Aug 12, 2004
Him and his stupid dog need to leave Oakland forever.


He's a dang good coach.

Get him a formidable big man who can rebound and block shots and that team would be lethal.


Didn't yall love him last year?

He is what he is....and that is not a great coach....rather good and innovative.

SMH @ Warriors fans

You guys want to fire a coach who took 2 different era Warrior teams into the playoffs and got you guys out of the 1st round each time

Your guys franchise didnt even make the playoffs for 13 years before last season.
Of course he led us to the playoffs last year and that definitely counts for something.

However, anyone who watches the Warriors should understand that Nellie is NOT utilizing our players properly and really ruining things with smallball.there's times for smallball, but there's also times where you have to go traditional and realizee you're gonna get KILLED on defense if you playlike that, and that's happened two days in a row.

the warriors have had a great season; and even if we don't get in, it'll be because of the tough West, not necessarily Nellie.
HOWEVER! He has to realize, Pietrus is not a 4, Barnes is not a 4, Azubuike is not a 4, they are suitable for 2/3.
You put freaking WRIGHT and Harringtonthere. I feel that he's too stubborn and cocky to realize that perhaps it's time to play players where their true strengths are, not where youroffense's strengths are. that's why we get freaking killed inside. it's not our players, it's the system. we HAVE the personnel to bebetter in the interior than we are. in addition, Biedrins is getting shafted of PT. but unfortunately, it's hard for other outsiders to really know that.
Wait, just because you guys have lost 2 games in a row??

In that case, Lakers should have fired Phil Jackson after losing to Charlotte and Memphis!!!!!!!!!!
Just to chime in on this, Avery stopped being stubborn and played Dampier, we've been criticizing him for a while for not playing him, but tonight he didthe right thing.
Wait, just because you guys have lost 2 games in a row??
Not at all.

For the past couple weeks we've been playing not as great (goin w/l/w/l/w/l/w/l, etc.) and in the West that doesn't cut it this year. ALL YEAR LONG,even when we were winning in Jan/Feb, I've been criticizing the way Nellie utilizes our talent.
You have to be kiddin'. I could post a whole rant about this, but as a respected Warrior fan, I hope you're not serious about this. Considering IFW's dont make the playoffs, they would still have close to a 50 win season, and 9/10 years, they would easily be in the playoffs. Nelson has done aincredible job here. He can't help if they have absolutely no size upfront.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Of course he led us to the playoffs last year and that definitely counts for something.

However, anyone who watches the Warriors should understand that Nellie is NOT utilizing our players properly and really ruining things with smallball. there's times for smallball, but there's also times where you have to go traditional and realizee you're gonna get KILLED on defense if you play like that, and that's happened two days in a row.

the warriors have had a great season; and even if we don't get in, it'll be because of the tough West, not necessarily Nellie.
HOWEVER! He has to realize, Pietrus is not a 4, Barnes is not a 4, Azubuike is not a 4, they are suitable for 2/3.
You put freaking WRIGHT and Harrington there. I feel that he's too stubborn and cocky to realize that perhaps it's time to play players where their true strengths are, not where your offense's strengths are. that's why we get freaking killed inside. it's not our players, it's the system. we HAVE the personnel to be better in the interior than we are. in addition, Biedrins is getting shafted of PT. but unfortunately, it's hard for other outsiders to really know that.
He can't help if they have absolutely no size upfront.
This is the only part I disagree with you on.

At least....I'm not saying Nellie sucks and should be fired right away.
But I'm saying he doesn't utilize players properly.

We have WRIGHT, BIEDRINS, Harrington, and Patrick O'Bryant. Unfortunately, Wright gets shafted of playing time on the reg (when it's very noticeable hehas an impact in interior presence), and Biedrins has been robbed as well. Check that Denver game, once Biedrins left the game Denver got easy buckets insideand pulled away. Harrington plays because he can shoot 3's, and of course you all don't know about POB. It's a shame cuz we spent a lottery pick onhim and nellie doesn't even give us a chance to see how good he is. and in the brief time he's played he's shown he can make a difference (see:clipper game in november). he could have definitely been helpful at least giving us a nice interior presence.
if players like Wright/Andris/POB never see the court as much as they SHOULD be, of course we're gonna get killed inside. those are the players thatprovide that presence.
I understand how much he's meant to the Warriors these past 2 years but I agree. I never liked his coaching style.

I admire his ability to exploit mismatches. There's no better example than forcing Avery's hand in the playoffs last year.

However I hate a lot of his philosophies. He plays small ball, which is fun and everything, but as someone said there are times where it JUST DOESN'T WORK.I also hate how he, like D'Antoni, often treats defense like it's an optional aspect of the game. IT'S NOT.

I'll admit he's a good coach overall, but those things really annoy me. Same with D'Antoni.

I only took an actual disliking to him during his holdout or whatever when he wanted more money this past summer. He's acting like a prima donna superstar.If he signed the contract before, why is he going to hold out for more money (if I misunderstood the situation though, go ahead and correct me)? If a coach isgoing to do that, he should at least be a complete coach.
dont blame Nellie, blame Mullin for trading Jason you guys cant win the games you need to win unlike last year
why the hell would you fire a coach with a winning record. An excellent record at that considering the strength of the west. His style is what makes thewarriors so exciting. He hasn't always been my favorite but the West is damn good this year.
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