Official Detroit Pistons Offseason Thread

Jan 30, 2006
Pistons fans, lots of things to address:
- Sheed gone?
- Draft
- New coach?
- Other roster shake-ups

Lots of coach rumors, from Mike Curry to Dave Cowens to Terry Porter. I'd like to see Curry get a HC job, and if it's here, thats fine with me. Sheed, and maybe Dyess leaving, also fine with me. I loved rooting for the man, but he needs to figure out what shots are good shots, and well, he's alittle old to be figuring stuff like that out at this point. Any shot is good in his mind. As for the draft, I haven't looked into much, but I'veheard we promised DJ White our 1st rd. pick... we'll see. He seems too much like what we've got, and undersized big man... and Max will get the PT atthe 4 way before DJ would.

coach rumors:
HoopsHype rumors
New coach for sure. Don't draft DJ White, I'd go for CDR. I would say try to keep this sqad around for one more year and see what they do with adifferent coach. Don't get rid Chauncey, Rip or Tay. Don't get rid of any of the young guys ( Stuck, Maxiell, Amir, or Afflalo). Keep Chauncey aroundto mentor Stuck to eventually take over. Idk what Lindsey's gonna do but if he ends up retiring I would try to keep him in the orginization to mentor theyounger guys too, they said he's had a big hand in Stucks development. If Sheed does end up leaving Idc, I love him, he's my second fav player of alltime but I'm tired of losing and he doesnt have his head on straight.
Honestly I really can't see them getting any better than what they already are
(take it how you want it)
CDR has been talked about for a while now, but im guessing it depends on what we do with our front court.
Its too bad Sheed' is the scapegoat for the teams problems, but whatever. Point in being, the team as a UNIT, they haven't got it down when it countsin the big-games. That being said, the West is only getting better. So even if Detroit makes it out of the Conference, which they still could with this team,they aren't beating whoever they face out West in a series. So, I'd say its time to just overhaul and build around their young talent. Now if the timewhile the East is still a garbage disposal...
Originally Posted by zs05wc

New coach for sure. Don't draft DJ White, I'd go for CDR. I would say try to keep this sqad around for one more year and see what they do with a different coach. Don't get rid Chauncey, Rip or Tay. Don't get rid of any of the young guys ( Stuck, Maxiell, Amir, or Afflalo). Keep Chauncey around to mentor Stuck to eventually take over. Idk what Lindsey's gonna do but if he ends up retiring I would try to keep him in the orginization to mentor the younger guys too, they said he's had a big hand in Stucks development. If Sheed does end up leaving Idc, I love him, he's my second fav player of all time but I'm tired of losing and he doesnt have his head on straight.

I agree, Lindsey seems like someone we need to keep around. Those young guys are only going to get better, we just need to keep bringing them along. Ireally liked how Amir played this year. I think we need a young TRUE center, not anything against Max and Amir, but we need a young body to get in thereagainst the Dwight Howard types. Sheed is my favorite Piston, I will hate to see him leave, but he needs to play a different game if we are ever going to havea chance.
Since it is in fact the East, you can prepare for the future while still trying to contend for a title. You already have Afflalo and Stuckey, getting moreyoung talent while the ship is still afloat will help when your main players get too old to carry the team.

If I were in the Pistons organization, I would try to keep Sheed and Tayshaun for sure...and then just be open to offers, bids, etc. for Billups and Rip.
we need to get rid of sheed and flip or get a coach that can somehow get sheeds head on straight.... imo if larry brown would have never left we would have wonat least 1 more 'ship but then we wouldnt have heard from max, stuck, etc all season
if they would have drafted melo, wade, or bosh instead of milicic, they would have had the deepest team in the league, many a 6th man of the year awards, andprobably at least 3 rings by now. hell, kaman, david west, tj ford, hinrich, josh howard, barbosa or almost anybody else from that draft and they would have atleast 2 rings.
So it's "gone fishing" time for us once again....

Here are my thoughts:
  • Sheed has to go. I really think he's worn out his welcome with the players, coaching staff, and the city/fans of Detroit.
  • Rip is a keeper in my book, a good veteran who still can make shots...Chauncey obviously is on the downside of his career but I don't think his value is as high as some of yall would believe it to be. I'm not sold on Stuckey as a player maker just yet so I think we need to bring in a pass first type player via free agency or trade.
  • Absolute need for players that can create their own shots, watching the current group go one on one (outside of Stuckey) is nothing but punishment.
  • Since Flip is under contract, I'd bring him back for one last go. It really wasn't his fault that this group underachieved, but he does deserve some blame.
Current roster, includes players that will not or should not be back next year.

[table][tr][td]Team Roster[/td] [/tr][tr][td]NO.[/td] [td]NAME[/td] [td]POS[/td] [td]AGE[/td] [td]HT[/td] [td]WT[/td] [td]COLLEGE[/td] [td]2008 SALARY[/td] [/tr][tr][td]28[/td] [td]Arron Afflalo[/td] [td]SG[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]6-5[/td] [td]215[/td] [td]UCLA[/td] [td]$944,520[/td] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]Chauncey Billups[/td] [td]PG[/td] [td]31[/td] [td]6-3[/td] [td]202[/td] [td]Colorado[/td] [td]$10,000,000[/td] [/tr][tr][td]8[/td] [td]Juan Dixon[/td] [td]SG[/td] [td]29[/td] [td]6-3[/td] [td]165[/td] [td]Maryland[/td] [td]$2,550,000[/td] [/tr][tr][td]32[/td] [td]Richard Hamilton[/td] [td]SG[/td] [td]30[/td] [td]6-7[/td] [td]193[/td] [td]Connecticut[/td] [td]$10,000,000[/td] [/tr][tr][td]9[/td] [td]Jarvis Hayes[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]26[/td] [td]6-8[/td] [td]220[/td] [td]Georgia[/td] [td]$1,200,000[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]Walter Herrmann[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]6-9[/td] [td]225[/td] [td] [/td] [td]$1,944,000[/td] [/tr][tr][td]10[/td] [td]Lindsey Hunter[/td] [td]PG[/td] [td]37[/td] [td]6-2[/td] [td]195[/td] [td]Jackson State[/td] [td]$2,250,000[/td] [/tr][tr][td]25[/td] [td]Amir Johnson[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]21[/td] [td]6-9[/td] [td]210[/td] [td] [/td] [td]$3,666,667[/td] [/tr][tr][td]54[/td] [td]Jason Maxiell[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]25[/td] [td]6-7[/td] [td]260[/td] [td]Cincinnati[/td] [td]$1,041,360[/td] [/tr][tr][td]24[/td] [td]Antonio McDyess[/td] [td]C[/td] [td]33[/td] [td]6-9[/td] [td]245[/td] [td]Alabama[/td] [td]$6,373,900[/td] [/tr][tr][td]22[/td] [td]Tayshaun Prince[/td] [td]SF[/td] [td]28[/td] [td]6-9[/td] [td]215[/td] [td]Kentucky[/td] [td]$8,675,620[/td] [/tr][tr][td]42[/td] [td]Theo Ratliff[/td] [td]C[/td] [td]35[/td] [td]6-10[/td] [td]235[/td] [td]Wyoming[/td] [td]$199,452[/td] [/tr][tr][td]35[/td] [td]Cheick Samb[/td] [td]C[/td] [td]23[/td] [td]7-1[/td] [td]195[/td] [td] [/td] [td]$427,163[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]Rodney Stuckey[/td] [td]SG[/td] [td]22[/td] [td]6-5[/td] [td]205[/td] [td]Eastern Washington[/td] [td]$1,569,600[/td] [/tr][tr][td]36[/td] [td]Rasheed Wallace[/td] [td]PF[/td] [td]33[/td] [td]6-11[/td] [td]230[/td] [td]North Carolina[/td] [td]$12,540,000[/td] [/tr][/table]
How is Chauncey on the downside? hes still productive and is one of the best PG's in the league. I say we trade Sheed for Brand. Guy who doesnt complainand just goes out on the court and does his job. Hes a great player and he wants to win. Yea he just came off an injury but really who else will we get?
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

How is Chauncey on the downside? hes still productive and is one of the best PG's in the league. I say we trade Sheed for Brand. Guy who doesnt complain and just goes out on the court and does his job. Hes a great player and he wants to win. Yea he just came off an injury but really who else will we get?

You think the Clips would do that? Serious question... if so, i'm all for it. We can throw in Dixon and/or Theo I guess too.
I posted in the other thread...

Keep Sheed. Come off the bench or something...
Get Brand (Unrestricted free agent)
I said b4 to fire Flip...But there aren't many good options out there. So I say we should probably stick with him. Tell Porter to stick around cause he isthe future coach.
Guards we are set. Stuk is going to be the new big shot player. Passer I dont know. But if Flip stays his motion offense will only help his development sinceeveryone gets a touch. We need a go to player. LIKE a Brand.
AND a Big athletic player 611 and up. Too many undersized "big" men.
Whoever said keep Hunter is dead on. He would be a great guy to teach defense and proper rotation.
Where would be get money to sign Brand and keep Sheed? And not sure about the Clippers doing it, you never know they might. We wont know til Dumars doessomething this summer and maybe he might make a call to the Clips.
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

How is Chauncey on the downside? hes still productive and is one of the best PG's in the league.

Production wise, and this year physically, Billups has shown definite drop off each post-season .

He was absent for most of the Phi series, missed a few games during the Orl series, and only showed up for games 5 and 6 during the Boston series.

BUT, I never said he wasn't one of the best pg's in the league. He probably has the highest trade value he's going to have for the rest of hiscareer now, but because of his contract I doubt if he gets moved any time soon...
We dont need to move him, same goes for Rip. We need to do something with our front court. Thats where we are slacking.
I never said that we NEED to move him, the only one specifically that I said NEEDS to go is Sheed...I hope we don't get rid of players just for the sake ofchange.

If it doesn't make us better than don't do it..
we'll trade you Hedo Turkoglu, JJ Redick, and Future 1st Round Draft Pick for Rasheed Wallace.
Hedo is the only reason I'd make that deal...I doubt that Orl is interested in dealing him though
We should most definitely keep the core 4 here.
Sheed needs to stay. He'd be great as a mentor to Maxiell and Amir.
Of those 4, the one that has to go is Rip. They can still trade him for a good scorer. Rip + incentives for Redd?

Stuckey and Maxiell show promise. Get rid of all that garbage we picked up this year (Hermann, Dixon, Hayes)
Draft CDR
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