10K row not run? That's an upgrade in some ways. 10K row is pretty serious though. I'll blitz through 2K rows, but I'm usually drained after that.

I guess I'd just much rather do my conditioning work outside. But your explanation makes sense.

Still - aren't the weight emphasis programs pretty low reps - great for strength, but let's be real if I want to do a traditional bulk, Crossfit is probably not the best option for that time period?

Yea it's a row. It's all about pace for 10k.

No, I don't think CF would be the best option during a traditional bulk. CF doesn't isolate the muscles like, say, body builders. They spend hours lifting heavy weights. Most of the weight lifting involves single movements in which one rep or multiple rep maxes are found. Even though the movements are incorporated in the metcon, I don't believe it's enough weight training to be considered an option during a bulk to add muscle mass. Many of the elite athletes, like the ones on ESPN during the Games, incorporate weightlifting programs in addition to metcon to attain (or maintain) their physique.

This is simply my opinion. Others might have different or further insight on the two fitness approaches.
Wish this was incorporated into the NTfitness thread still.

Dope though. Please keep posting the WOD, I may just use it as a warm up or on off days.

Thanks fellas.

Yea it's a row. It's all about pace for 10k.

No, I don't think CF would be the best option during a traditional bulk. CF doesn't isolate the muscles like, say, body builders. They spend hours lifting heavy weights. Most of the weight lifting involves single movements in which one rep or multiple rep maxes are found. Even though the movements are incorporated in the metcon, I don't believe it's enough weight training to be considered an option during a bulk to add muscle mass. Many of the elite athletes, like the ones on ESPN during the Games, incorporate weightlifting programs in addition to metcon to attain (or maintain) their physique.

This is simply my opinion. Others might have different or further insight on the two fitness approaches.

And juicing...
And juicing...

yea the elite CF guys are def

bet many in the CF community are naive to that though like most common ppl about these things

dudes are still beast though, like i said in the stay in shape thread, i dont look down upon the users anymore

moving along

you CF NTrs follow what kind of diet protocol? Paleo Diet is popular within the community i believe no?
Last edited:
Since I'm banned from the Stay Beta thread figured id leave these hear for cats just getting into the fitness lifestyle
First pic was at 320 August 2012
2nd pic was around 230 June or July 2013, last pic is current after a bulk at about 250
View media item 752122View media item 752124No matter what you guys do stay consistent, we're all gonna make it

Beta :smh: :smh: :lol: I appreciate you brosef

KILLER progress brother, keep that **** going :pimp:
Yeah Paleo and Crossfit are like PB and Jelly...I've slowly progressed into it...it's a very hard diet to follow if you are not much of a meat person.
Do they drug test for the x-fit games?

Yes, they do. Also at regionals. They say there is also a random screening for registered athlete, which I heard recently they are starting to test more. I wouldn't be surprised if athletes juiced before and cycled off by the time the open comes around.
yea the elite CF guys are def

bet many in the CF community are naive to that though like most common ppl about these things

dudes are still beast though, like i said in the stay in shape thread, i dont look down upon the users anymore

moving along

you CF NTrs follow what kind of diet protocol? Paleo Diet is popular within the community i believe no?
Agree with the whole post.

Curious about applying the paleo diet to Crossfit - how strict are people re: certain carb sources like rice and potatoes? I personally follow a pretty Paleo diet in that I avoid gluten pretty much completely as well as avoid vegetable oils, rarely eat beans. I do eat rice, oats on occasion, and a lot of sweet potatoes and potatoes. Without those carb sources, my active lifestyle probably wouldn't be sustainable. Do people who crossfit heavily (especially those are doing it competitively rather than for body composition/to stay in shape) go super strict?

Yes, they do. Also at regionals. They say there is also a random screening for registered athlete, which I heard recently they are starting to test more. I wouldn't be surprised if athletes juiced before and cycled off by the time the open comes around.
Ya I imagine there's some unnatty things going on behind the scenes, as there are in a lot of sports.
I think everyone that tries Paleo with CF jumps straight to strict paleo. It works, but some people just feel like something is missing (carbs especially). The majority of the competitors don't follow a strict paleo diet. They introduce the other groups but in moderation. Everyone is different and might need to consume higher calories to keep up with what they burn. Rich Froning, the winner of the Games 3 years in a row, doesn't follow a strict paleo diet. I think i remember reading somewhere that he drinks whole milk and protein shakes throughout the day and eats whatever he wants for dinner.
Quick, off day tomorrow. 4 miles but I also want to get some training in.

Please recommend me a WOD. Have access to a full gym with plyo boxes, chains, kettlebells, etc.
Glad to know got some fellow CF on here. I got my level 1 cert, been coaching since June of last year.

There are kool-aid drinkers then there are those who train overall fitness. The competitors know they can't do wods only there must be strength training, Olympic lifting, power lifting the whole 9.

Find a box that has open minded coaches that have various backgrounds in fitness.

I look at Crossfit as Bruce Lee looked at martial arts. You can't be stuck on one style or one doctrine of training.

Overall fitness
Another thing about drugs in CF. Top level big name guys haven't been caught but I don't think it's roids. I'm leaning towards HGH mainly due to recovery from injuries. Testing has gotten tighter this year so we will see. But high calorie intake, clean eating and not paleo brings major gains. You can paleo but not strict because you need the calories and carbs for fuel.
Anyway to get notification from this specific thread when people post.....?

Rarely venture in this side of NT...sucks we were moved from General
Anyway to get notification from this specific thread when people post.....?

Rarely venture in this side of NT...sucks we were moved from General
If i'm on mobile, i usually just go to my subscriptions. On desktop, towards the top of the page, i click on forum > i've posted.
Today's workout:

100 push ups
100 sit ups
100 air squats
100 pull ups

Pull ups be slowing me down mane... Total time 24:40

1x 5 @185
1x 5 @ 225
1x5 @ 285
1x 5 @315
1x 5 @315

Hang "Squat" Clean
2x5 @135
1x5 @ 155
2x5 @185
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