Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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Why does everyone think the spinoffs are gonna be bad? The DD’s have nothing to do with them right?

No and GRRM is involved too. But the problem is there isn't much content out there to be adapted outside of maybe the Fire and Blood book and the Dunk and Egg short stories but I'm not even sure if they're doing those stories as prequels. We at least got a great run from S1 to 4 thanks to the book adaptations.
How she gone from whatever unsullied she had at the end of last week's episode.. to having thousands from the look of things next week?

I swear in a shot I seen the dude she left back at spacers/dragons bay. Maybe she pulled in reinforcements



I swear I seen him in a shot after they stormed the gate. He had against the wall killing them
Varys should've said something smart like You were suppose to be breaker of chains! /Obi-Wan impression. While showing his before his execution.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

These writers man

“Let’s have Arya do the slow motion walk for 2 minutes up to an angelic looking pale white horse and ride off into the sunset. End scene. Roll credits.” :rofl: :rofl:

“Euron is just pure evil. Let’s have him fight Jaime for absolutely no reason whatsoever. And his battle cry will be something like ‘yes! I killed Jaime Lannister!” Bruh what?!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Dudes just got a bad case of senior-itis and said **** it let’s just turn in whatever research paper makes the minimum length, we’re pretty much graduated anyways :lol:
The White horse was a classic Hollywood ******** move but it makes me think of the books. There's a disease called The Pale Mare (contagious, violent and deadly diarrhea). That was my first thought when the horse popped out but theres no connection other than that.
The White horse was a classic Hollywood bull**** move but it makes me think of the books. There's a disease called The Pale Mare (contagious, violent and deadly diarrhea). That was my first thought when the horse popped out but theres no connection other than that.

It do make sense. Jon Snow has had a case of the runs all season. ****ting the bed everywhere he goes. Projectile diarrhea like a ************.
I guess the stupid horse was supposed to be some sort of symbolism because the little girl was holding a horse toy

The deeper meaning is that the girl had a horse toy
I had told someone earlier about the writers foreshadowing with a bible verse in this scene
Revelation 6:8 King James Version (KJV)
8 And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

The only explanation if they’re gonna give like 3 minutes to that scene
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