Official Game 2: 05/06 Houston Rockets @ Los Angeles Lakers 7:30PM PST TNT

@ this dude knightingale or whatever it is. Biggest Laker homer out the bunch. I used to think Fro B was but I realized dude was just trash talking andtrying to get under people's skins.

But here you have knightengale saying the Rockets choke if they lose the series. What happens if the Lakers lose the series?

Also these Rockets scrubs are showing a lot more grit than an All-Star, one first place DPOTY Pau Gasol and a 6'10 can do everything point foward in Lamar,so far.

Be real, Lakers fans can't be happy with their play
-straight up balling until barkley did a bit of talking later into the footage.. A kobe would begun talking right away no matter who it is. We all harp on kobe when he's TOO close to emulating MJ but when he defines himself in this instance, we "hate" on him still.
I think what people notice with Kobe's trash talking is the context.

Jordan saying "He can't guard me" about Gerald Wilkins in the 93 playoffs had a lot of backstory to it. In short, Cleveland added Wilkins insummer 92 to be a big 2-guard who could match up defensively with Jordan. Wilkins was given the faux nickname "Jordan Stopper", referencing why hewas brought to Cleveland. Wilkins himself said it was his job to keep Jordan's numbers down. So all of this backstory built up. Naturally, Jordan tookit all as a challenge and proved that Wilkins could not, in fact, stop him in any way throughout the series.

Kobe and Battier have no such backstory, so Kobe's "He can't guard me" is neither here nor there. It's an awkward response to anon-existent challenge. He hits 3 jumpers on Battier in one game (game 2) and Battier officially can't guard him? I mean, come on... the parallels heredon't match up. But Kobe thinks they do. Kobe thinks he is Michael Jordan, only his way.
The whole elbow thing, if the refs said that then hey, good eye by the ref and good call.

Ron being Ron and getting crazy after getting elbowed then. Oh well.

It's not so much where Kobe elbowed Ron. The point is, Ron took offense to the elbow.

Either way, IMO shouldn't be a flagrant or a suspension
Originally Posted by holdenmichael

It was more both of them getting position, Kobe gets the rebound by elbowing, but, from the refs angle, with Kobe's arm flailing, it looks like Ron pushes off.

Watch that part of the game again. Ron is talking to the ref' and the ref' says, "you had your arm on him" or something like that. It wasn't a push in the back they thought they were calling. Kobe can't jump for a rebound if the opposing player has him pinned down with his arm/elbow. That's a foul.
Remnants of Rodman and Malone getting tangled up. Kobe had the position. Ron wasn't trying to let him go.

His elbow did not hit his neck...the same way Kobe's elbow never hit Raja Bell's jaw a couple years back.

Ron shouldn't have gotten the boot but he should have never reacted the way he did in the first place. If he's this tough guy and has been involved inall of these fights and seen death on the court, he shouldn't freak out about a bow that didn't hit his throat.
Originally Posted by franchise3

@ this dude knightingale or whatever it is. Biggest Laker homer out the bunch. I used to think Fro B was but I realized dude was just trash talking and trying to get under people's skins.

But here you have knightengale saying the Rockets choke if they lose the series. What happens if the Lakers lose the series?

Also these Rockets scrubs are showing a lot more grit than an All-Star, one first place DPOTY Pau Gasol and a 6'10 can do everything point foward in Lamar, so far.

Be real, Lakers fans can't be happy with their play
cosign. If anything rockets winning this series would be an upset. They're playing with fire (especially Landry) but i think we showed someof that today with fisher and kobe. Fisher's play (even though it was dirty) helped the team. It took scola completely out of his game and fired everyoneelse up. Kobe the whole night was hungry for a win and gasol played 10x better than game 1. The only thing i'm concerned about is ariza and the bench. They're all playing terrible so far. But it's 1-1, can't be too mad at that
Burns1923 wrote:
Kobe and Battier have no such backstory, so Kobe's "He can't guard me" is neither here nor there. It's an awkward response to a non-existent challenge. He hits 3 jumpers on Battier in one game (game 2) and Battier officially can't guard him? I mean, come on... the parallels here don't match up. But Kobe thinks they do. Kobe thinks he is Michael Jordan, only his way.

Battier and Artest were brought in to combat Kobe. The media is constantly bringing up how Battier slows down or at least gives Kobe fits. Samething with Kirlenko.
Yep, the DFish thing definitely took Scola out of his rhythm.

Ariza has been legit shooting 3's during the playoffs, but how has he been during the year? THIS series? When you have a slow footed Scola on you, Trevorreally should drive. But, he knows that's not his role on the offense, so he doesn't.
Originally Posted by Kal Ripped Ken

Originally Posted by franchise3

@ this dude knightingale or whatever it is. Biggest Laker homer out the bunch. I used to think Fro B was but I realized dude was just trash talking and trying to get under people's skins.

But here you have knightengale saying the Rockets choke if they lose the series. What happens if the Lakers lose the series?

Also these Rockets scrubs are showing a lot more grit than an All-Star, one first place DPOTY Pau Gasol and a 6'10 can do everything point foward in Lamar, so far.

Be real, Lakers fans can't be happy with their play
cosign. If anything rockets winning this series would be an upset. They're playing with fire (especially Landry) but i think we showed some of that today with fisher and kobe. Fisher's play (even though it was dirty) helped the team. It took scola completely out of his game and fired everyone else up. Kobe the whole night was hungry for a win and gasol played 10x better than game 1. The only thing i'm concerned about is ariza and the bench. They're all playing terrible so far. But it's 1-1, can't be too mad at that
We're gonna lose this series if the bench kept playing the way they are now..

Kobe was money, but
@ him just mouthing off he can't guard me, throughout the game.

Sure, that is the case, but, through of Kobe's heorics, the Rockets were still in it. It could've easily been ala game 1 where it wasn't reallyfalling, and the Lakers offense standing around, hoping he'd bail 'em out.

Unless Pau or LO or somebody takes iniative and helps Kobe score consistently, this is going to be a longer than anticipated series, or even a knock out.
Should of been a tech on Kobe for throwing the bow, but they quickly made up for it by calling the "you can't guard me" one, which obviously isnot tech worthy with all the junk players talk all game.

Ron Artest kind of reminds me of Dennis Rodman when he talks.
Originally Posted by goukiteg

Burns1923 wrote:
Kobe and Battier have no such backstory, so Kobe's "He can't guard me" is neither here nor there. It's an awkward response to a non-existent challenge. He hits 3 jumpers on Battier in one game (game 2) and Battier officially can't guard him? I mean, come on... the parallels here don't match up. But Kobe thinks they do. Kobe thinks he is Michael Jordan, only his way.
Battier and Artest were brought in to combat Kobe. The media is constantly bringing up how Battier slows down or at least gives Kobe fits. Same thing with Kirlenko.

I can't say I've seen that kind of media coverage. And I'm sure Houston likes Battier's and Artest's defense when playing Kobe but Idon't know that Kobe's the singular reason for their being on the team.

A big difference between Wilkins and Battier is that Wilkins openly acknowledged his goal in trying to shut Jordan down. Battier, to my knowledge, has neverpublicly made such a statement about guarding Kobe, nor has Kirilenko if I'm not mistaken.
Kobe lookin' SHOOK once Tru Warrior starts going after him

F it I'm wearing my Ron Artest Kings jersey tomorrow
wouldnt ruben patterson be a better example here? There i could see kobe going off and doing his thing. but its truly all about context and control... dudesunpredictable. definetly his own man there lol. nothing jordan about that
Originally Posted by Burns1923

Originally Posted by goukiteg

Burns1923 wrote:
Kobe and Battier have no such backstory, so Kobe's "He can't guard me" is neither here nor there. It's an awkward response to a non-existent challenge. He hits 3 jumpers on Battier in one game (game 2) and Battier officially can't guard him? I mean, come on... the parallels here don't match up. But Kobe thinks they do. Kobe thinks he is Michael Jordan, only his way.
Battier and Artest were brought in to combat Kobe. The media is constantly bringing up how Battier slows down or at least gives Kobe fits. Same thing with Kirlenko.

I can't say I've seen that kind of media coverage. And I'm sure Houston likes Battier's and Artest's defense when playing Kobe but I don't know that Kobe's the singular reason for their being on the team.

A big difference between Wilkins and Battier is that Wilkins openly acknowledged his goal in trying to shut Jordan down. Battier, to my knowledge, has never publicly made such a statement about guarding Kobe, nor has Kirilenko if I'm not mistaken.

If Kobe's out in the East, I don't think Houston is quick to take on Artest.
If Kobe's out in the East, I don't think Houston is quick to take on Artest.
You know, there isn't enough info to be sure.

I'm just thinking that any team would consider a player as tough and as versatile as Artest, especially a West team like Houston looking to contend and inneed of those skills.
So...I'm a Laker fan, and despite tonight's ridiculous performances from just about everybody (and I do mean ri-di-cu-lous), my mind isn't at easeabout beating the Rockets.

It's clear that these Rockets are straight up HUNGRIER than any Laker aside from Kobe, and it takes Scola getting decked, Fisher getting ejected, Ron-Rongetting tossed, and a lot of calls going the Lakers' way to squeak by the Rockets in Los Angeles.

That's truly awful. I don't respect any team that believes that it's entitled to go deep in the playoffs because of what their roster looks like,and ever since the All-Star break or so, that's what I've noticed from this group of Lakers.

I am, was, and always will be a Laker fan, but I am seriously disgusted at the effort (or lack thereof) these guys put in sometimes. Unless Pau and L.O.realize that they're major scorers and not just cheerleaders for Kobe Bryant, until our much-hyped bench starts making their open shots, until Andrew Bynumrealizes that his team needs more rebounds than fouls, until Kobe gets into people's faces and tells them that they're not doing what needs to bedone...these Lakers can't and won't go all the way.

I hope they can turn it around. We shouldn't pat ourselves on the back because D-Fish played dirty and Ron Artest was (unjustifiably) thrown out.
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