Originally Posted by rockforlight

^ I'm Argentine and Mexican, so I hope no one takes anything I say serious. But Compa, do you really think Mexico will win 2-0 in Costa Rica?
If Costa Rica plays like they did tonight, sure...but I really doubt Kenton will let this happen again, so...
Originally Posted by rockforlight

^ I'm Argentine and Mexican, so I hope no one takes anything I say serious. But Compa, do you really think Mexico will win 2-0 in Costa Rica?

Costa Rica is the most overrated team in Concacaf.
Originally Posted by Hugo

mexico is not the better team,, when wa sthe last time a team won in the azteca?

how often has it happened?

this game could of been played anywhere in the world and usa would of won

So you're telling me team USA was the team out there attacking and controlling the time of possession today? Get off your high horse and admit team USAjust doesn't have "it" right now. Maybe in the near future when they either grow a pair or another set oflungs to actually compete for an entire soccer match, not the first 20 minutes of each half. I would agree with you if it was team USA who was on the attackthroughout and just couldn't put the ball in the net the same way Spain did with the US, but this was not the case here. The better team won today, no ifsor buts about that.
Crazy result for Honduras. USA better beat ES or things could get ugly. Either way here's my pic from azteca earlier


So I actually took the subway to the game. Didn't have any problems there, everyone was just chanting Mexico to us and kept it civil. Once we arrived atthe stadium we were showered with boos, culero chants, and other verbal insults. After a while the Mexicans came over to take pictures and dance around thevarious TV cameras that were outside. I ate some tortas and just walked around without any trouble.

Once we got inside the stadium the fans weren't so friendly. During the pregame they would drown out our cheers by booing and throwing random trash intoour section. Once the anthem started they all buzzed their stupid horns which was disrespectful but I already expected it from them so whatever. Their anthemthen plays (post vid later) and I thought it was dope how the whole stadium sung in unison.

Game starts and we get our first goal 8 minutes in. I swear my whole body went numb as we all jumped around and celebrated. I threw my beer in the air alongwith everyone else in our section and I literally was out of breathe for like 5 minutes. It was by far the best feeling any sporting event has brought me mywhole life. Indescribable. The Mexico fans were just starting to get impatient with their team when they score that golazo and the place erupts. *+%$ startsflying into our section and all of a sudden these fans are into the game again. HT ends and I was happy with the tie.

2nd half sucked, you guys saw why, and it hurt to lose the game with 8 minutes left. I thought we were going to hold on but whatever. When that 2nd goal wentin
at how loud that stadium got.RIDICULOUS. I knew we were done there because these fans were alive and were not going to let Mexico lose. During their celebration we get everything thrown atus. Cups of beer, ice cubes, hot dogs, hamburgers, keys, huge water bottles, and everything you can think of. Those guys really hate us
. A few of them were throwing *+%$ at women and kids purpossely. One guyliterally threw a glass bottle at a US supporter (hot) women. That was the most cowardly thing I've seen in my life. I threw some *+%$ back at some theguys because at that point I was pissed. 951Guero was able to get into one of those guys faces and the ******* backed off

Either way it got so bad that we got escorted in freaking police busses! Like the ones the military uses lol. They took us to a subway station far from Aztecaand we made our way back home. The fans out there were taunting but it never went past that. Funny thing is we walk by an area for h0mos and lesbians and theystart calling us putos and maricones while they are there kissing boy on boy and girl on girl
. 951Guero clowned on them by mocking their gay voices and they finallyshutup. That was pretty weird though and I still don't understand why they'd make fun of their own type.

There was a lot more to the story but I feel like I need to get a damn blog for this *+%$ lol. All I gota say though is yal should really make it out there in4 years. It was worth every penny and I doubt you guys will ever experience a better atmosphere in sports unless you go to a World Cup. The feeling that goalgave me was worth every penny spent on this trip. Even though we lost it was a good experience. Not to mention the females, food, and weather. I'm comingback for a clasico soon!

Also I can post more pics/vids later if yal want.
socluis90, i had to log in to give you your props. Pictures are awesome and your story inspired me to make the trip in 4 years. On a more depressing note,Ching and Clark were absolutely terrible and Cherundolo was almost as bad. I could live with bad performances if we didn't have better players at theirspecific positions on the bench! Mexico deserved the W today.
sup guys, game ended at 3 pm pacific, and i started drinking at 11 am
,and i had a league game at 10 pm, stopped drinking at 9, we got our #%!@+ kicked!
, all well worth it tough...

... about the game, all i have to say is
Cool Experience Socal.

Highlights of yesterdays games

Mexico 2 USA 1

Honduras 4 Costa Rica 0

Trinidad 1 ES 0
thegift23: My man, you live and die with El Salvador

This is why I love futbol. Dudes are passionate and love their country/clubs through thick and thin.
i dont have words to explain how bad ES played yesterday
hopefully we do good in the next 2 games
i was bumpin this all night
So I finally got to watch the DVR this afternoon... very disappointing performance, but I have to say - that was some AWFUL officiating to go along with ourawful performance.

First on the chopping block is RoboBob - terrible lineup, I was disappointed from the start. Ching is worthless... can anybody remember a meaningful thing hedid in this game? Dude was basically not on the field... Clark? Same deal, which is pathetic as a midfielder.

Secondly - Mexicans are dirty %!+@+!% bastards. I honestly hate them with a passion, the %!%+ they pull (and got away with yesterday).

How dare you grab Charlie by the head and try to pick him up while he's laying there on the ground... then you get in the face of Gooch and try to rip theball from him when it's not even your possession? How did this fool not get thrown the #$%% out?

Look - i'm not saying the refs directly cost us the game, we did not generate nearly enough chances and our defense allowed some stupid things to happen...that's all on us. But to think yellowcarding our entire defense in the first half wasn't a contributing factor in how Mexico was able to have so manygood chances... well, that can be directly pointed back at the refs.

All of that would be fine if you call it fairly back the other way - Mexico was allowed to do anything they wanted to our guys without repercussions. Some ofthis is just the natural home field advantage, but yesterdays game was an atrociously officiated game and I am not happy about it.

I think a fair game ends up a draw, personally... but whatever, #$%% mexico, dirty %+% players and coaches.
Originally Posted by Craftsy21

So I finally got to watch the DVR this afternoon... very disappointing performance, but I have to say - that was some AWFUL officiating to go along with our awful performance.

First on the chopping block is RoboBob - terrible lineup, I was disappointed from the start. Ching is worthless... can anybody remember a meaningful thing he did in this game? Dude was basically not on the field... Clark? Same deal, which is pathetic as a midfielder.

Secondly - Mexicans are dirty %!+@+!% bastards. I honestly hate them with a passion, the %!%+ they pull (and got away with yesterday).

How dare you grab Charlie by the head and try to pick him up while he's laying there on the ground... then you get in the face of Gooch and try to rip the ball from him when it's not even your possession? How did this fool not get thrown the #$%% out?

Look - i'm not saying the refs directly cost us the game, we did not generate nearly enough chances and our defense allowed some stupid things to happen... that's all on us. But to think yellowcarding our entire defense in the first half wasn't a contributing factor in how Mexico was able to have so many good chances... well, that can be directly pointed back at the refs.

All of that would be fine if you call it fairly back the other way - Mexico was allowed to do anything they wanted to our guys without repercussions. Some of this is just the natural home field advantage, but yesterdays game was an atrociously officiated game and I am not happy about it.

I think a fair game ends up a draw, personally... but whatever, #$%% mexico, dirty %+% players and coaches.

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Show me a clip where they played dirty, those things you mentioned were whenmatch was stopped (not sliding tackles like the U.S). Any team who is actually looking to win with time running out always lifts a player up (Davies) or triesto retrieve the ball to put it in play asap (Onyewu).. why? this was just time wasting by the U.S. Oh lets punish Nery for trying to lift him up but not doanything to the guy that ran and pushed Nery off
. What did Aguirre orCarrillo do that was dirty? Still hurting after the Panama incident?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Definately not a game that deserved a draw. When a team dominates possession andshots vs a team who stood back hoping to counter attack or score from a corner/freekick? That deserves a tie?

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Also, sounds like you have some issues that go beyond the sport.[/color]..Donovan.., is that you?[/color]
Originally Posted by gunitg23

Originally Posted by JCH3

Good match, can't say I'm really surprised with the result.

This kick and run style of soccer usually works until the 8th grade and that's about it. The possession that Mexico had was at least 65%99.9 %. Still not sure why Jozy came in so late, he seems like the kind of player that needs to be in the groove of the game to get going instead of getting thrown in there as a sub.

Nonetheless, Mexico was the better team by far, and the US still had a chance to win the match.
Instead of acting like a dbag, could you at least elaborate in the least bit? US didn't have a chance to win the match, huh? If I can recall,it was a 1-1 game up until the 80th minute or so.
Anyways, here is the full table of standings after yesterday:


That goal differential could be huge, every goal truly counts in these games.

That 4th place team in CONCACAF could end up playing Argentina, so a little extra bonus to finish in the top 3.

Props to Mexico for taking down the US yesterday, but you guys are still 1 point back and -4 to the US in goal differential.
Originally Posted by CruzAzul9

Originally Posted by Craftsy21

So I finally got to watch the DVR this afternoon... very disappointing performance, but I have to say - that was some AWFUL officiating to go along with our awful performance.

First on the chopping block is RoboBob - terrible lineup, I was disappointed from the start. Ching is worthless... can anybody remember a meaningful thing he did in this game? Dude was basically not on the field... Clark? Same deal, which is pathetic as a midfielder.

Secondly - Mexicans are dirty %!+@+!% bastards. I honestly hate them with a passion, the %!%+ they pull (and got away with yesterday).

How dare you grab Charlie by the head and try to pick him up while he's laying there on the ground... then you get in the face of Gooch and try to rip the ball from him when it's not even your possession? How did this fool not get thrown the #$%% out?

Look - i'm not saying the refs directly cost us the game, we did not generate nearly enough chances and our defense allowed some stupid things to happen... that's all on us. But to think yellowcarding our entire defense in the first half wasn't a contributing factor in how Mexico was able to have so many good chances... well, that can be directly pointed back at the refs.

All of that would be fine if you call it fairly back the other way - Mexico was allowed to do anything they wanted to our guys without repercussions. Some of this is just the natural home field advantage, but yesterdays game was an atrociously officiated game and I am not happy about it.

I think a fair game ends up a draw, personally... but whatever, #$%% mexico, dirty %+% players and coaches.

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Show me a clip where they played dirty, those things you mentioned were when match was stopped (not sliding tackles like the U.S). Any team who is actually looking to win with time running out always lifts a player up (Davies) or tries to retrieve the ball to put it in play asap (Onyewu).. why? this was just time wasting by the U.S. Oh lets punish Nery for trying to lift him up but not do anything to the guy that ran and pushed Nery off
. What did Aguirre or Carrillo do that was dirty? Still hurting after the Panama incident?[/color]

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Definately not a game that deserved a draw. When a team dominates possession and shots vs a team who stood back hoping to counter attack or score from a corner/freekick? That deserves a tie?

[color= rgb(0, 153, 255)]Also, sounds like you have some issues that go beyond the sport.[/color].. Donovan.., is that you?[/color]

You can put a hand out to help a guy to his feet, that's acceptable. But grabbing a player by his head while he's potentially hurt is uncalled for. Our guys running to his aide is exactly what anybody would expect their team to do. Don't try to spin that like it was an okay incident, there's ahuge difference between trying to kill time and legitimately being in pain - if you noticed, we took Charlie out of the game for what he was on the groundabout. We weren't pulling the typical Mexican-stall like you guys do starting with 85 minutes left if you happen to have a lead.. i've never seen ateam pull that crap as badly as you guys do. So to even call another team out on it is just ridiculous.

And I admitted we got outplayed - but don't mistake the control thing as the only reason we were outplayed.. for one, we don't play a control style,and never have. I'd love to be able to, but that's not how our team is built. We are a countering team and we like playing through the air. That's just a conflict of styles, mexico will dominate possession every single time we play them, even if we were winning 5-0, it's just the style ofboth teams.

How about the 3 different tackles the american announcers pointed out that were UNBELIEVABLY not carded for, one wasn't even a foul by the refs. Yet allwere just as "vicious" as the 3 yellow cards that our guys got. Don't remember those eh? Convenient.

It's no secret at all that we get screwed on calls EVERYWHERE outside of the US, and even many times within the states. It's also no coincidence thatyou guys are so unbeatable at home - it has very little to do with talent, and much more to do with buffoonery from the refs and playing 12 miles up in thesky. Be proud of that I guess.

I said from the start - we didn't deserve to win.. we sent a crappy lineup out, we played too defensively, and we didn't make enough solid plays ondefense. But we still could've easily tied if the game were officiated better, and to me - that says something about Mexico moreso than us.

Enjoy your win - it's whatever, you guys never gave us a chance there anyways. I just can't wait to play you somewhere fair again and see whathappens.. i'd LOVE to see you in the world cup itself somehow again. Oh would i love it.
it seem like the refs let everything that teh mexicans do , go by without even acknowledging it, they cant do that crap here in the usa, but they do thosethings in the azteca

referees were horrible

btw i have a problem with my 2 countries Usa and Trinidad... it seem like when the spanish teams come to our counrty they get treated with respect , nopersonal insults, no things get thrown at them, no parties outside there hotels when dudes is trying to sleep....... but when trinidad or the us go to thosecountries then all those things and then some happens...... its either they start penalizing these teams, or trinidad do soemthing about it< cause the us isto law abaiding to have those things happen

Mexico, costa rica, elslavador, honduras none can say they get treated bad when playing in tnt and usa
Originally Posted by mrtramericanjr

btw i have a problem with my 2 countries Usa and Trinidad... it seem like when the spanish teams come to our counrty they get treated with respect , no personal insults, no things get thrown at them, no parties outside there hotels when dudes is trying to sleep....... but when trinidad or the us go to those countries then all those things and then some happens...... its either they start penalizing these teams, or trinidad do soemthing about it< cause the us is to law abaiding to have those things happen

Mexico, costa rica, elslavador, honduras none can say they get treated bad when playing in tnt and usa
The best thing you can do, is do the same thing back, because it has not and will not ever change (Especially in Central America) and CONCACAFclearly doesn't care enough to penalize.
Originally Posted by yAyToNyO

mexico is not the better team,, when wa sthe last time a team won in the azteca?

how often has it happened?

this game could of been played anywhere in the world and usa would of won

So you're telling me team USA was the team out there attacking and controlling the time of possession today? Get off your high horse and admit team USA just doesn't have "it" right now. Maybe in the near future when they either grow a pair or another set of lungs to actually compete for an entire soccer match, not the first 20 minutes of each half. I would agree with you if it was team USA who was on the attack throughout and just couldn't put the ball in the net the same way Spain did with the US, but this was not the case here. The better team won today, no ifs or buts about that.

the usa A team is better than mexicos A team, and it aint no high horse or biasness

how they dont have it when the last real game before this was against brazil in the final and spain in the semi finals so if they dont have "it"after not playing together for a month then thats not a correct statement

mexico should be happy that they play in high altitude

the thing is mexico could only beat the us in mexico, and that will change soon, everywhere else in the world that doesnt have high altitude the us will/wouldwin,,,,, every where!!! and if u dont agree with that then you're full of it
Mexico plays at the Azteca for a reason..

you could say i guess that both teams are breathing the same air so theres no excuses, but the truth is nobody but Mexico ever plays good there, its definitelyan advantage..yeah it could be the environment (100k+ fans) but its got alot more to do with the altitude and smog, you would be crazy to think these thingsdont matter...i still think the US has a better team and i agree if El Tri played their home games at a reasonable altitude, their home record would surely notbe this good...but thats not going to happen anytime soon and I dont necessarily blame them for that...if the Us had that kind of advantage available Iprobably would take it

theres no secret why Mexico have played their best in Mexico City (Confed '99, WC '86,WCQ) and havent had nearly the same success away..its the samething for a team like Bolivia that play their homes games at such an altitude (12,000 ft)..they have 3 wins in 14 qualifying matches for the next World Cup,not suprisingly all of their wins have come in La Paz...against the likes of Argentina, Paraguay and Peru no less...their best placing in a tournament? CopaAmerica '63 and '97, both hosted in Bolivia

all i'm saying is Mexico has a distinct advantage playing their home games at 7,000 ft, probably making them look better than they actually are
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