To be honest tho Thug, Uzi, Yachty, 21 etc etc are FAR from the forefront of rap & personally i do think there's a balance of music these days more than ever. I think for most of us tho these trap rappers seem to have a much bigger impact due to what's promoted online. Ex Clubs/strip clubs, Twitter, complex, Fader, Instagram etc etc.
These platforms will have you out here thinking these dudes are REALLY moving like that but in reality there not that much bigger than guys who make lyrical or more traditional conscious hip hop. I mean there's a reason cats like Cole & Kendrick are doing millions of records and touring the world and a large majority is also fueled by the youth.
The OVERALL sound of hip hop in the mainstream is surely questionable but we have to realize that mainstream don't care about quality, it's there to generate $. So it's much easier to focus on music that is less lyrical and less thought provoking because it's easier to sell, and when one artist isn't hot anymore there's literally 5 other artist who can give you the EXACT same thing in the wing. Cheaper product, but they moving more work
I don't think all the youth listens to is trap rap, just a certain percentage of them. My issue comes in when the youth tries to downplay anything that doesn't fit into that box as washed up or irrelevant because like Magic mentioned a lot of this generation seems inclined too take other peoples opinions as facts and due to that they won't even try to expand there sounds.
One of the biggest things hurting rap is these influx of "Tastemakers" who all seem to legitimately be pushing solely trap rap and act as if it's the only form of hip hop alive. Not surprising a large portion of these tastemakers aren't from the hood or black. Not saying that not being those disqualifies you from rap, but not dealing with those issues is a big reason why rap that does discuss these stories isn't promoted heavily. A lot of these tastemakers really look as rap as fun only & it's been that way for years now.