Okay so I've read up to issue 25 of Invincible when does it get good? I love Kirkman's work with TWD but I'm not really connecting with this.
The story isn't all that engaging or compelling, not that funny, and the art isn't the greatest. At times it seems like it's mocking/parody of superhero comics with the knockoff Batman, Rorschach, Flash, etc. characters that make cameos and the even worse villains. There are some real themes and plots established but don't seem to be taken seriously. I'm just not sure what the focus is suppose to be the way most conflicts finish so quickly or are flippantly ended by a villain's stupidity (beings from other dimension that age quickly telling the heroes it's the wristband that keeps them from aging). I also feel Kirkman does way too much cliffhanger scenes or is that suppose to be a joke? Like when somebody finds out they're being cheated on with the "....", "No, no, no no no. NO!" or sometimes when he uses the narration boxes instead of dialogue between characters and just rambles on and anon and on. I get that this is suppose to be a bit lighthearted but it does not invoke any emotion when I read it.
The way I've seen ppl rave about this series in this thread and elsewhere I expected better. Not that I had high expectations but so far this isn't something where I'm eager to read the next issue.