OFFICIAL: Buffalo Bills @ Washington ******** 12/2 RIP #21 God Needed a Safety on his Football Team

I missed the tribute

I hope it gets uploaded somewhere....

Nice gesture by the Skins.....

Skins have to convert in the red-zone.....Buffalo is moving the ball on O
we need to find a wat to stop their running game...and our o-line needs to step it up...AND DANIELWITH THE RECOVERY!!!
Bill's P Moorman on ST's Pro Bowl hit..

To his eternal credit, Moorman immediately popped up off the ground and ran straight over to Taylor, just to let him know he wasn't still on the turf."Nice hit," Moorman said he told Taylor, who was too busy celebrating to respond. They never managed to discuss the hit.

Moorman, of course, got a bit of playful kidding from teammates when they gathered for offseason workouts. "I'm like, 'What were youthinking, bro?'" Greer remembered telling the punter. "That's going to be a play that we'll definitely remember."

The highlight packages will make sure of that. While the hit has been wiped clean from YouTube, thanks to the NFL's copyright claims, it has appearedagain and again in Taylor video retrospectives this week. Moorman, a team leader who has been to two consecutive Pro Bowls, has seen the tackle replayedbefore--although not this week--and he knows he'll always be linked with Taylor.

"It's strange," he said today. "Obviously it's a memory for me, and now it's become just very surreal, to know that tragedy hashappened. Our thoughts are just with him and his family."

"You know, a lot of people ask about that, but it was a clean football play and I have a lot of respect for him," he told me. "Any time apunter or kicker gets hit like that, it's kind of a topic of conversation. It's fun to rib me, it's fun for me to take it. It was always alight-hearted thing. I never had any hard feelings. At the end of the day somebody's got to make a tackle. It was my fault for running straightup."

And, um, dare we ask what it felt like?

"It definitely took my breath away for a minute, and then I was able to jump up and catch it and move on," Moorman said. "It looks a lotworse than it hurt."
Found this on's an excerpt of what JB said in the pre-game...I think A LOT of people should take heed to these words...not just in the media, buthere on NT as well...

"Let me add my personal observations. An awful lot has been written and said about Sean Taylor over the past week. A young man without a doubt made mistakes, some foolish, some egregious and some immature and in no way am I looking to triviolize his transgressions or excuse them. But are those reasons enough for some to be so insensitive, so quick and I think so inaccurate in sterotyping Sean Taylor as a bad apple, or that the end he met with was not a surprise. A group of burgulers break into HIS HOUSE and surprise to find him there and end his life? Now by all accounts as we've heard from all those who actually knew him well, Taylor did an awful lot of maturing over the last year and a half. For those who have been mature for a lot longer than that, exercising restraint in passing such callaous and harmful judgement would seem to be in order..."
just saw the highlights at half...they tried to edit out those dumbasses who were yelling during the moment of silence...heard it though.

I know, I can't believe people were doing that. Just shutup and show an ounce of respect
TD. CP. Celebrated by making his hands like Angel Wings floating away to the sky and had a Sean T Shirt under his jersey
Originally Posted by TheGift23

TD. CP. Celebrated by making his hands like Angel Wings floating away to the sky and had a Sean T Shirt under his jersey
i wish i was at home so i can watch dis...instead im in scwatchin panthers vs 49ers
Originally Posted by dyyhard

Bill's P Moorman on ST's Pro Bowl hit..

To his eternal credit, Moorman immediately popped up off the ground and ran straight over to Taylor, just to let him know he wasn't still on the turf. "Nice hit," Moorman said he told Taylor, who was too busy celebrating to respond. They never managed to discuss the hit.

Moorman, of course, got a bit of playful kidding from teammates when they gathered for offseason workouts. "I'm like, 'What were you thinking, bro?'" Greer remembered telling the punter. "That's going to be a play that we'll definitely remember."

The highlight packages will make sure of that. While the hit has been wiped clean from YouTube, thanks to the NFL's copyright claims, it has appeared again and again in Taylor video retrospectives this week. Moorman, a team leader who has been to two consecutive Pro Bowls, has seen the tackle replayed before--although not this week--and he knows he'll always be linked with Taylor.

"It's strange," he said today. "Obviously it's a memory for me, and now it's become just very surreal, to know that tragedy has happened. Our thoughts are just with him and his family."

"You know, a lot of people ask about that, but it was a clean football play and I have a lot of respect for him," he told me. "Any time a punter or kicker gets hit like that, it's kind of a topic of conversation. It's fun to rib me, it's fun for me to take it. It was always a light-hearted thing. I never had any hard feelings. At the end of the day somebody's got to make a tackle. It was my fault for running straight up."

And, um, dare we ask what it felt like?

"It definitely took my breath away for a minute, and then I was able to jump up and catch it and move on," Moorman said. "It looks a lot worse than it hurt."

That's really cool that he feels that way about the hit.

So what were people yelling during the silence?
Hell of a play by Triplett.

Am i the only one noticing the increase in Dlinemen interceptions the last couple of years?
Why cant the ******** get any blocks on the second level in the run game. I swear the linebackers are running free to Portis every goddam play
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