Official: FIFA '10 Thread... Vol. eek

It is crazy how bad I suck at this game.
I can't aim the ball when I shoot so the goalie blocks it everytime, and if he doesn't block it then I shoot it over the goal....this is my firstsoccer game though
Originally Posted by omgitswes

It is crazy how bad I suck at this game.
I can't aim the ball when I shoot so the goalie blocks it everytime, and if he doesn't block it then I shoot it over the goal....this is my first soccer game though
It definitely takes a while to get used to. Be easy on the shoot button, and when you do shoot try to flick the left stick a little to the sideand you should tuck it in the corner.
Originally Posted by omgitswes

It is crazy how bad I suck at this game.
I can't aim the ball when I shoot so the goalie blocks it everytime, and if he doesn't block it then I shoot it over the goal....this is my first soccer game though
Its easy bro. I had the same problem. You pretty much have to tap the shooting button. Navigate the ball with the left analog stick. Practice yourshots on the practice field.. Thats how I learned.. Still suck online though. And like you, this is my first soccer game. Im lovin it though.
this game is pissing me off .. imhorrible lol lost 2 in a row online 4-0 and 4-0
About to get on and play a couple of games in a minute. GT is Feasting Horns. I run with Liverpool or Bayern Munich
Yo i'll play someone like I said earlier I'm not very good.
GT: Mr Wes256

nvm my friend just got here and he wants to play
Originally Posted by Bradley22

not sure if this has been brought up before but anyone interested in starting up a ps3 league?
we should do it.

last year we had an 09 tourney set up with groups and everything. it was pretty legit but we never finished. typical nt

who wants to play me? stuntin951 psn
Originally Posted by atcho

A lot of countries have been left out. No Japan? Dang...

Wait until the Fifa World Cup game comes out next year. Thats going to have every country.
Alright yal I created a league.

Name: Niketalk

Get in there. first come first serve with teams. 5 minute halves. 2 games against each opponent and 12 teams max.
^ is this for psn ? if so im down


add me if you havent, shout me with your NT SN


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