillance on him cuz the OP was over. No one was expecting another attack and cuz Brody did everything they wanted there was no reason to be suspicious of him. That's how it works when you have an inside man working for you on the other side. You don't have complete control.
You can call it bs and think so but you asked the question with those specific words so it must've been on your mind as well. Plus the damn creator of the show basically said the same damn thing. Watch Showtime after a movie or show is finished and they do those commercials for their other tv shows or after they rerun the finale they'll show him breaking down parts of the finale and what he says about Quinn and his decision not to kill Brody. Quinn specifically explains why he doesn't do it to Estes I'm not sure what else you need. If that's lazy writing oh well. Nothing about his character has shown he's some cold blooded killer that follows orders without thinking for himself. You assumed that. We've never seen his stance on Brody to begin with.
Like I already said if it wasn't near one I'm sure the dude who moved the car would've drove the car in to the memorial instead and detonated it that way. You're thinking far too much in to arbitrary details that wouldn't change anything. Also it wasn't Abu Nazir. It's the ppl he entrusted his plan to. His plan probably went as far as if I die and the attack doesn't go down (or maybe even if it goes down) they'll all have their guard down, so wait till they all get together for VP's funeral or something and kill them all with this C4 we never got to use. After that this other cell decides how to implement the plan after figuring out when the memorial and funeral is, where it's at, and how to do it.
Are you forgetting how much C4 we're talking about? You forgot how much they took from the tailor's shop and what they were saying about causalities? This was going to be used to kill all the returning troops, family, and the VP, probably the same amount if not more that died at the memorial. Go google C4 explosions or something and stop thinking it was a simple car bomb. For all you know the bomb wasn't some little thing under the car but the same size that was in the van just in trunk of Brody's car. There is no same difference. If you're not expert on this you should probably get some perspective on this before complaining.
I will say the spx was pretty bad though.
I watched they both got eye contact. He was looking fed up for the praise of the VP and she gave the upwards head nod.
What is this in reference to exactly? That everybody died or that Brody and Carrie got away? Cuz regardless after an explosion nobody is focusing on who is leaving, especially guards and analysts in this situation. It's not a stretch to think two ppl could take a car and dip under those circumstances. Even ppl saw them leave it's not like anyone would recognize them in that situation. Nothing to complain about here.
Guess you won't be coming back next season.
Dudes busy spending their time complaining about what's not possible and realistic as if everything prior to this season was reasonable. It's just plain laughable a show gets bad when things they don't like go down and how willing they were before to ignore things. As if this is not a work of fiction or as if the show was pitched as something that is as real as possible
You remind me of those Nintendo Gamecube fanboys back in the day that would be on video game message boards going all out and ride or die for Nintendo when the PS2 and Xbox came out.
Sorry but I'm not familiar with them so I can't really feel the zing of this comparison.

Regardless I just replied to questions that if you've watched the show and payed attention you'd be able to answer on your own for the most part. I mean in this quote I'm basically repeating answers I just told dude on the last page. It's okay not to like the show or feel it's jumped the shark but at least have legit complaints and keep it consistent.
You answer questions that the show creators can't answer themselves???
From the time she was brought back to the time they started the OP and abducted Brody she basically had the same status as before she lost her job and was allowed access. We basically see her go to these places throughout the season. Now as far as going anywhere I don't know what you're talking about. Rewatch the finale. Where exactly did she go that she wouldn't be allowed to? Like I said it looks like she went to go bang in Estes office.

What you mean it hasn't been explained? They told him the terms of his deal, then we find out Estes was never going to stay true to his word, then Quinn says he aint gonna kill him and basically makes Estes stay true to the deal. No we haven't seen Brody sign a paper or get brought in to finish that part of everything but going by all of the characters on the show the CIA was going to keep their end of the bargain. We see it from Saul's behavior, we see it when Estes lets Saul go, we see it after Quinn tells Estes to do it. I'm not saying he had immunity already I'm saying he was going to still get it. So he was running around free cuz he handled his part of the deal and he was never fully under arrest by them. As a double agent he needed some freedom to begin with so things could look normal. They pulled surveillance on him cuz the OP was over. No one was expecting another attack and cuz Brody did everything they wanted there was no reason to be suspicious of him. That's how it works when you have an inside man working for you on the other side. You don't have complete control.

You can call it bs and think so but you asked the question with those specific words so it must've been on your mind as well. Plus the damn creator of the show basically said the same damn thing. Watch Showtime after a movie or show is finished and they do those commercials for their other tv shows or after they rerun the finale they'll show him breaking down parts of the finale and what he says about Quinn and his decision not to kill Brody. Quinn specifically explains why he doesn't do it to Estes I'm not sure what else you need. If that's lazy writing oh well. Nothing about his character has shown he's some cold blooded killer that follows orders without thinking for himself. You assumed that. We've never seen his stance on Brody to begin with.

Like I already said if it wasn't near one I'm sure the dude who moved the car would've drove the car in to the memorial instead and detonated it that way. You're thinking far too much in to arbitrary details that wouldn't change anything. Also it wasn't Abu Nazir. It's the ppl he entrusted his plan to. His plan probably went as far as if I die and the attack doesn't go down (or maybe even if it goes down) they'll all have their guard down, so wait till they all get together for VP's funeral or something and kill them all with this C4 we never got to use. After that this other cell decides how to implement the plan after figuring out when the memorial and funeral is, where it's at, and how to do it.

Are you forgetting how much C4 we're talking about? You forgot how much they took from the tailor's shop and what they were saying about causalities? This was going to be used to kill all the returning troops, family, and the VP, probably the same amount if not more that died at the memorial. Go google C4 explosions or something and stop thinking it was a simple car bomb. For all you know the bomb wasn't some little thing under the car but the same size that was in the van just in trunk of Brody's car. There is no same difference. If you're not expert on this you should probably get some perspective on this before complaining.

I will say the spx was pretty bad though.

I watched they both got eye contact. He was looking fed up for the praise of the VP and she gave the upwards head nod.

What is this in reference to exactly? That everybody died or that Brody and Carrie got away? Cuz regardless after an explosion nobody is focusing on who is leaving, especially guards and analysts in this situation. It's not a stretch to think two ppl could take a car and dip under those circumstances. Even ppl saw them leave it's not like anyone would recognize them in that situation. Nothing to complain about here.

Guess you won't be coming back next season.

Dudes busy spending their time complaining about what's not possible and realistic as if everything prior to this season was reasonable. It's just plain laughable a show gets bad when things they don't like go down and how willing they were before to ignore things. As if this is not a work of fiction or as if the show was pitched as something that is as real as possible :lol:

You remind me of those Nintendo Gamecube fanboys back in the day that would be on video game message boards going all out and ride or die for Nintendo when the PS2 and Xbox came out.
Sorry but I'm not familiar with them so I can't really feel the zing of this comparison.

Regardless I just replied to questions that if you've watched the show and payed attention you'd be able to answer on your own for the most part. I mean in this quote I'm basically repeating answers I just told dude on the last page. It's okay not to like the show or feel it's jumped the shark but at least have legit complaints and keep it consistent.
You answer questions that the show creators can't answer themselves???
What question are you referring to? Gansa gave some of the same answers I gave you :lol: Which question did I answer that he said he couldn't answer?
* Carrie and Brody were able to get away quickly from CIA headquarters after the bombin because, per Gansa, "Chaos ensued after the explosion, and the first responders were not there to secure the perimeter. The intimation is that Brody and Carrie were able to slip out of the chaos."

* Though Brody is now the most infamous terrorist in the world, and already had a very recognizable face due to his public rescue from captivity and then his ascent to VP-in-waiting, Gansa suggested that he might be able to make a go of it as a fugitive because, for now, the world likely assumes he died in the explosion, and he has the benefit of all of Carrie's best, most trusted contacts to keep him safe and get him far away from Washington. (More on Brody's future role on the show — or lack thereof — in a bit.)

* The CIA wasn't monitoring Brody's phone at the time Abu Nazir called him with the demand to murder Vice-President Walden because they believed the operation was already done after they had arrested the rest of Nazir's American terror network, and, as Gansa says, "They had mistakenly stopped monitoring his movements and his phone."

* Despite Brody's crucial role as the patsy in the bombing (more on that, too, shortly), his contact Roya was willing to risk sending him to get the Gettysburg tailor earlier this season because, according to Gansa, "Roya had not assembled her network yet. She didn't have any operatives on the ground." Also, she believed the tailor would be too suspicious of anyone but Brody appearing at his door.

* Even though Brody was known to Saul, Estes, Quinn and others as a former terrorist who previously was part of a plot to assassinate Walden, and even though Brody was alone in the room with Walden when he died, no one suspected him of playing a role because, per Gansa, "There were no marks on Walden's body. This is a man who was known to have a bad heart. He died of natural causes of the heart attack. Short of yelling at Walden very loudly to panic him into a heart attack, there was no trace. That was one of the things that we thought in favor of the pacemaker story was that Brody was in the room with Walden, got to play a death scene with them, however, was completely innocent in the eyes of the world in his death... There was no need for an investigation."
4 of the 5 questions you asked are here with basically the same answers I gave you just worded differently. Keep in mind we were talking about the finale and your questions had to do with the finale. You never specifically asked about the ep where Brody was skyping with Nazir when Carrie was captured and even then the same answer I gave you was given here by the damn show runner.

Might as well quit while your behind since you're not coming back to watch S3 anyway.
Last edited:
Master Zik you have alot of patiences man. I'm pleased with the finale.. I was dissapointed in Nazir's death.. because they humanized him so much, running around buildings etc.
From the time she was brought back to the time they started the OP and abducted Brody she basically had the same status as before she lost her job and was allowed access. We basically see her go to these places throughout the season. Now as far as going anywhere I don't know what you're talking about. Rewatch the finale. Where exactly did she go that she wouldn't be allowed to? Like I said it looks like she went to go bang in Estes office.

What you mean it hasn't been explained? They told him the terms of his deal, then we find out Estes was never going to stay true to his word, then Quinn says he aint gonna kill him and basically makes Estes stay true to the deal. No we haven't seen Brody sign a paper or get brought in to finish that part of everything but going by all of the characters on the show the CIA was going to keep their end of the bargain. We see it from Saul's behavior, we see it when Estes lets Saul go, we see it after Quinn tells Estes to do it. I'm not saying he had immunity already I'm saying he was going to still get it. So he was running around free cuz he handled his part of the deal and he was never fully under arrest by them. As a double agent he needed some freedom to begin with so things could look normal. They pulled surveillance on him cuz the OP was over. No one was expecting another attack and cuz Brody did everything they wanted there was no reason to be suspicious of him. That's how it works when you have an inside man working for you on the other side. You don't have complete control.

You can call it bs and think so but you asked the question with those specific words so it must've been on your mind as well. Plus the damn creator of the show basically said the same damn thing. Watch Showtime after a movie or show is finished and they do those commercials for their other tv shows or after they rerun the finale they'll show him breaking down parts of the finale and what he says about Quinn and his decision not to kill Brody. Quinn specifically explains why he doesn't do it to Estes I'm not sure what else you need. If that's lazy writing oh well. Nothing about his character has shown he's some cold blooded killer that follows orders without thinking for himself. You assumed that. We've never seen his stance on Brody to begin with.

Like I already said if it wasn't near one I'm sure the dude who moved the car would've drove the car in to the memorial instead and detonated it that way. You're thinking far too much in to arbitrary details that wouldn't change anything. Also it wasn't Abu Nazir. It's the ppl he entrusted his plan to. His plan probably went as far as if I die and the attack doesn't go down (or maybe even if it goes down) they'll all have their guard down, so wait till they all get together for VP's funeral or something and kill them all with this C4 we never got to use. After that this other cell decides how to implement the plan after figuring out when the memorial and funeral is, where it's at, and how to do it.

Are you forgetting how much C4 we're talking about? You forgot how much they took from the tailor's shop and what they were saying about causalities? This was going to be used to kill all the returning troops, family, and the VP, probably the same amount if not more that died at the memorial. Go google C4 explosions or something and stop thinking it was a simple car bomb. For all you know the bomb wasn't some little thing under the car but the same size that was in the van just in trunk of Brody's car. There is no same difference. If you're not expert on this you should probably get some perspective on this before complaining.

I will say the spx was pretty bad though.

I watched they both got eye contact. He was looking fed up for the praise of the VP and she gave the upwards head nod.

What is this in reference to exactly? That everybody died or that Brody and Carrie got away? Cuz regardless after an explosion nobody is focusing on who is leaving, especially guards and analysts in this situation. It's not a stretch to think two ppl could take a car and dip under those circumstances. Even ppl saw them leave it's not like anyone would recognize them in that situation. Nothing to complain about here.

Guess you won't be coming back next season.

Dudes busy spending their time complaining about what's not possible and realistic as if everything prior to this season was reasonable. It's just plain laughable a show gets bad when things they don't like go down and how willing they were before to ignore things. As if this is not a work of fiction or as if the show was pitched as something that is as real as possible

You remind me of those Nintendo Gamecube fanboys back in the day that would be on video game message boards going all out and ride or die for Nintendo when the PS2 and Xbox came out.
Sorry but I'm not familiar with them so I can't really feel the zing of this comparison.

Regardless I just replied to questions that if you've watched the show and payed attention you'd be able to answer on your own for the most part. I mean in this quote I'm basically repeating answers I just told dude on the last page. It's okay not to like the show or feel it's jumped the shark but at least have legit complaints and keep it consistent.
You answer questions that the show creators can't answer themselves???
What question are you referring to? Gansa gave some of the same answers I gave you
Which question did I answer that he said he couldn't answer?
* Carrie and Brody were able to get away quickly from CIA headquarters after the bombin because, per Gansa, "Chaos ensued after the explosion, and the first responders were not there to secure the perimeter. The intimation is that Brody and Carrie were able to slip out of the chaos."

* Though Brody is now the most infamous terrorist in the world, and already had a very recognizable face due to his public rescue from captivity and then his ascent to VP-in-waiting, Gansa suggested that he might be able to make a go of it as a fugitive because, for now, the world likely assumes he died in the explosion, and he has the benefit of all of Carrie's best, most trusted contacts to keep him safe and get him far away from Washington. (More on Brody's future role on the show — or lack thereof — in a bit.)

* The CIA wasn't monitoring Brody's phone at the time Abu Nazir called him with the demand to murder Vice-President Walden because they believed the operation was already done after they had arrested the rest of Nazir's American terror network, and, as Gansa says, "They had mistakenly stopped monitoring his movements and his phone."

* Despite Brody's crucial role as the patsy in the bombing (more on that, too, shortly), his contact Roya was willing to risk sending him to get the Gettysburg tailor earlier this season because, according to Gansa, "Roya had not assembled her network yet. She didn't have any operatives on the ground." Also, she believed the tailor would be too suspicious of anyone but Brody appearing at his door.

* Even though Brody was known to Saul, Estes, Quinn and others as a former terrorist who previously was part of a plot to assassinate Walden, and even though Brody was alone in the room with Walden when he died, no one suspected him of playing a role because, per Gansa, "There were no marks on Walden's body. This is a man who was known to have a bad heart. He died of natural causes of the heart attack. Short of yelling at Walden very loudly to panic him into a heart attack, there was no trace. That was one of the things that we thought in favor of the pacemaker story was that Brody was in the room with Walden, got to play a death scene with them, however, was completely innocent in the eyes of the world in his death... There was no need for an investigation."
4 of the 5 questions you asked are here with basically the same answers I gave you just worded differently. Keep in mind we were talking about the finale and your questions had to do with the finale. You never specifically asked about the ep where Brody was skyping with Nazir when Carrie was captured.
I really can't take you seriously at this point, you say that:

-'if a bomb goes off no one is focusing on who is going out' to justify Carrie and Brody's escape. I will leap to similiar conclusions as you do...if a bomb goes off on a government building the place is going to be on lockdown. You act like they only have 5 security guards on the CIA campus. It was an idiotic and laughable presumption on the writers part.

-carbombs don't come premanufactured from carbombs are us...C4 can be used to make a 'car bomb'. My original point was how was only the building to the right completely destroyed, and how was the building to the left spared. (Bomb radius ????)

-what level of immunity?? That immunity storyline was terribly mishandled...terrorists don't just get absolute 'immunity'.

-She basically had the same status??? That's not how the CIA works.
Master Zik you have alot of patiences man. I'm pleased with the finale.. I was dissapointed in Nazir's death.. because they humanized him so much, running around buildings etc.
why would he hide in a building if he wanted to be found...why would he kill his assailant if he wanted to be found or martyrd. 

The CIA drops it's guard because Abu Nazir is dead???? I guess the CIA has dropped it's guard because Bin Laden is dead, there is no need to search people at airports anymore 
From the time she was brought back to the time they started the OP and abducted Brody she basically had the same status as before she lost her job and was allowed access. We basically see her go to these places throughout the season. Now as far as going anywhere I don't know what you're talking about. Rewatch the finale. Where exactly did she go that she wouldn't be allowed to? Like I said it looks like she went to go bang in Estes office.

What you mean it hasn't been explained? They told him the terms of his deal, then we find out Estes was never going to stay true to his word, then Quinn says he aint gonna kill him and basically makes Estes stay true to the deal. No we haven't seen Brody sign a paper or get brought in to finish that part of everything but going by all of the characters on the show the CIA was going to keep their end of the bargain. We see it from Saul's behavior, we see it when Estes lets Saul go, we see it after Quinn tells Estes to do it. I'm not saying he had immunity already I'm saying he was going to still get it. So he was running around free cuz he handled his part of the deal and he was never fully under arrest by them. As a double agent he needed some freedom to begin with so things could look normal. They pulled surveillance on him cuz the OP was over. No one was expecting another attack and cuz Brody did everything they wanted there was no reason to be suspicious of him. That's how it works when you have an inside man working for you on the other side. You don't have complete control.

You can call it bs and think so but you asked the question with those specific words so it must've been on your mind as well. Plus the damn creator of the show basically said the same damn thing. Watch Showtime after a movie or show is finished and they do those commercials for their other tv shows or after they rerun the finale they'll show him breaking down parts of the finale and what he says about Quinn and his decision not to kill Brody. Quinn specifically explains why he doesn't do it to Estes I'm not sure what else you need. If that's lazy writing oh well. Nothing about his character has shown he's some cold blooded killer that follows orders without thinking for himself. You assumed that. We've never seen his stance on Brody to begin with.

Like I already said if it wasn't near one I'm sure the dude who moved the car would've drove the car in to the memorial instead and detonated it that way. You're thinking far too much in to arbitrary details that wouldn't change anything. Also it wasn't Abu Nazir. It's the ppl he entrusted his plan to. His plan probably went as far as if I die and the attack doesn't go down (or maybe even if it goes down) they'll all have their guard down, so wait till they all get together for VP's funeral or something and kill them all with this C4 we never got to use. After that this other cell decides how to implement the plan after figuring out when the memorial and funeral is, where it's at, and how to do it.

Are you forgetting how much C4 we're talking about? You forgot how much they took from the tailor's shop and what they were saying about causalities? This was going to be used to kill all the returning troops, family, and the VP, probably the same amount if not more that died at the memorial. Go google C4 explosions or something and stop thinking it was a simple car bomb. For all you know the bomb wasn't some little thing under the car but the same size that was in the van just in trunk of Brody's car. There is no same difference. If you're not expert on this you should probably get some perspective on this before complaining.

I will say the spx was pretty bad though.

I watched they both got eye contact. He was looking fed up for the praise of the VP and she gave the upwards head nod.

What is this in reference to exactly? That everybody died or that Brody and Carrie got away? Cuz regardless after an explosion nobody is focusing on who is leaving, especially guards and analysts in this situation. It's not a stretch to think two ppl could take a car and dip under those circumstances. Even ppl saw them leave it's not like anyone would recognize them in that situation. Nothing to complain about here.

Guess you won't be coming back next season.

Dudes busy spending their time complaining about what's not possible and realistic as if everything prior to this season was reasonable. It's just plain laughable a show gets bad when things they don't like go down and how willing they were before to ignore things. As if this is not a work of fiction or as if the show was pitched as something that is as real as possible :lol:

You remind me of those Nintendo Gamecube fanboys back in the day that would be on video game message boards going all out and ride or die for Nintendo when the PS2 and Xbox came out.
Sorry but I'm not familiar with them so I can't really feel the zing of this comparison.

Regardless I just replied to questions that if you've watched the show and payed attention you'd be able to answer on your own for the most part. I mean in this quote I'm basically repeating answers I just told dude on the last page. It's okay not to like the show or feel it's jumped the shark but at least have legit complaints and keep it consistent.
You answer questions that the show creators can't answer themselves???
What question are you referring to? Gansa gave some of the same answers I gave you :lol: Which question did I answer that he said he couldn't answer?
[QUOTE url="[URL][/URL]"]
* Carrie and Brody were able to get away quickly from CIA headquarters after the bombin because, per Gansa, "Chaos ensued after the explosion, and the first responders were not there to secure the perimeter. The intimation is that Brody and Carrie were able to slip out of the chaos."

* Though Brody is now the most infamous terrorist in the world, and already had a very recognizable face due to his public rescue from captivity and then his ascent to VP-in-waiting, Gansa suggested that he might be able to make a go of it as a fugitive because, for now, the world likely assumes he died in the explosion, and he has the benefit of all of Carrie's best, most trusted contacts to keep him safe and get him far away from Washington. (More on Brody's future role on the show — or lack thereof — in a bit.)

* The CIA wasn't monitoring Brody's phone at the time Abu Nazir called him with the demand to murder Vice-President Walden because they believed the operation was already done after they had arrested the rest of Nazir's American terror network, and, as Gansa says, "They had mistakenly stopped monitoring his movements and his phone."

* Despite Brody's crucial role as the patsy in the bombing (more on that, too, shortly), his contact Roya was willing to risk sending him to get the Gettysburg tailor earlier this season because, according to Gansa, "Roya had not assembled her network yet. She didn't have any operatives on the ground." Also, she believed the tailor would be too suspicious of anyone but Brody appearing at his door.

* Even though Brody was known to Saul, Estes, Quinn and others as a former terrorist who previously was part of a plot to assassinate Walden, and even though Brody was alone in the room with Walden when he died, no one suspected him of playing a role because, per Gansa, "There were no marks on Walden's body. This is a man who was known to have a bad heart. He died of natural causes of the heart attack. Short of yelling at Walden very loudly to panic him into a heart attack, there was no trace. That was one of the things that we thought in favor of the pacemaker story was that Brody was in the room with Walden, got to play a death scene with them, however, was completely innocent in the eyes of the world in his death... There was no need for an investigation."

4 of the 5 questions you asked are here with basically the same answers I gave you just worded differently. Keep in mind we were talking about the finale and your questions had to do with the finale. You never specifically asked about the ep where Brody was skyping with Nazir when Carrie was captured.
I really can't take you seriously at this point, you say that:

-'if a bomb goes off no one is focusing on who is going out' to justify Carrie and Brody's escape. I will leap to similiar conclusions as you do...if a bomb goes off on a government building the place is going to be on lockdown. You act like they only have 5 security guards on the CIA campus. It was an idiotic and laughable presumption on the writers part.[/quote]
During the confusion they managed to slip out. There was no lockdown. Please tell me about the lockdown that occurred after the plane crashed in to the Pentagon. You talking like Carrie and Brody were in the office after they woke up for a hr discussing what they were going to do next. After 5 minutes tops they immediately leave. Even if a lockdown happened you telling me they couldn't have slipped out before it? Going by the sequence of events in the finale after the bombing this is what you're complaining about.
-carbombs don't come premanufactured from carbombs are us...C4 can be used to make a 'car bomb'. My original point was how was only the building to the right completely destroyed, and how was the building to the left spared. (Bomb radius ????)
Bomb radius? That's what you're talking about? Post some pics from the ep so we can see the bomb radius and the level of damage since you apparently have it figured out to the point you can complain about what doesn't make sense to you.
-what level of immunity?? That immunity storyline was terribly mishandled...terrorists don't just get absolute 'immunity'.
You don't even know what you're asking anymore. You busy arguing a plot point that will no longer come to pass. If you want to know what level of immunity go back and watch the episode where he was captured, confessed and made a double agent. You're either purposely trolling or not watching episodes and remembering what was said.
-She basically had the same status??? That's not how the CIA works.
According to the CIA in Homeland that how it does. She was working a secret op and brought back in on most likely a temporary basis given her ability to deal with Brody, the other lady in Beirut, and her being right about damn near everything from the start. If you want to know why she was able to be in certain places of the building you just have to re-watch the season and see Estes decisions throughout. They specifically show in one ep where she thought she was fully back after that trip to Beirut and they basically thanked her for her work and she was about to be let go. Then all of her crazy hunches were proven right with the confession tape and she was brought in for the secret op. You seem to be missing parts of the show cuz if not you should've been complaining about what level of access she had in the CIA since they abducted Brody. According to you she shouldn't have even been there to break him.
Master Zik you have alot of patiences man. I'm pleased with the finale.. I was dissapointed in Nazir's death.. because they humanized him so much, running around buildings etc.
I try man. Dudes want it to be one way no matter what when it isn't. Complain and whine when they don't even plan on investing any more time in the show.
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I don't know where to begin with the realism in TV...
And really, your comparing THIS show to 24? I loved em both, but 24 was on a completley different level, and I still loved it.

If you want realism, realize this, you are watching a show called Homeland, why is everyone CIA and not Homeland security? How do we cry about the realism of the show, but don't argue the name of it! Oh wait its just TV.

But no, in real life I can't see them giving a terrorist immunity. Estes didn't really give him immunity, he agreed to pretend to give him immunity while bringing in a soldier to kill him immediately after he was done with him. Quinn called the hit off, and we saw the way he was semi worried/looked out for Carrie from day 1, so while I wasn't expecting him to let Brody live because of her, its not really a reach at all.
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I don't know where to begin with the realism in TV...
And really, your comparing THIS show to 24? I loved em both, but 24 was on a completley different level, and I still loved it.

If you want realism, realize this, you are watching a show called Homeland, why is everyone CIA and not Homeland security? How do we cry about the realism of the show, but don't argue the name of it! Oh wait its just TV.

But no, in real life I can't see them giving a terrorist immunity. Estes didn't really give him immunity, he agreed to pretend to give him immunity while bringing in a soldier to kill him immediately after he was done with him. Quinn called the hit off, and we saw the way he was semi worried/looked out for Carrie from day 1, so while I wasn't expecting him to let Brody live because of her, its not really a reach at all.
This is what gets me, you say that realism is not important ...but the guy posting above you argues ad nauseum that the plot is plausible and not unrealistic. 

I have no problem with a show being unrealistic, or implausible. I have a problem with a show not jiving with common sense, and I have a problem with the writers changing the rules (and making up the rules) as they go along, with the assumption that the audience will eat it up because 'it's just a t.v. show'. God forbid we hold show creators to a higher standard?!?!

The first season had many near implausible scenarios, but the writers acknowledged them and kept the narrative of the show cohesive. 

You are just delusional if you think this season was not a mess, especially the second half. No matter how much of a fan you are you can't tell me that this is the same show we watched last season. And please pardon me for holding the creators to the standard that they set in the first season?

The glaring problem with this season was that they wanted to keep Brody alive, and maintain a loe story. And that is my fundamental problem with the show, it was (is becoming) a missed opportunity for what could be a great show. It is now becoming filled with tv cliches and cheap tricks to keep the audience engaged; and there may be nothing wrong with that, at least just do it smarter. 

As for a greater degree of plausability? The show initially presented itself as a smarter and well thought out thriller, it did that in the first attempted to tell us how CIA operatives work, the various tropes they use to monitor and capture threats etc. It is not unreasonable for the audience to demand a degree of plausibility, especially in a post 9/11 world, you can't just make up the rules especially when we know about the rules.

HOMELAND SECURITY? I guess they should have homeland security agents? I guess the CIA has no involvement in homeland security???
That's the thing though the things you're complaining about aren't the main things on why parts of this show aren't realistic. The damn showrunner was giving you the same answers I was giving you to questions that had answers or explanations. You don't want to accept it.

You say I'm allegedly arguing ad nauseam it's plausible, common sense, or realistic while you whine and complain ad nauseam about how it's implausible, unrealistic, lack of common sense and how you feel cheated cuz the writer's changed the rules and anyone who disagrees with you is delusional.

Please tell us more of how great the show would be if you were writing it.
Had finals last week so I missed out on the finale but just watched it! :wow: :wow: my mind is spinning right now about what just happened...I don't even know what to think, wonder if Quinn feels some type of way about not going through with the assasination but damnnnnn djandinqinwknsqdweweqenk1nw2ej2rb qed I can't believe what I just saw!!!

Gonna have to process it in the morning, great episode though it set up season 3 really well and gave them a lot of different avenues...heard Dexter was really good too gonna have to peep that later this week :lol: :smokin
My eyes are bleeding.

I commend yall on that extensive dialogue you're having, but I can't read all of that. :lol:

I haven't lost faith in this show, I've just readjusted where I get my enjoyment from it, in step with what's not exactly up to snuff? The episode lasted a little too long, and was a little weirdly paced.

Keeping Brody is a bit much.
Quinn's sudden decision in the woods was just...yeah. Alright...I guess.

They've basically sacrificed the show this seemed to be for their relationship. There were moments all over, where you'd just see them going googly eyed that felt a little cringe-worthy. It's like without the drama around them, their relationship was just creepy and annoying.

So they brought the ******g drama. :wow:

I loved the finale. And the moment that video showed up on TV, I lost it. And they really did redeem a lot of the Nazir ridiculousness. And they somehow made Dana alright again.

Well done.

I'm hooked for season 3...but then again, this show is practically a season every 2 or 3 episodes, so we'll see again. :lol:

And Mandy Patinkin ******g owned this episode.
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That's the thing though the things you're complaining about aren't the main things on why parts of this show aren't realistic. The damn showrunner was giving you the same answers I was giving you to questions that had answers or explanations. You don't want to accept it.

You say I'm allegedly arguing ad nauseam it's plausible, common sense, or realistic while you whine and complain ad nauseam about how it's implausible, unrealistic, lack of common sense and how you feel cheated cuz the writer's changed the rules and anyone who disagrees with you is delusional.

Please tell us more of how great the show would be if you were writing it.
I'll get to it when I tell you where Prison  Break, Heroes, LOST, Weeds...went wrong.

I didn't even get into 'other' problems with the show, because I accepted them as part of the story telling.

Implausibility negates plausibility, arguing that something is plausible when it is clearly implausible is just ******ed.

The answers you gave, and the answers the show creator gave are B.S. (the people who asked those questions on the panel acknowledged as much) and your answers are even more outlandish than his. I'm sorry but the king has no clothes.

And my gripes with the show are not exclusively those of my own making: jumped the shark&src=typd

Maybe I am being to harsh, maybe my assumptions about what this show is are wrong, I just hate when dudes try to defend it as being some super smart and plausible show...when it continues to prove that the writers don't even care about plausibility.

Again, pardon me from expecting more from this show...don;'t let my disappointment affect your indulgence. 
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That's the thing though the things you're complaining about aren't the main things on why parts of this show aren't realistic. The damn showrunner was giving you the same answers I was giving you to questions that had answers or explanations. You don't want to accept it.

You say I'm allegedly arguing ad nauseam it's plausible, common sense, or realistic while you whine and complain ad nauseam about how it's implausible, unrealistic, lack of common sense and how you feel cheated cuz the writer's changed the rules and anyone who disagrees with you is delusional.

Please tell us more of how great the show would be if you were writing it.
I'll get to it when I tell you where Prison  Break, Heroes, LOST, Weeds...went wrong.
Please don't. I asked for Homeland. I don't want to read how you'd butcher the rest of those shows. I have no idea why you'd even bother with the likes of Weeds or Heroes.
Implausibility negates plausibility, arguing that something is plausible when it is clearly implausible is just ******ed.
Yet we'd have to accept that you saying it's implausible is fact for this statement to mean anything.
The answers you gave, and the answers the show creator gave are B.S. (the people who asked those questions on the panel acknowledged as much) and your answers are even more outlandish than his. I'm sorry but the king has no clothes.
I can't make you accept it. This is just more of the I want it to be one way when it's the other way attitude you've been posturing from the jump. What I find funny is when I answered the majority of your questions and you had no problem with most of the answers and when you reply what you're holding on to is where the car was and how it was moved, your inability to understand why Brody wasn't still being monitored, how they weren't stopped when they got away directly after a bombing, and how Carrie is able to walk around in the CIA after being let back in by the director for a special OP that ended up killing the most wanted terrorist :lol: Stop whining already.

I never once defended this show as being super smart. Especially when your questions were so easily answered or explained. That's just you projecting and making assumptions as you tend to do.
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That's the thing though the things you're complaining about aren't the main things on why parts of this show aren't realistic. The damn showrunner was giving you the same answers I was giving you to questions that had answers or explanations. You don't want to accept it.

You say I'm allegedly arguing ad nauseam it's plausible, common sense, or realistic while you whine and complain ad nauseam about how it's implausible, unrealistic, lack of common sense and how you feel cheated cuz the writer's changed the rules and anyone who disagrees with you is delusional.

Please tell us more of how great the show would be if you were writing it.
I'll get to it when I tell you where Prison  Break, Heroes, LOST, Weeds...went wrong.
Please don't. I asked for Homeland. I don't want to read how you'd butcher the rest of those shows. I have no idea why you'd even bother with the likes of Weeds or Heroes.
Implausibility negates plausibility, arguing that something is plausible when it is clearly implausible is just ******ed.
Yet we'd have to accept that you saying it's implausible is fact for this statement to mean anything.
The answers you gave, and the answers the show creator gave are B.S. (the people who asked those questions on the panel acknowledged as much) and your answers are even more outlandish than his. I'm sorry but the king has no clothes.
I can't make you accept it. This is just more of the I want it to be one way when it's the other way attitude you've been posturing from the jump. What I find funny is when I answered the majority of your questions and you had no problem with most of the answers and when you reply what you're holding on to is where the car was and how it was moved, your inability to understand why Brody wasn't still being monitored, how they weren't stopped when they got away directly after a bombing, and how Carrie is able to walk around in the CIA after being let back in by the director for a special OP that ended up killing the most wanted terrorist
Stop whining already.

I never once defended this show as being super smart. Especially when your questions were so easily answered or explained. That's just you projecting and making assumptions as you tend to do
HOMELAND SECURITY? I guess they should have homeland security agents? I guess the CIA has no involvement in homeland security???>D

Good you are at least now starting to reason and make logical explanations for stuff too.

And really all this talk about Love story to force the series to go on? What? The entire episode was lovey dovey with Brody/Carrie, then the explosion and it was Brody/Carrie running away to be fugitives together bonnie and clyde style. Then They ran away to Canada to be happily ever after.... oh wait nvm Carrie made "The Choice" and decided to stay home. If they really wanted to make a love story they would have sent Carrie to Canada and had entire next season with them on the run and head over hells for each other. You think she can clear Brody's name in the public's eye? no she won't even try she will just try to get her superiors (Saul only), to believe what she believed, and it won't be that hard since he knows that tape is old, but he will just need actual proof to know for sure and even when it does it won't matter, Brody won't be coming back stateside a free man. I'm hoping that he gets to ME and trys to start tracking terrorist like others suggested. They went complete opposite direction of a love story cop out, because watch this season or the first season, Carrie has been in love with Brody forever, she choice to stay with CIA, but she had to choose to stop loving him at the same time? No, she will want to prove he is innocent, but that will only be a subplot like the love has been the entire time. There will be little to no interaction between the two next season for the first time, which will be a step in the right direction.

I'll just stop here though, because everything else isn't really a discussion anymore its you just pushing your opinion.
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My favorite scene from this season was when Estes ordered Saul to be interogated & subject to a lie detector test. I actually laughed out loud when Saul asked the suite that walked in, "Who the f*** are you?!?" He better not turn out to be a mole...
Loved the finale. Pumped for next season.

SMH at you guys who are complaining about realism in the show. I bet you walked out of the movie theater saying "Dude Ted sucked. There's no way a stuffed animal could come alive."
Loved the finale. Pumped for next season.

SMH at you guys who are complaining about realism in the show. I bet you walked out of the movie theater saying "Dude Ted sucked. There's no way a stuffed animal could come alive."
smh at dudes who don't enjoy realism in a show. I bet you walked out of the movie theatre saying "Dude Lincoln sucked. There's no way Abe is not ducking that bullet, getting his Dessert Eagle and chasing after Wilkes Booth for a Mexican standoff".
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