Official Game 2: 05/06 Houston Rockets @ Los Angeles Lakers 7:30PM PST TNT

Of course Jordan talked trash but not anywhere near on the obnoxious level Kobe does. Payton talked more than both of them combined. The point is HOW Kobe's doing it and WHY. Jordan talked when he felt it necessary within the game. Kobe's trash talking is about drawing attention to himself. Jordan never had to draw attention to himself by talking trash.
This is such crap - you have no proof of this, it's just how you're interpreting it because Kobe isn't your boy like MJ was and Ithink your post makes that obvious.

If anything, Kobe talks because he wants to be like his idol, MJ. Because that's how he learned to play watching MJ. When does Kobe ever do thingsoutside of his trash talking on the court where you feel like he's trying to draw attention to himself? You guys act like he's out there whoringhimself out to every sponsor that comes along like Lebron is - dude is a hermit. He keeps to himself almost all the time.

There are so many unsubstantiated claims in this stuff - like people are trying to find new ways to justify their hatred for Kobe. Just come out and say it -you don't like the guy. That's all you have to say, quit searching for reasons AFTER that fact to back it up, if you don't like him then youdon't like him.
Posting for
[h2]got shoes[/h2][h2]
Going back to the game...

As somebody mentioned, the Lakers play defense with their hands, not their feet and they're looking guilty every time they swipe. Wrong call or not, theyneed to be smarter and not put themselves in that position. Lamar Odom, Bynum, and Sasha are the biggest violators of this. They draw the most idiotic fouls atthe beginning of quarters and cause the Lakers to be in the penalty. I really don't understand the rationale behind overly aggressive defense. Brooks andLowery have the speed to get into the paint so why would you play them so tight? A big concern to me is Andrew Bynum. His body language in game looks terrible.When the series started, I thought the Lakers would have some sort of anchor in the paint but it's non-existent. For the next game, they need to stay outof foul trouble and move their feet.
Originally Posted by Burns1923

mco85 wrote:

Burns1923 wrote:

People loved Jordan and Kobe patterns his game and mannerisms after Jordan and people weren't ready to see Jordan go so they hate on Kobe. I don't see how someone could like Jordan and not like Kobe.
Not sure that makes sense. MJ/Bulls fans back then didn't even have Kobe on their radar.

First off, Jordan was a superior talent in every way to Kobe. Second, MJ had his "I'm that good" moments but he mostly let his game speak for him. He played the game with class and tempered it with a sense of humility. Kobe is openly arrogant, to the point of disrespect. And he makes the game all about him.

Kobe's "He can't guard me" is straight stalker-status of MJ's in 93 against Gerald Wilkins.

Did you read Bill Simmons recent article where he touches on the l0 stages of a player's reaction to a game winning shot?

Yes, I did read that. Great article.

It's not just me who makes note of this stuff.

You have got to be kidding me. Did you watch Jordan play, dude talked more !##$ than anybody, much more than Kobe does. And you can say bulls fans did not have Kobe on their radar, but the majority of people who watched basketball payed attention to Kobe from day 1.

Did I watch Jordan play?

Die-hard Bulls fan at 8 years old in 88. Watched them lose to Detroit three straight years, finally break through and win the first 3-peat, cried and stayed home from school when he retired Oct. 6, 1993, freaked out when he came back, was overjoyed watching the second 3-peat... I basically mark the years of my childhood by what the Bulls did each year.

Of course Jordan talked trash but not anywhere near on the obnoxious level Kobe does. Payton talked more than both of them combined. The point is HOW Kobe's doing it and WHY. Jordan talked when he felt it necessary within the game. Kobe's trash talking is about drawing attention to himself. Jordan never had to draw attention to himself by talking trash.

So your in Kobe's head now, you know why he does the thing he does? I still don't see how you could say Kobe talks trash in a more obnoxious level thanJordan did. They don't even allow players to talk the way they did when Jordan was playing, if Kobe talked that much he would get tossed. Jordan was anarrogant, selfish, cutthroat %%$*%@!!@%$@, and Kobe is too. I can understand how someone could strongly dislike both of them because of their personalities,but I can't understand how someone could like one and not the other
They better not suspend fish for that ##*%, especially when they didn't so ##*% to Rondo with that haymaker he landed on Millers jaw in that game 5. TheEjection was enough, but knowing Stu Jackson, he'll suspend him for a game. All in all, the refs pretty much let both teams play, just got a bit too chippyin that second half, but none the less, the Lakers actually manned up and won the game with solid d. Like it's been said, that was a foul by artest, theyshould of called a t on Kobe for that Elbow though, Ron lost his composure and got tossed, he probably shouldn've but since he has a rep of being ahothead, that pretty much done him end with the officials. This look like it may very well be a 7 game series, especially if the Rockets keep hitting shotslike they have, and the Lakers keep on settling for jumpers insetad of going to the rack.
Originally Posted by ShaunJon

Originally Posted by CLuTcH 713

well, game 3 is gonna be something crazy. glad i got a ticket.

lucky, where u sittin?
I was lookin for tickets, but they sold out in less than an hour and I didn't feel like payin 150 a ticket to sit at the top
Im in section 101. got mines for 115 bucks.
Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by SouthsideChi773

Originally Posted by SickWitIt

Originally Posted by Fro B Giant

Originally Posted by SneakerPro

Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

I'll just say this:

There are very few humans that I can just kick in the head with no remorse. Kobe Bryant is one of them.
And, why is that?

He's one of those people I can't stand.

You know when you were younger in school there was that kid who was an absolute square, but had a unique talent? And he felt like that talent compensated for his square-status.

That's how I view this piece of %+@$. I cannot stand this mother +@!@@$.
I'm with you man.

You guys got some deep issues man seek counseling. And I am not trying to be funny either. You are effect saying you allow Kobe, a person you don't know personally and who could give a lick about you, to control you like you are a robot. He is controlling you and he doesn't even know it. How about get some self control and take the power back. You people are like children on NT, hating ball players and famous people. Are you serious??? Get a hobby, build something, do something with your life for real. I am seriously laughing over here.
says the dude that keeps riding Kobe.

Anyways, I laugh at these Kobe fans saying Kobe could drop Artest. For real though? Ron would end Kobe's life in 10 seconds or less.

I would be the first to tell anyone that Kobe is a great player,the thing is we all know that Mike is his ultimate inspiration, and he mimicks him almost to a tee,but it is nothing wrong with that.Because Mike took from DR.J,Magic took from so on,and the same with every other Superstar the NBA has ever had.

The thing with Kobe that a lot of people do not like is that he never created his own persona or signature for lack of better wording.

When I watch him,no shots fired,it seems like I am watching Diet Mike instead of Kobe.
I BEEN saying that Kobe is Faygo Michael Jordan.

His talent is off the charts,but he try soo hard to have a killer instinct,like Mike has,it just seems so manufactured.

I do have fun,whenever I am around or meet a Kobe stan.I ve learned to just nod my head and agree because as soon as mention I am from Chicago,15 minutes of mytime is about to be wasted.
I couldn't post unti now because I hit the post limit during half time. SMH.

Here are my thoughts:

- DFish should, and will get suspended. People want to compare the Rondo situations, but here's where I stand. Against Brad Miller, he's going to thebasket on a potential game tying bucket I believe it was. Rondo is way shorter than Brad, and while he got his head, it was still within the game, ie, goingout to foul the dude. I dunno if you can say for sure if he intended to knock him upside the head or not, and that's why you couldn't suspend the dude.He went and fouled him. The Hinrich thing, they tussled and Hinrich got thrown into the table. It's not like Rondo went up, grabbed him and threw him. Theywere tangled up and it happened. Ehhh. Fast forward to tonight, out of a timeout, Fish clearly sees Scola coming over for the pick. Dude lowers his shoulderand gives it all he's got. Cut that he didn't go for the head nonsense. Scola has like 6 inches on the dude. Of course DFish didn't go for thehead. What DFish did was dirty. And like we saw, pre meditated. He wasn't fighting through no pick. He wanted and did, lay a shot on Scola. What Fish didis equivalent to throwing an elbow, and he will pay the price.

- So, what led to this? Lamar, even though he's been ghost for 2 games now, he decided to get animated. In the 2nd quarter or 3rd quarter, he blocksScola's shot and gets in Scola's face. Scola doesn't say anything. LO keeps yapping. So, Artest comes to hold Scola back so he doesn't get intoit. Then you have LO driving to the basket and Scola fouls him. Routine stop the person from an easy basket foul. In the process, he grazes Lamar's face.Of course LO gets hyped and starts talking. Then you have Luke Walton out of all people getting hyped and starts running his gums. Scola confronts him. DFishcorrals Walton, and on the next possesion, delivers that cheap shot.

- Kobe and Ron. Don't give me that Ron was holding onto Kobe, and he fouled Kobe before Kobe elbowed him. The whistle was blown once Kobe got the REBOUND.They didn't call the foul while they were under the basket. Clearly, it was foul on Kobe. A missed call. Kobe threw an elbow at Ron's neck. Ronconfronts Kobe and gets T'd up. Rightfully so. People are overreacting to what Ron did to get ejected though. He didn't make no throat slashinggesture. He was doing what he was doing once the whistle was blown. Pleading his case motioning how Kobe elbowed him. It wasn't no 'threat' toKobe. Because of Ron's past history, they ejected him. I don't think he should have. T'd up, sure.

- Kobe Bryant. I like how people like to talk about Kobe lighting up Shane, and whatnot. Believe it or not, outside of when he plays the Rockets, I actuallyappreciates dude's game. I tip my hat to Kobe tonight. Dude was lights out. He wouldn't let the Lakers lose tonight. But there's a lot of thingsthat I think are overlooked. The shooting woes of game 1 by him, coupled by the continued talk of Shane and Ron's d, coupled by the announcing of thembeing on the all defensive team, coupled with it being a must win game for the Lakers, dude showed up big time tonight and took over. Props. BUT, as a Lakersfan, sure, you can say Kobe can drop 40 any night, but the Lakers are in big trouble if it's going to take THAT in order for the Lakers to win thisseries/the rest of the way onto the Finals. As we saw, the Rockets played him tough, and he was spending a lot of energy. If it takes Kobe Bryant scoring 40every game in order for the Lakers to win this series, then hey, kudos Kobe. I mean, it's gonna be a question of whether or not his j is gonna be wet,since he's content jumpshooting. He had only like 4 FT's midway in the 4th..

- If you're a Lakers fan you have to be troubled by everybody's play, not named Kobe Bryant. Gasol and Odom are getting beat on the glass, missingFT's and are really non factors. Ditto that for almost everybody else. And if its not evidenced by now, Andruw Bynum will be a non factor this series. Hewasn't last series, hasn't been this series, got demoted to the bench, and ended up playing like 8 mins. If Phil isn't going to use him againstYao, or try to exploit Bynum against Hayes and Landry, then he's useless.

- Pau is doing a good job on Yao playing off Yao, making it look like you can get the entry pass in, and then going in and trying to poke it away when it doescome in. That and fronting him. When it's like this, the Rockets end up using too much shot clock seeing whether they can get it in, and if they can't,have to hurry up and put up a bad shot. That's why Hayes and Landry were effective. You don't look for these guys for offense. That's why theRockets were better in the 2nd quarter. The offense flowed better. Yao needs to step it up, as, he's a big part on whether or not the Rockets aresuccesful.

- Second unit was the brightest spots for the Rockets tonight. Landry finally came alive, and did his best Leon Powe impersenation. Lakers couldn't keepthe guy off the glass.

- Aaron Brooks and Lowry have to play better. Especially Brooks. Hopefully, the whole Von Wafer thing is a non issue going forward, as, he's instantoffense off the bench, as we saw.

In conclusion, I like the Rockets chances going forward. Yao didn't get going, Kobe was lights out, and the Rockets were still in the game. As we see, itsgonna be a hard fought series. This really could go the distance. Bottomline, the Rockets win all their games in Houston, they advance.
Kobe haters in full effect
Kobe fans, you are just adding fuel to thefire by replying to them.... . Just let them be! Notice i said "Kobe" fans and not Laker fans. "Laker" fans are more concerned in notblowing leads, playing better defense, etc... Let the kobe haters hate.. I can't imagine the playoffs without Kobe haters.. think how boring that wouldbe.
Geeezz ...that so called elbow wasnt THAT serious ... two people battling for the rebound is all i see.. chill..
I dont watch the Rockets play often, so for those who do, can Artest play this well the whole series?
Yall are so full of !@#@. Kobe swinging his elbow around right before he goes up for the rebound is a "natural basketball move" right?
i dont know about this well...he hasn't been known to be this much of a threat as a scorer historically. however, his jumper is
right now. it alldepends how this "i got a chip on my shoulder and want to destroy kobe" thing works out. could make him better or worse (pressing too much).
Originally Posted by mco85

I dont watch the Rockets play often, so for those who do, can Artest play this well the whole series?
He can, but he has to let the game come to him. He's known for trying way too hard in certain situations, like ball hogging, jacking shots up.he did that a couple times tonight, but the shots were falling.
Lady about 3 rows up got a perfect pic of hobe elbowing artest, you can see the flash...
This well? no. Usually his jumpers don't fall and he'll try to go 1 on 5 several times during the game. His offense is far above his average right now.
With Ron Artest, it's like, 'no, no, no, YES!' when he hoists up shots. His shot selection isn't all that great, but, its a great sign thathe's been money shooting the rock the first two games. On the road nonetheless. As long as they keep going in, we'll take it.

Either way, Ariza on Artest is not working. Ron is having his way with dude. And because Ariza is mainly a fast break player, or a dude who hoists up 3's,even though he's not that good at it, the Rockets are putting Scola of all people on dude.

Big time advantage in this matchup for Houston going forward.
i just hope they keep shane on kobe. kobe hit many tough shots tonight...shane does as good as you can against such a skilled offensive player
Originally Posted by xsalvioutlawx

Why are you guys bringing up Kobe fighting? Was MJ a fighter? MJ and Kobe had the same type of fuel. Someone talks trash on them and you better believe they're gonna come at you and light your *$# up.

You can't be an MJ fan and believe everything he did a player was "Perfect" and hate Kobe for doing pretty much the same type of play MJ does or has done. Anyone forget MJ was "Untouchable" because of the refs?

Seriously, some of you shouldn't even try to analyze basketball, you guys are bogus and one sided. I'm a Kobe fan to the fullest, but I know when the line is crossed. I'm not gonna sit here and type another response about the game, check the page before if you wanna argue.
very well put.

Everyone getting on Kobe for not fighting or throwing a punch are out of your minds. He's smart for not retaliating to save himself from gettingsuspended.
I can almost guarantee that if Kobe did throw a punch all his detractors would be saying things like "Kobe is so fake, trying to act hard by throwing apunch" etc.
Originally Posted by tmoney85

Originally Posted by sole searchin

Hiding? Why should we hide? We played horribly and need to adjust on the fly better.

Fisher's play was beyond dirty, turned, looked, lowered his shouldered and put his weight into Scola. Should be suspended.
Kobe's play was typical Kobe. Classless, but the foul called on Ron was ridiculous, how was it a foul on Artest at all? What else do you expect from Joey Crawford, the NBA, and Kobe. Overall, call was blown, Kobe was dirty, but Ron overreacted. It was warranted since the call was HORRIBLE but Ron shouldn't have been kicked out. A tech is fine, but not an ejection.

Rockets were not on at all, Lakers were. Laker's get the win.

And why should we hide at all. We went to L.A. no one picked us to win, we were "supposed" to get blown out of the water. But now, we did everything we wanted. A split is great, home court is ours. Why should we hide? Ya'll Laker fanboys are the on whining about everything and crying, we did what we needed to do, you guys didn't. End of story.

Sorry Fanboys, it's a series, it wasn't gonna be a cakewalk.
he clearly had his elbows on top of kobes shoulders/neck first. watch the replay again.
His hands were on top of Kobe way before the foul was called. If you as a ref thinks thats a foul, call it then, don't allow a player to getelbowed, miss that call then call it against Artest when he just got elbowed. Call it like it is and where else is Artest supposed to put his hands it hishands are up and Kobe's down to is shoulders.

If its a foul on Artest call it when that happened, not after a clear elbow to his throat because it was the almighty Kobe and the Lakers.
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