Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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You going to act like they didnt say the same thing for jon after 5x10

"They" as in D&D in official bonus features? Or "they" as the fans?

I just gave you proof from the show writers Stannis is dead and is not coming back. When did they ever say Jon Snow was dead and was not coming back? Show me.

I'm not acting like anything just giving you the facts bro. Let it go :lol:
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I talked to stephen dillane yesterday. Asked him if he'd back on the show and he said nah. Asked him how perfect Carice's nips are and he walked away without answering. Then I yelled that I was happy beta stannis got murked by Brienne bae.
"They" as in D&D in official bonus features? Or "they" as the fans?

I just gave you proof from the show writers Stannis is dead and is not coming back. When did they ever say Jon Snow was dead and was not coming back? Show me.

I'm not acting like anything just giving you the facts bro. Let it go :lol:
d&d in bonus features. Ill find it later.

All cast said it in interviews.
All said the same thing about jon
being dead
Proves nada
All jokes aside she will not be half as beautiful as sansa is already becoming
A girl is mehhh. A man does not find her attractive. A man vastly prefers Sansa.
I'd take their mama catelyn before arya. She has that kathleen turner voice but at least still looks winterfell good.
I'd definitely bang Cat and Sansa but yall acting like yall don't know though.

A girl will probably let you do butt stuff.
A man would rather do butt stuff with the waif
"They" as in D&D in official bonus features? Or "they" as the fans?

I just gave you proof from the show writers Stannis is dead and is not coming back. When did they ever say Jon Snow was dead and was not coming back? Show me.

I'm not acting like anything just giving you the facts bro. Let it go :lol:
d&d in bonus features. Ill find it later.

All cast said it in interviews.
All said the same thing about jon
being dead
Proves nada

Jon did die tho.......
What would bringing Stannis back do for the story at this point? He had his full arc already. It's over.
What would bringing Stannis back do for the story at this point? He had his full arc already. It's over.
Ummm because he's the one true king.

He's supposed to kill off Danny.
Maybe I worded the question wrong.

What positive would bringing Stannis back do for the story at this point? Most fans are casual and don't really care for Stannis. Why would they ditch the Jon and Dany quest to bring back to life a man who fans of the show generally dislike because of the way the death of his daughter went down.

Y'all gotta be trolling at this point.
Maybe I worded the question wrong.

What positive would bringing Stannis back do for the story at this point? Most fans are casual and don't really care for Stannis. Why would they ditch the Jon and Dany quest to bring back to life a man who fans of the show generally dislike because of the way the death of his daughter went down.

Y'all gotta be trolling at this point.:lol:  

And even the character Stannis wasn't particularly popular within the plot of the show. So, how is a guy who, when we last saw him, got abandoned by half his army, going to be able to get resurrrecred and raises forces sufficient enough to compete with someone who has her own army, a Dothraki horde, ships and 3 full-grown dragons? Just makes no sense.
Depends on the story line they make for him. They usually have a character change after certain key moments.

Peep the Hound. You could say him being brought back was a waste of time. I know that story where he returns wasn't all that good. I don't particularly care for him and much preferred Arya leaving him to die but a lot of ppl seems to be hyped about him fighting the mountain.

With that said I doubt Stannis comes back. Creators said he's dead and the actor bad mouthed the show/his character.
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bran getting those flashback powers but he'd trade all that ish just to walk again and froggystyle meera.
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As far as story lines....

1. Lannisters/ Kings Landing

2. Starks/ Winterfell

3. Stannis/ Red Women

4. Boltons

5. Snow/ The Wall

6. Arya

7. Bran

Snow ain't get hot until season 6.
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