Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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I can see why people would think it's the Iron Islands, maybe they made a deal where she would help the Greyjoys kill their uncle. But why would she be sitting on the throne if it was the Iron Islands, Dragonstone is the ancestral seat of the Targaryen so it makes sense she would make a stop there.

Storm's End makes sense also seeing how there will probably be a lot of boots on the ground and sailing from an island all the time seems tiring. Plus all the homies from Dorne can march up to the spot.
I can see why people would think it's the Iron Islands, maybe they made a deal where she would help the Greyjoys kill their uncle. But why would she be sitting on the throne if it was the Iron Islands, Dragonstone is the ancestral seat of the Targaryen so it makes sense she would make a stop there.

Storm's End makes sense also seeing how there will probably be a lot of boots on the ground and sailing from an island all the time seems tiring. Plus all the homies from Dorne can march up to the spot.
Yeah, I was going to assume Dragonestone since that's home for her, but it's been so long that the I wasn't sure of the geography.

Can't see her ruling the Iron Islands. She'd be out of her depth.:lol:

Also, as someone else mentioned, I'm pretty sure the Seastone Chair is supposed to look like a Kraken.
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After watching Last Kingdom, I can excuse Game of Thrones.

Months can fly by in like 10 minutes in Last Kingdom.
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The Last Kingdom had to find a new home after leaving BBC. S2 season is on Netflix partnered with somebody else.

The premiere aired on BBC3 back in the middle of March.
There was a typo in my post.

I was commenting about the pacing of the show, not the production schedule.

Just saying that like and entire year can go buy on in the show in a matter of minutes. :lol:

They aged the baby from last season on the soap opera steez too.

I understand why they have to do it, but I still shake my head at it.

In one scene Uhtred will say it is Spring, cut to a different scene with say Alfred, then when you cut back to Uhtred winter has come :lol:
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anyone catch in the trailer that the white walker/wight eye at the end looks like that of a giant ? (because of the big nose) saw the recent alt shift X video and got me like 

i can see the show bringing back wight hodor and wight giants tbh 

All this talk about what chair Khalisi is sitting on and I bet it won't even be on the show next season :lol:
Nah its not that hard to figure out

Dragonstone is pretty much Dany's first landing point after they cross the Narrow Sea. The Iron Islands are on the opposite side of the continent

I get if some people don't know or remember Dragonstone, but the Iron Islands shouldn't even be part of the discussion. 
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