Official Entrepreneur/Business Thread vol.1

Any bros here know of any good entrepreneur "courses"

For example Alex Becker teaches SEO through sourcewave 

Stuff like that
You're putting the cart before the horse, my friend. What happens if you sell baby shoes and the shoe rips and the baby cuts his/her foot? You would liable, right? I would worry first about being able to sell a product before I start worrying about post-sale worst case scenarios. That's just me though--I'm not risk averse when it comes to business.

Anyway, this is a screenshot from today's sales so far for one of my stores. Margin is about 50%. Not a bad thing to wake up to.

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What do you use to advertise? Facebook ads? Word of mouth? Etc.

I've always been interested in ecommerce. I was also about to take a course on it but delayed for some reason. How much money would you recommend I start with? And if you don't mind answering, where did you learn about ecom? Did you just take a specific course? No worries if you don't want to share, I had to ask haha. 

And for some more stupid questions- you mentioned mastering FB ads. Would your niche even matter for whatever you're selling through your store on Shopify if you're really good at FB ads, or is it more of a combination of your niche + advertising. I would believe it is the latter, but I just want to get an idea of how important a niche is if a person is good at advertising. Thanks
congrats on your success! I had no clue what you did.
Do you do strictly ecommerce ? How many businesses and sites do you have?


I got out of professional services last year and into ecommerce. I had a couple of ecommerce clients with my previous business and that just opened my eyes to what was possible. And the rest, as they say, is history.

Currently have 2 stores, launching a 3rd tonight or tomorrow. Also do digital marketing consulting on the side, but this is just to keep me busy during the day more than anything (my businesses run themselves).


I've always been interested in ecommerce. I was also about to take a course on it but delayed for some reason. How much money would you recommend I start with? And if you don't mind answering, where did you learn about ecom? Did you just take a specific course? No worries if you don't want to share, I had to ask haha. 

And for some more stupid questions- you mentioned mastering FB ads. Would your niche even matter for whatever you're selling through your store on Shopify if you're really good at FB ads, or is it more of a combination of your niche + advertising. I would believe it is the latter, but I just want to get an idea of how important a niche is if a person is good at advertising. Thanks

I started my store for $10 (the cost of the domain). I spent another $100 on FB ads, which were immediately ROI positive. Within a week I was spending upwards of $1,000 per day on FB ads. I do think niche matters, but if you know how to target properly (and you know the ins and outs of FB), it doesn't matter THAT much. Obviously your offer needs to be strong (to convert the traffic), but being able to buy traffic while maintaining a profitable CPA is much more important (and harder to do) than simply optimizing your site.

And no, I didn't take a course. I just followed the Shopify blog, plus a few other blogs. I always found the psychology behind CRO (conversion rate optimization) and copywriting pretty fascinating, so I enjoyed reading up on the topics despite not having a store of my own. There's also a ton of groups on Facebook that are filled with smart people who love to share their wisdom. Those groups have helped me tremendously.
Cool thanks for the info. Congrats on your stores man. Do you think it's possible to have a full time job and also being able to learn/doing ecom on the side just to see how things work? Debating between getting a full time job or saving up $ to invest into something, like ecom. 
@FLYKNIT nice! Good luck with your new store. Did you read any books on copywriting ?
I'm trying to create great landing pages for my apps and any other future businesses.

There is definitely a lot of money to be made in e commerce. I first learned about the possibilities after reading The Millionaire Fastlane then visiting the forum. Some people are clearing 6 figures a month . It has always interested me due to the complete passiveness of the business.
Cool thanks for the info. Congrats on your stores man. Do you think it's possible to have a full time job and also being able to learn/doing ecom on the side just to see how things work? Debating between getting a full time job or saving up $ to invest into something, like ecom. 

We all have the same 24 hours, and how you want to spend it is entirely up to you. Lots of people start their stores on the side, so there's nothing wrong with that. Personally, I would spend 90% all my free time learning about FB ads and the other 10% learning about CRO and copywriting.

@FLYKNIT nice! Good luck with your new store. Did you read any books on copywriting ?
I'm trying to create great landing pages for my apps and any other future businesses.

There is definitely a lot of money to be made in e commerce. I first learned about the possibilities after reading The Millionaire Fastlane then visiting the forum. Some people are clearing 6 figures a month . It has always interested me due to the complete passiveness of the business.

I didn't read any books necessarily, but I'm on some mailing lists and I read the Copyhackers blog religiously - Copywriting is unbelievably important, whether it's your landing page copy, ad copy, or product descriptions. Definitely something worth learning and mastering.

And yes, there's a ton of money in it. I'm small potatoes compared to a lot of these guys.
Yesterday was $5k day.

Today, at only 5:30am, I've already surpassed that.

This webstore is only 5 months old FYI. Posting these screenshots so you guys can see what's possible.
What kind of products do you sell?

Also, are you passionate about the products you sell, or is it just product you figured would sell well? 
It's a product I thought would sell well. I had zero knowledge or experience in the industry prior to this. By contrast, last year I launched a business in an industry I was very passionate about and that business crashed and burned fast. I'm definitely an advocate of doing something you enjoy, but at the end of the day it's not a prerequisite for success.

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This past week has been crazy. You can see mid week sales doubled, and then from there tripled and maintained a steady $14-$15k a day. This is all thanks to a properly scaled Facebook ad campaign. I can't stress enough how important it is to learn and master Facebook ads if you want to get into an online business.
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I've been dragging my feet with this but lately I've been studying more and arbitrage by Chris green is a solid book to get you started with e-commerce
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Word. I was going to ask what your average price per unit was. Looks like ~$75.

I've got two ideas I'ma look into. Neither are sold through Amazon so I have to think that's a good thing.
Wow killing it @FLYKNIT ! How does it feel to have get 7x the income in just a few days.

Where are you learning to master Facebook ads at? Also do you do drop shipping?

I know you said you business is 100% passive and sustainable.
It's a product I thought would sell well. I had zero knowledge or experience in the industry prior to this. By contrast, last year I launched a business in an industry I was very passionate about and that business crashed and burned fast. I'm definitely an advocate of doing something you enjoy, but at the end of the day it's not a prerequisite for success.

This past week has been crazy. You can see mid week sales doubled, and then from there tripled and maintained a steady $14-$15k a day. This is all thanks to a properly scaled Facebook ad campaign. I can't stress enough how important it is to learn and master Facebook ads if you want to get into an online business.
Damn son scared to spilled the beans in regards to the product he sells. Can't be mad at it keep cookin em!
It's a product I thought would sell well. I had zero knowledge or experience in the industry prior to this. By contrast, last year I launched a business in an industry I was very passionate about and that business crashed and burned fast. I'm definitely an advocate of doing something you enjoy, but at the end of the day it's not a prerequisite for success.

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This past week has been crazy. You can see mid week sales doubled, and then from there tripled and maintained a steady $14-$15k a day. This is all thanks to a properly scaled Facebook ad campaign. I can't stress enough how important it is to learn and master Facebook ads if you want to get into an online business.
Damn son scared to spilled the beans in regards to the product he sells. Can't be mad at it keep cookin em!

tbh I don't blame him for not sharing. The internet troll will find a way to hate and then try to tear him down. They always post personal information and things like that its crazy what happens on this site.
I mean if it's something that sells that well it shouldn't be too hard to figure out. It would be cool if he shared some more of the blogs and info but I aint mad at him.
:lol: he did research on his product and is doing well and you all want to know what he is selling to end up having someone undercut him? Gotta be crazy.

101 for e-commerce, don't tell people on the internet what you are selling.

101 for NT, don't tell them what your business is or business website. Business suicide.
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