Official DragonBall Z Thread. R.I.P Akira Toriyama. You will be missed


true story - I used to smash the chick dressed as piccolo in this pic.

facts. We went to the same middle school.We didn’t go to the same high school due to redlining, but she only lived up the hill. Used to have her come thru after midnight and meet me outside my dad’s house under the carport lol. She was a weirdo, but had freaky tendencies. She gave me a beat me off during computer lab. I was sure we were finna get expelled and my *** was gonna dragged out the school by moms, but she didn’t break character at all. Every time I see one of them old colored monitor Macs I think of that **** lol
This middle school? She look like she hit dudes.

that pic was junior year in high school, but that’s what she looked like except the tattoos. There’s this spot in Kent that wouldn’t card us. Got closed down a few years later. I’m sure a Karen was behind it lol
Thought slide 3 was Amber Rose, impressed with your mental fortitude that you were able to pull out

we were on/off up until a year after high school. We just went our separate ways. I still have the messages from when I found out she started escorting. Someone sent me her pics from her ads on Craigslist. It’s hard cause you want to condemn them for the actions, but knowing her situation, I understood why. That was the last time we talked.

side note: I used to go dumb in the p****! I may or may not have a video or two still lmao.

that reminds me - one time I had the camera hidden on the side of the tv. It fell over and she seen it. I thought it was a wrap, but she just gave me a cute smirk and we continue to dragon ball and chill lol

good times. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.
Watched a couple vids about what the movie might be about.
At first I thought it was wack but I'm coming around to it. Instead of me doing a terrible job paraphrasing, here's a video.

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