Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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You'll be back like the rest of us smh

If the 3 eyed raven is in this show, and he shows visions of future Jon Snow being great, and maybe some visions of future Stannis gettin his head lopped off, then maybe I’ll partake. Mainly to see Tdogg have an aneurism :lol: :lol:
if I get a login from a fam or friend I’ll check it out. Not likely buying a subscription for it
You mess up the ending and seemingly on purpose then you eliminate a lot of love people used to have for a show. That's why I'm still shocked when people will recommend watching it to someone when they know the show turns to absolute crap.
One of THEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE most incredible things I've ever witness in Pop Culture was the collapse of that season.

We had the owners of the company I worked at hosting viewing parties, Halloween contests that had almost the entire cast put together. (Do you know how hard it is to get 25+ coworkers to all agree to dress as a group???? :lol:

Radio, TV, the internet, the watercooler, EVERYONE was bracing for the final 6 episodes. No other show has had that.

We were doing March Madness type pools over who dies, who lives, who turns into a WW, who sits on the Throne at the end, etc. It was epic stuff.

Ep 1, re-introduction, kinda slow, couple ok scenes here and there, filler ep, ok we all on board and hype to continue.
Ep 2, huge set the scene ep, we kind of prep to say goodbye to some folks, you can tell what's comin next, everyone is still on board with the series.
Ep 3, I couldn't see a GOD DAMN THING, and I'm glad I couldn't because it was ****ing dog **** bull **** stupid *** meaningless nothing. One guy that mattered died. One. A single ****ing guy.
Ep 4, the world was wobbling now, all confused, and suddenly, we "forgot" there was a scene after talking ABOUT THE NAVY you stupid mother****ers **** you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ep 5, maybe they can salvage something, nevermind. Just end the show, when does Succession start?
Ep 6, the biggest F you to ever hit the small screen. The Dothraki that were all wiped out, and had like 11 men left in ep 4 are suddenly an army of like 10,000 again.

6 eps, they were TWO EPS IN and still in great shape, you only needed to land 4 eps and the world would rejoice, and they completely **** the bed. And then they leak the behind the scenes stuff, and you see the table read and you see all the actors and actresses like "uhhhhhh wtf?" :lol: :rofl: Then the directors give their commentary, oh, yea, so blondie sort of forgets there was a Navy...... *facepalm*

Everything, the brightness (apparently) the editing, the story, the dialogue, it was all lost. They showed Theon redeemed and charging the Night King, then show him running for like 12 seconds, like the distance of a football field like he was gonna surprise the NK or something? Then 4 minutes later they showed a little non virgin jump apparently the length of the same football field to kill the, every story wise if that was your goal, fine, then edit it properly so you don't make it look like it was a mile away and there was actually somewhere for her to hide or sneak up thru, instead scene to scene didn't match.

Ep 4, two dragons, they shootin those torpedo lookin spears like a machine gun, I'm mean whistlin thru the sky, dozens of em, hits the one dragon, just unbelievable accuracy and what not.
Ep 5 one dragon, THEY FIRED A TOTAL OF TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO spears the entire ep. The dragon annihilates all of them. :stoneface:

I want to someday watch the show over again, but I don't know if I can do S8. I just......I don't know. It will likely just make me furious again. Maybe someday.....
I preferred them making that show over the show about those targaryen fools. hbo can't resist more dragons though.
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