Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I dunno......I'm kinda numb. It's over, it was "better" in terms of we got SOME small dialogue, mostly from Tyrion, and that was nice.

Dany and the wings, that was a beautiful shot.

She must have a booming voice, because how can they hear her all the way in the back? But whatever, that's been goin on all series, so I can handle that.

Bran.......*deep breath*........Bran, man. I his wheelchair the new Throne? That what we're doin here?

I have heard some argue that Drogn melted the Throne and not Jon because he knew that's what really killed her........has he been in meetings with her or something? Has he been listening to her planning strategies? No man, Jon's blade killed her, not that chair. Make no mistake, beautiful shot melting the Throne, that was cool lookin, but uh.......8 seasons, and now it's Game of Wheelchairs?

Just makin sure I'm clear......Greyworm "shut up, you have no right to speak here..." Tyrion, the prisoner, in chains, speaks for 5 minutes and nominates his choice for King who then pardons him. Anyone re-read this script before they started filming?

Greyworm just be killin everyone now eh? He just be killed unarmed men, innocents, dudes on their knees.........but he didn't kill the man that killed his Queen. Someone fact check me.

While I'm spittin here.....Stab, melt, scoop and fly. So......who exactly told these mother****ers that ***** is dead? Jon rat on himself? And live thru it? There is no body!!!!! Why he ain't just say she went for a walk, or went to go burn down another city or somethin?

Dothraki just be growing and growing eh? Whole bunch showed up at the gates, but they was double that in this ep. Got all their swords and errrthing.

Jon's mind in this ep reminded me a little of The Door. Not gonna kill her Not gonna kill her Not gonna kill her Not gonna kill her Not gonna kill her Not gonna kill her Not gonna kill her stabbed her, she dead. Was just like Hold the Door to Hodor imo. Eerily similar.

Multiple choice:
The Lord of Light brought Jon back from the dead so he could
A, Kill the Night King,
B, Be the King of the 7 Kingdoms,
C, Be the King of the North,
D, Get his old job back.

Brown eyes, Blue eyes, Green eyes......should I go back a few seasons for the green eyes, or??????

Arya a pirate now? What's west of Westoros? Who the **** cares? Your brother the King, your sister a Queen, and you wanna go floating on a ship we didn't know you had? Who gave you that ship, Yara, the one you threatened to murder? Euron, after they all burned up last ep? Where'd that ship come from folks?

Bronn, master of coin. How the????

In fact, why does Bran even need a council? Dude can see everything. In fact, lemme back up, dude hasn't said **** all season except "I don't want anything anymore...." "what do you think I'm doin here?" So you WANTED that crown fam? WHAT????? Bro, did you sit in your chair while she burned a city to the ground so you could wait for your cousin to murder her and then you started strollin on down south to collect your prize? TF? YOU COULDN'T HAVE TOLD ANYBODY ABOUT THIS IONO, BEFORE SHE KILLED MILLIONS OF INNOCENT PEOPLE????

Tormund and the free folk go back to the wall, another war, weeks go by with Jon and Tyrion locked up, Starks travelin South. Jon then has to travel up to the Wall, THEN y'all decide to head into the North? You was just waitin for him, or what the hell you still doin there?

Why does Greyworm have so much to say suddenly? I know his army regenerates overnight, but there were a lot of powerful folks there with their own armies, why was he spoutin off at them like that?

Uncle, sit down. :lol:

Eye, Eye, Eye, Eye, Eye, we all goin along with this Bran thing, but we get to sister Sansa, naw, pass, we free now, we Notre Dame. WUT? Why the hell wouldn't anyone else want in on that freedom of choice?

6 episodes. 2 wars fought. I use that term loosely. 13 major characters died. Less than the Red Wedding had in a single episode but whatever.

Good thing we kept Brianne alive, so she could fill out Jamie's paperwork and somehow leave Sansa now to work for Bran, even tho that goes against everything she has done on this show for her entire run??????

We did pet Ghost tho. We finally spent that money on some CGI, really glad the writers got that right.........

Unsullied are sailing away. The Northerners go back to Winterfell for Sansa, the Lannister army is extra crispy.......what army is protecting King's Landing now? In fact......those towers and all that, do they have elevators for the king? How he get up there?

I'm probably just nitpicking now. It was whatever. People are still defending this stuff and that's fine. What's amusing is their main come back is "you're just upset you didn't get what you wanted"
No, I couldn't care less. I wanted a story that made sense. BRAN as the King, no. That's not what we've been following for 8 seasons. Christ, he didn't exist in Season 5 for heavens sakes. Season 7 was about Jon begging Dany for help to make a truce with Cersei to fight the dead, then they beat the dead anyway without Cercei's army, and then we found out about Jon's true heritage and that didn't end up mattering one bit either. So, what was season 7 about again? If you watched 1-2-3-4-5-6-8 would you even know you missed anything? Did these guys literally unwrite an entire season of their own work? And people think I'MMMMMMMMMMMMM the problem cuz I didn't get what Iiiiiiiii wanted? :lol: :rofl:

Sam and Tyrion and Arya and Sansa and Bran ALL know that Jon was the true, rightful heir to the crown. They sent him to the black. Jamie stabbed his King, he was a Kingsguard. And what's even worse, what purpose does the wall serve now? There's a ginormous hole in it, there's no dead, and the wildlings are accepted now. What is the point of this? They spent all this time on Jon's heritage, his lineage, all of it, so that he could go right back to the same job he had in the first episode of the series. 73 episodes. Stabbed to death and brought back, and he sits in the same exact spot. WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Must be me I guess. The writers got it all straight, it's my fault for "expecting" certain things. :rolleyes
Arya out here about to discover North America too

Also, what pissed me off is them not showing Jon being arrested but this dude was arranging his chairs like an office manager before a meeting.

The **** is bran flakes asking for a master of whispers for? You can warp into a pigeon bruh
I defended the show through much of seasons 7 and, 8,. but WHAT THE **** WAS THIS

only one thing happens, which is Jon kills Dany, which was cool and all, but WHAT THE **** WAS THIS

the only rightful heir to the throne gets sent to the black to protect the kingdom from an enemy that no longer exists? WHAT THE **** WAS THIS
I’m not mad at the ending *shrugs*

I wanted Tyrion on the Iron Throne so I’m just looking at Bran as the figurehead, while Tyrion is still the hand getting his **** Cheney on.

Starks all win and are doing what they want to do

I wish somebody had killed Greyworm though.
:rofl: at them not giving Dany any final words.

:rofl: at them not showing the reactions from the Unsullied and the Dorthraki knowing their queen is dead.

:rofl: Jon's only purpose was to kill his aunt. Not protect the realm from the dead.

:rofl: at all those big character send offs and emotional scenes in previous episodes.....only to bring them back like nothing happened.

:rofl: at cycling through 3 villains in 6 episodes ...and killing them all off with ease.
Soo.... all of this is so Sansa can become Queen anyways... and since she can’t become Queen of the 7 kingdoms she might as well become queen of the north

John kills Dany.. only to not reveal he’s a Targarean.. like why not marry her then

So.. all these seasons only for a Stark to become a ruler anyways... then to attempt to introduce the Roman republic way of electing rulers...

Wow.. just wow
Let’s not get into Tyrion One Kinobi... like ******* seriously
What the **** was the point of learning John is a Targarean.. you killed her because y’all related only not to reveal the truth

All of this for nothing... all of this so a Stark could sit on the throne anyways
An 8 season circle ******* jerk
Brienne out here updating Jamie’s Wikipedia page was hilarious

Dude popped her cherry then dipped for his sister yambs in the middle of the night and left her out in the cold

And this bish after breaking her oath to Sansa to be head of the kingsguard is supposed to not slip something in there
“SiX ePiSoDeS. sIx MoViEs.”


I haven’t been duped this bad since I was a teen and a girl told me “we’re just friends.”

"We only have 73 hours of story left" was the biggest crock of BS D&D tried to feed us.

Somebody should've drop kicked these ************* right in the face when they said that. Like someone posted above, this entire season could've been a ten-episode season dedicated to defeating the Night King, and then the battle vs Cersei and turn to Mad Queen in the following season. Ten episodes each with story to spare. HBO would've cashed everyone out. GOT is bigger and hotter than it's ever been.
Soo.... all of this is so Sansa can become Queen anyways... and since she can’t become Queen of the 7 kingdoms she might as well become queen of the north

John kills Dany.. only to not reveal he’s a Targarean.. like why not marry her then

So.. all these seasons only for a Stark to become a ruler anyways... then to attempt to introduce the Roman republic way of electing rulers...

Wow.. just wow
Let’s not get into Tyrion One Kinobi... like ****ing seriously
What the **** was the point of learning John is a Targarean.. you killed her because y’all related only not to reveal the truth

All of this for nothing... all of this so a Stark could sit on the throne anyways
An 8 season circle ****ing jerk

Speaking of Sansa being queen of the north

The last 2 kings of the north were named that by northerners

This bish named herself queen of the north, been told y'all she's cersei lite
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