Official HBO's The Newsroom Thread Vol: Season 3

Sep 27, 2007
Starring Jeff Daniels, Emily Mortimer, Alison Pill, Dev Patel

Plot - TV Anchor goes nuts at a college, and spirals out of control, he then must try and repair his image and save his show and the network it's on.

Written by Aaron Sorkin

1st episode is airing right now.
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Thanks for reminding me.

Packing for my honeymoon and catching the Pilot of this show!

Been waiting on this since GoT finished up.
Cancelled the movie channels on Wednesday, even when I knew this was to begin. Oh well, $44 less on Dtv and will still view, FiOS
I really liked the first episode, started off a little slow but WOW did it pick up big time. The whole news broadcast about the spill, with everyone running around, the camera work, the way it was presented, the tension, amazing.

Very well done.
Thought it was slow and boring but it definitely picked up. Hopefully the show maintains that same pace throughout.
Vertigo Medicine
...strong first episode...hope they keep it this way (factual recent current events)

I can't be the only one that likes Emily

That guy Don

I have a blog

I really liked the first episode. 
I really enjoyed that they used the oil spill story. Usually with these shows they fabricate the story, the episode was enhanced tons because of the real event and then they wrote the script around that.
Ah completely forgot this was on. I'll check out the repeat when it's on.
Originally Posted by laker4lifeman

About to watch it Olivia Munn better put them on the glass.
She doesn't have much to put on any glass 
We only saw the back of her head for a few seconds in the pilot.

It was cool to see how a newsroom operates and how fast they have to grab people to interview.
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