Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I wish I wasn’t recommended this show from someone who had the wire, BB & Soprano in their top 5
Gendry keepin his lands?

nah they not honoring none of danaerys decrees

thats probably why he wasnt there at that meeting, cuz he would have fought for her honor

i wanted the unsullied to kill all of them and the moral of the show be power goes to the one who takes it

grey worm
Is it worth watching all the seasons? I started season one about a month ago. Still half way on it :lol:
Here we go :smh:

here we go what?

in the show they made it a big deal that the ppl of KL died and thats significant because they were all white

nobody gave a f about the dothraki and unsullied that died for them

even did the half the work, twice the acclaim with that jon scene in winterfell

i didnt do this d&d made it clear with sam bringing up democracy what that was really all about

sansa epitome of white privilege ***

what qualifies her to rule anything?

this is what dany was trying to break all that family name bs and here new westeros is the exact same as old westeros
no thats bs mad queen is trite and not what GOT is about

just cuz aerys was mad now its a family curse/targaryen trait they all have?

despite rhaegar being the nicest person to ever live?

even if jon is the rightful heir how does a wedding not quell that?

mad queen idea is crap and honestly in this era of me too seems a little sexist, like a woman is not capable of ruling without being mad

like when varys was talkin to tyrion about the ruler must be a man

or because she killed the people in Kings Landing but when Robert was killing every male child in every house he wasnt mad right?

nah thats weak and would have been much more interesting to see danaerys' new world as opposed to the old ways winning out

maybe those gods (rhollor, the 7) were scared that danaerys would wipe them from ppl collective experience too

that i could buy

The wedding would only work if no one knew about Jon's true lineage. Because he was a well known dude with tons of respect in the North, that knowledge itself that he was the rightful heir would be a problem because it could cause Houses to not fall in line. Like when House Mormont told Stannis to **** off because they only follow House Stark. It could be 1000 times worse if people knew Jon was Rhaegar's kid. But Jon knows nothing so he told Sansa, who in true ginger fashion, told other people. The books and the show have always toyed around with the idea of "What if she is the Mad Queen?" Varys' quote about Targaryens is from the books. Targs can either be cruel or kind. Even the Mad King started out decent before he descended to madness.

I agree with the idea of seeing a new system in place in Westeros and Sam was hinting at that but they laughed at him.
Where the fools that was in here ****ting on Sansa and her come up?

Sup bruhs

I'm right here bruh. F that whiny bicchh.

Ending was TRASH. OUR Khaleesi ELECT didn't get to sit on the throne one time but she did look handsome. Sansa is scum. Wouldn't even bend the knee to her own bro. Glad this show is over.

**** SANSA

Pissed we never saw the traitorous **** Lord Glover get beheaded. :smh:


I know taste is subjective and all that and can’t explain why I feel this way but seeing people put Breaking Bad at #1 really grinds my gears.

Only people who like The Wire would say something like this.

thats probably why he wasnt there at that meeting, cuz he would have fought for her honor

? Gendry was there.
The wedding would only work if no one knew about Jon's true lineage. Because he was a well known dude with tons of respect in the North, that knowledge itself that he was the rightful heir would be a problem because it could cause Houses to not fall in line. Like when House Mormont told Stannis to **** off because they only follow House Stark. It could be 1000 times worse if people knew Jon was Rhaegar's kid. But Jon knows nothing so he told Sansa, who in true ginger fashion, told other people. The books and the show have always toyed around with the idea of "What if she is the Mad Queen?" Varys' quote about Targaryens is from the books. Targs can either be cruel or kind. Even the Mad King started out decent before he descended to madness.

I agree with the idea of seeing a new system in place in Westeros and Sam was hinting at that but they laughed at him.

it could really only be worse if ppl like cersei didnt wanna bend to a targ

i dont think imo she ever showed any "mad" tendency that would make the burning of KL look "mad"

and even then, the moral could have been its not only about power, but who you surround yourself with

aerys surrounded himself with pyromancers and yes men, but dany did better in tyrion, jorah etc giving ppl second chances

but she couldnt get one

but either way if its jon or dany a wedding solves that cuz no one in westeros is saying no to a dragon and surviving

aegon took the place with dragons and history repeats itself

it would have wrapped too nicely if dany had just taken KL first and consolidated all her power before dealing with the NK

had she had all the 7 kingdoms FIRST, i could maybe even buy her going mad, HAVING ACHIEVED HER GOAL PRIOR

like if she were to get full of herself after first defeating cersei, then the nk in that order

like first the human threat, then the scifi threat
The more I think about it with their leader dead why doesn't GW just kill Jon for his treacherous treason and dip? Fight their way out of Westeros with the Dothraki if they have to.

Even that was poor writing. BS timeskip :lol:

I hope Drogon took Dany's body to a red priest(ess), brought her back to life and she came back and burned all of Westeros starting with the North.

Is it worth watching all the seasons? I started season one about a month ago. Still half way on it :lol:
Stop at season 4 then skip to season 8 and you should be able to answer that yourself.
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Also why didn't they just separate into seven kingdoms, especially since sansa declared the north independent
Well from a realistic standpoint, doing that often means will eventually start to war with the other states. Ex your kingdom has access to ports. I’m going to try and take you over
2. Smaller kingdoms get access to a pool of money and army’s( this show takes things to the extreme with cersei etc but KL would’ve sent an army to fight the WW)
3. If your kingdom has a drought or famine King’s landing is obligated to help you etc
Well from a realistic standpoint, doing that often means will eventually start to war with the other states
2. Smaller kingdoms get access to a pool of money and army’s( this show takes things to the extreme with cersei etc but KL would’ve sent an army to fight the WW)
3. If your kingdom has a drought or famine King’s landing is obligated to help you etc

bronn as master of coin is taxing everybody crazy

money and *****
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