im going to try and be as postive as i possibly can right now even though it's rather hard.

as horrible as the Lakers have been in the 4th quarter of game 4 and throughout game 5, they still have home court advantage.

abetter way to put it is, the Lakers did what they were supposed to doand Boston did the same. games 2 and 3 even eachother out and homecourt held up.

i rather Boston have already won in staplesthough because it was inevitable they were going to get a win in LA,hopefully that's their only win in LA

i doubt the Lakers will lose to Boston 3 times in a row and go down easily. also i think if boston is going to win the series their going to win it in 6 not in 7

flatout Boston wanted it more tonight and that's the truth. Boston made allthe hustle plays and quite frankly deserved to win this game and game 4while were at it. Boston's where they are because their doing what theydo best.

it's 3-2 Boston and if they win on tuesday or thursday congrats to them but the Lakers better go down strong and go down fighting for every loose ball on tuesday.
artest gasol are the reason why we lost, especially gasol. Artest D like ##*@ this game, dont even talk about offense. He not helping Kobe at all. Odom showed some moves at the end but dude will disappear till next 10 yrs. Fish stop flopping too much, play some defense man, and shoot the 3 when u open.
Watching the Lakers tonight reminded me of watching the Cavs. Kobe (LeBron) was carrying the team, and everyone else scored 10 or less. Missing FT's (Ron, Pau) and just not playing with heart.
@ Laker fans hate for their own team
I still think Lakers will win both at home, but I would absolutely love for Phil to get a loss on that 47-0 record.
Gasol goes from best big in the league to trash in a week.

Love it.

This things goin 7 and idk who wins it.
Originally Posted by fundz4

Are you guys referring to Pierce ripping the ball away from kobe?

Kobe did the same thing to TA last game.....


I thought I was the only one that remembered that play.
Lakers only have homecourt advantage if they win Game 6. Lose that game and all that !$+% means nothing. This is the scenario that I didn't want to see them in. Game 6 is no guaranteed win especially how Boston has been smothering defensively, shown far more passion, and has been killing on the boards and in the paint.

Whatever the staff and the players for the Lakeshow can do in two nights needs to be magical. Momentum and gloom-feeling wise, this feels very similar to 08.
imagine pau just have his average ( 20 pts ?), Ron defend like game 1 2 3, we could have won this game. moving on to next game. we better play 110% to tie this series.
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

Rondo traveled when Ray Allen threw him that nice pass from the almost out of bounds

Pierce traveled throwing the ball to Rondo, he caught the ball and took 2 steps.

2 things I learned tonight:

Ron Artest has a terrible IQ
Ron Artest's defense is so overrated
Man... if we win this series. Wade, Lebron, Dwight, Kobe. That would be a sick list of victims.
And why are people saying the ball didn't hitched rim? You can clearly see the ball start to spin differently on the repay
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Lol you laker fans are too funny you lose you blame it on the refs

Fact is your lakers played like %#%+ on both ends only person who showed up was kobe and that was mostly in the 3rd

yeah the lakers played terrible but why do the celtics always get those suspect calls in crunch time? *!%$ is consistent now

the lakers deserved to lose the game but that is a bit suspect to me
And why are people saying the ball didn't hitched rim? You can clearly see the ball start to spin differently on the repay
I blame Ron Ron... Every game, he just shows how bad he is.. He can't shoot.. Can't run.. Can't jump.. Can't hit a free throw.. And his defense tonight was below sub par
Originally Posted by GotShpat

Boston Cel'sh1ts" will get murdered this sunday, im ready to bet my life on it...

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celly 202 375 9553
iss: iLLbanianKid
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Located in Bethesda, Maryland.


Ill bet my wife on the series 2..



Dude owes me a few stacks, but I know he will disappear.
Originally Posted by ClevelandsPrince23

Watching the Lakers tonight reminded me of watching the Cavs. Kobe (LeBron) was carrying the team, and everyone else scored 10 or less. Missing FT's (Ron, Pau) and just not playing with heart.
We had it the first 2/3 games; I don't know where it went.

Casper, the ball did not hit the rim...I watched the replay several times

Homecourt advantage means nothing...see game 2
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