Official Foamposite Pro Pearl Thread....PICS PAGE 1....MAY 23 2009

ebay sent me a $20 off code that expires tomorrow.......thought about gettin these but no 13's
Originally Posted by Swerv1n

ebay sent me a $20 off code that expires tomorrow.......thought about gettin these but no 13's
yo if u can find something worth while on there with a BIN... dont forget to use cashback. the 1st time i used cashback i had to wait 60 days...last week i used it with my 8% coupon and got cashback immediately.
Originally Posted by bigj505

Originally Posted by Swerv1n

ebay sent me a $20 off code that expires tomorrow.......thought about gettin these but no 13's
yo if u can find something worth while on there with a BIN... dont forget to use cashback. the 1st time i used cashback i had to wait 60 days... last week i used it with my 8% coupon and got cashback immediately.

yeah i heard about that.....i use bigcrumbs but i heard of other ones too. I ended up using the $20 off on a vintage Michael Jackson tee......

these aint really on my radar. I wouldnt drop more than $200 on these just to take the swooshes off......
Originally Posted by bigj505

^^^ no prob... they def aint selling for 400 on ebay but if u catch a listing, hit the seller up and ask for a lower BIN... then use cashback to get them cheaper
You are completely wrong. Sold a 10.5 for $405 plus shipping( to mexico) which got me $460. And this was 2 weeks ago....

You may have gotten lucky but theyre still up there in price...
Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

Originally Posted by bigj505

^^^ no prob... they def aint selling for 400 on ebay but if u catch a listing, hit the seller up and ask for a lower BIN... then use cashback to get them cheaper
You are completely wrong. Sold a 10.5 for $405 plus shipping( to mexico) which got me $460. And this was 2 weeks ago....

You may have gotten lucky but theyre still up there in price...
i wouldnt say completely wrong. ive seen a few sell for less than 400. ive also seen a few listed for 400 and end with 0 bids. maybe u got lucky.ebay is very hit or miss but show me more than 1 listing thats bid above 400 and maybe ill agree with u.

and come on dude... how about u tell everyone how much ur size 10s sold for on ebay? since i know u listed them there... i was a watcher of urs. and if ugrabbing so much cake and im so lucky, how come u were trying to sell them for less than 400 on here?
Originally Posted by blackiceblaze

Originally Posted by bigj505

^^^ no prob... they def aint selling for 400 on ebay but if u catch a listing, hit the seller up and ask for a lower BIN... then use cashback to get them cheaper
You are completely wrong. Sold a 10.5 for $405 plus shipping( to mexico) which got me $460. And this was 2 weeks ago....

You may have gotten lucky but theyre still up there in price...
im definitely feeling lucky... or do i?
sorry marito... dude just trying to tell me how wrong i am about pearl foams not selling for 400+ and im "lucky" for paying 350 for my pair... i justknow he sold u his for way less and his ebay auction ended for less than 400...
no disrespect.
Another $400+ auction...Brooklyn styles auction went for $500. The higher you go up in size the more rare they get.

I sold two for $400 BIN here on NT, another to marito, and another 2 on ebay(one for $405 plus shipping and another for $360 plus shipping a size 10).Marito's were a little discounted because i owed him

Oh yeah...

Do you need me to prove you wrong again with the print screen of the paypal invoive for the $400 i sold the other ones for...?

EDIT: Also notice I stated MONEY ORDER.... PAYPAL would have been $375 shipped....

So I guess you'll still try to make an arguement that i was wrong in saying 350 is cheap when i was selling them for more than that.... and sold 3 pair for$400 plus and another for 382... which the last time i checked were over $350...

Not trying to get heated but you had to dig for my posts and everything
So ur telling me u sold 1 for 405 + shipping and another on ebay for 360 + shipping.
Then sold 2 on niketalk for 400 + 1 more for 330 shipped.

Then I know for a fact Ive seen the pearls sell for less than 400 or not sell at all for 400 with free shipping.

Sounds like what I said. eBay can be hit or miss.

Also, take a look in the buy/sell thread of 10.5/11... ull see them for 375 shipped and not sold yet. How am I completely wrong when I can find them for lessthan 400 when u urself advertised them for less?
Here is a link to a pair that ended up being traded but look at the price drops and this is as recent as last week. Its locked so i figured its ok to link to:

Point of the story... the shoes can be had for less than 400 as long as u take ur time to look esp when u urself was selling them for 365 w/money orderaccording to ur sig.
BigJ Is Right, Not Sure Why This Fool Blackice Is Tryin To Argue This
.... These Shoes Can Be Found For Under $400 With ALittle Effort, MOST Of Which Are Selling In The $350-$375 Or So Range....I Myself Located A Pair Of Size 10.5's For $340 Shipped ThatShould Be Here Some Time Tomorrow........ ANYONE LOOKING TO TRADE A 10 FOR MY 10.5's HOLLER!!!
Well biceb did hook it up so I would have def payed over 350 if he didn't do that for me...... and its kool bigj505 I just didn't read ya post so I hadno idea what yall was talking
So Much Sole 23 - Thanks for support

Marito - yea dude just got me started by telling me im COMPLETELY WRONG that they can be found for less than 400 on ebay when I know its not true. id say 350is about average these days and dude telling me Im lucky. Thats some str8 BS. Just trying to give fellow niketalkers the heads up. Ive been following the shoessince before release date. Still trying to secure a 2nd pair so I have been doing my research.
Originally Posted by So Much Sole 23

BigJ Is Right, Not Sure Why This Fool Blackice Is Tryin To Argue This
.... These Shoes Can Be Found For Under $400 With A Little Effort, MOST Of Which Are Selling In The $350-$375 Or So Range....I Myself Located A Pair Of Size 10.5's For $340 Shipped That Should Be Here Some Time Tomorrow........ ANYONE LOOKING TO TRADE A 10 FOR MY 10.5's HOLLER!!!
no TRADING sole... this doesn't exclude you big guy. you should stop or else mods may be called...
^ You Done Yet? Not Sure If It's Hard For You To See Or Not, But People DON'T Really Like You In Here And Could Care Less About YourOpinions Or What YOU Sold Kicks For....Take That BS Elsewhere Homeboy
blackiceblaze, im done... u say i got lucky for finding them for 350 shippedand say ur lucky to sell for 405+shipping... guess we r 2 lucky people huh? guess all of the ebay sellers are lucky to sell for more than 400 huh?
im "lucky" for paying about the average resellers price for these shoes... i sure am. and ur "lucky" for selling more than ur 365 askingprice (which coincidentally is close to what i paid).
Originally Posted by bigj505

blackiceblaze, im done... u say i got lucky for finding them for 350 shipped and say ur lucky to sell for 405+shipping... guess we r 2 lucky people huh? guess all of the ebay sellers are lucky to sell for more than 400 huh?
im "lucky" for paying about the average resellers price for these shoes... i sure am. and ur "lucky" for selling more than ur 365 asking price (which coincidentally is close to what i paid).
no response sole you win. youre much cooler than me

please stop verbally molesting me thoooooooooo

your reiteration of how much i profited from them irritates you doesn't it. I also got a pair for myself, size 11.5, and i got them for free

no more of this bickering sole. LOSS OF MEMBERSHIP would be more unfortunate for someone who has been here for almost 6 years as opposed to one who has onlybeen here for 2.
^GREAT Comeback Kid
...Cuz I Was Really Trying To Be A "Thug" With My Previous Comment
..... By The Way, How Much DidYou Sell Your Pairs For Again? Don't Think I Caught That The First 10 Times You Posted It

PS- I See You Have ReThought (4Times) That LAME Response You Initially Came Up With
.....First And Foremost, Aint Noone "Molesting" You Kiddo... I Aint Your 47 Y.O. Uncle You Still Have Night Sweats About So You Can JustDrop All That Nonsense
..... The ONLY Point I WasMaking Or Should I Say Reiterating Is That You In Here Arguing A Moot Point Dude.... It's VERY CLEAR That These Shoes Can Be Had For Under$400 Nowadays Like BigJ Originally Claimed.... PERIOD... No Need To Argue That....... And YES WeALL Know By Now That You Were Able To Sell A Couple Pairs For Over $400
And NO I Truly Could Care Less About Your Little $160 Take YouMade Off Selling Pairs For $400+.... I Have A Steady Job With Benefits/Stock Options And Also Am The Executive Marketing Manager For Another Company.... I MakeEnough Loot In The Time It Took You To Sell Your Pairs To Buy Out The Entire Stock Chicago/LA Released
....Lastly I Don't Believe I Have Said ANYTHING Out Of Line Or Worthy OfLossing My Membership Over, And Would Hope The Mods See It That Way As Well...... No Beef Here Guy, Just Stating Facts
^You Just HAD To Post Those Didn't You My Dude?
..... Hurting My Feeligs With That One!

To Keep This Thread On Track And Not About What This Shoe SHOULD & SHOULDN'T Be Sold For, Does Anyone Have Pictures Of The Soles On APair Of These That Have Been Worn A Couple Times? Interested To See How Long It Takes For Yellowing To Occur?
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