***Official Breakfast Club Interview Thread***

Sooooooo u would be ok with a 25 year old dude
Banging ur 17 year old daughters back out
I mean just straight raw dog pounding and her performing fellatio on him
Because they in love?????

The graphic nature of your post doesn't deter me from my sentiment man. People have sex. To be honest I would never be comfortable knowing my daughter is having sex no matter who the guy is or how old he is.

But as I alluded to, in the grand scheme of things, my daughter's happiness is paramount to any objections that I may have towards who she would fall in love with. Would I want my daughter to date someone closer to her age? Hell yeah. But if she's genuinely happy and comfortable with the guy she's dating, and he's treating her like the queen that she is, how can I object to that? Why would why I object to that? Because of some social construct like age? Nah man, My daughter deserves to be happy and if she's happy with that then I have to let her flourish.
Social construct??????
U really think age is a social construct to something like this :smh:
I swear man some of yall :smh:
Yall the type of dudes to sit down and talk when chris Hanson steps in the room :smh:
Why are y'all still talking about this?

Homie talking bout sexual acts with imaginary daughters relax bro its happening and its life. Go to another country and kids are getting married to rich old people and being sold/traded like slaves. You wanna fight the power go fight for them. Go fight for people who need help. These Kardashian/jenners don't need your sympathy or energy. They getting paid every time you type their name.
Sooooooo u would be ok with a 25 year old dude
Banging ur 17 year old daughters back out
I mean just straight raw dog pounding and her performing fellatio on him
Because they in love?????

The graphic nature of your post doesn't deter me from my sentiment man. People have sex. To be honest I would never be comfortable knowing my daughter is having sex no matter who the guy is or how old he is.

But as I alluded to, in the grand scheme of things, my daughter's happiness is paramount to any objections that I may have towards who she would fall in love with. Would I want my daughter to date someone closer to her age? Hell yeah. But if she's genuinely happy and comfortable with the guy she's dating, and he's treating her like the queen that she is, how can I object to that? Why would why I object to that? Because of some social construct like age? Nah man, My daughter deserves to be happy and if she's happy with that then I have to let her flourish.

That's some **** a mother would say. :lol:

Ain't no father in his right mind letting a 25 year old dude mess with his teenage daughter.
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Maaaaan I gotta homie that shall remain nameless - long story short, when we were in our last year of undergrad he went on a cruise with his family and ended up smashin some 17 year old chick that was on the boat too...

...we were all 22-24 at the time, so Ns had endless jokes.

This is where **** gets ridiculous though - the girl was from TX (San Antonio to be exact), and she kept sayin how 17 was legal in Texas and her parents were chill about everything...

...bruh, second semester senior year in ******' COLLEGE this N rents a tux, flies to San Antonio, and takes shortie to her prom. :lol:

Before he left I remember we where all in the house clowin like "yo how the hell are her parents cool with this ****?"

He goes, "what, if y'all was her parents y'all would trip?"

My N' Myrone say, "Trip?!?! N' the second I see you at the door I'm shootin you in the face!" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Social construct??????
U really think age is a social construct to something like this :smh:
I swear man some of yall :smh:
Yall the type of dudes to sit down and talk when chris Hanson steps in the room :smh:

I don't even...Alright man :lol: obviously we value different things with raising our daughters so whatever. All good.
Social construct??????
U really think age is a social construct to something like this :smh:
I swear man some of yall :smh:
Yall the type of dudes to sit down and talk when chris Hanson steps in the room :smh:

I don't even...Alright man :lol: obviously we value different things with raising our daughters so whatever. All good.
at 17 ur JUST learning about urself
**** at 25 people are still learning about themselves
At 17 NOBODY knows what love is
So u really can't call it that.
U say u would be ok well how low in age until it's unacceptable for u???
16, 15, just curious
Maaaaan I gotta homie that shall remain nameless - long story short, when we were in our last year of undergrad he went on a cruise with his family and ended up smashin some 17 year old chick that was on the boat too...

...we were all 22-24 at the time, so Ns had endless jokes.

This is where **** gets ridiculous though - the girl was from TX (San Antonio to be exact), and she kept sayin how 17 was legal in Texas and her parents were chill about everything...

...bruh, second semester senior year in ******' COLLEGE this N rents a tux, flies to San Antonio, and takes shortie to her prom. :lol:

Before he left I remember we where all in the house clowin like "yo how the hell are her parents cool with this ****?"

He goes, "what, if y'all was her parents y'all would trip?"

My N' Myrone say, "Trip?!?! N' the second I see you at the door I'm shootin you in the face!" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
That's wild
"Album (Yeezus) aint even got no music.... I just gave ya'll a little music, like on Bound"

Now, I have a renewed faith in getting a great the new album.
Thanks Ye.
im 3-4 years younger than tyga and that ish would still be real funny style
at 17 ur JUST learning about urself
**** at 25 people are still learning about themselves
At 17 NOBODY knows what love is
So u really can't call it that.
U say u would be ok well how low in age until it's unacceptable for u???
16, 15, just curious

I don't know. I don't have all the answers :lol: the answer to that age acceptable thing lies in your morals I guess but I don't know. This is really tricky to me, isn't black and white by any means.

What I do know is that at 17 you don't know what love is...at 25 you don't know what love is...we've been on this planet for how long? And people still don't really know what Love is because if we did, our attitudes towards things like this would be drastically different. Look, all I'm saying is that we should (well I think we should) be placing more value on our child being genuinely happy with their significant other, and not so fixated on the age dynamic. The age gap obviously will always be something to raise your eyebrows at, but I mean...she's happy man. There's no price or age that can define that. Who says that a 25 year old and a 17 year old can't have a fruitful relationship? Who? You know what I mean? Like we shouldn't confine something as complex as Love and and physical / emotional attraction to another to something as simple and black and white as Age. IMO
im 3-4 years younger than tyga and that ish would still be real funny style

Tyga's what, 25? I just turned 23 today and that **** would be crazy as hell for me. But we are all different, and who we attract should have more to do with how compatible we are with that person, and to what capacity we can have a real fruitful relationship with that person, rather than just age. America loves to romanticize things and make things black and white because it's easier to handle when in real life, it isn't that simple at all.
at 17 ur JUST learning about urself
**** at 25 people are still learning about themselves
At 17 NOBODY knows what love is
So u really can't call it that.
U say u would be ok well how low in age until it's unacceptable for u???
16, 15, just curious

I don't know. I don't have all the answers :lol: the answer to that age acceptable thing lies in your morals I guess but I don't know. This is really tricky to me, isn't black and white by any means.

What I do know is that at 17 you don't know what love is...at 25 you don't know what love is...we've been on this planet for how long? And people still don't really know what Love is because if we did, our attitudes towards things like this would be drastically different. Look, all I'm saying is that we should (well I think we should) be placing more value on our child being genuinely happy with their significant other, and not so fixated on the age dynamic. The age gap obviously will always be something to raise your eyebrows at, but I mean...she's happy man. There's no price or age that can define that. Who says that a 25 year old and a 17 year old can't have a fruitful relationship? Who? You know what I mean? Like we shouldn't confine something as complex as Love and and physical / emotional attraction to another to something as simple and black and white as Age. IMO
The way u curved my question makes me think ur girl is a weeeeee bit younger than u :lol:
The way u curved my question makes me think ur girl is a weeeeee bit younger than u :lol:

1) The girl I'm dealing with is 24, and I'm 23.

2) I just told you that I personally couldn't date someone that much younger than me

3) I'm not curving your question but what you have to understand is that there is no line that can be drawn because it isn't that simple as saying "Okay anything above 18, okay. Anything below, no" it isn't that simple no matter how much you think it is. If it was, there wouldn't be discussions on this and "underaged" dating and marriages wouldn't be rampant in all other parts of the world.
shoeking got media training. :lol:

:smokin :smokin

I really wasn't trying to curve his question though. If we are really looking at this objectively, how do you even answer that? He asked me at what age would be unnacceptable. How do you go about finding that out? The only age we know to be acceptable is the age that has been socially constructed. It's not even acknowledged in most parts of the world.
The way u curved my question makes me think ur girl is a weeeeee bit younger than u :lol:

1) The girl I'm dealing with is 24, and I'm 23.

2) I just told you that I personally couldn't date someone that much younger than me

3) I'm not curving your question but what you have to understand is that there is no line that can be drawn because it isn't that simple as saying "Okay anything above 18, okay. Anything below, no" it isn't that simple no matter how much you think it is. If it was, there wouldn't be discussions on this and "underaged" dating and marriages wouldn't be rampant in all other parts of the world.
When ur under 18 u get a 1-2 year buffer in age imo
And under age marriage is :smh: as well
Breakfast club back back!! Breakfast club back back!!!

They been going in with their interviews lately and this one with Ye was dope. Always good to hear him explain his beliefs cause folks are always going in on him. The whole interview was great I love the emotion and his thoughts on the Mike Brown situation was definitely needed. Ye got me hyped up again for this new album and it's good to see him and Charlemagne left on a good note.
When ur under 18 u get a 1-2 year buffer in age imo
And under age marriage is :smh: as well

But see, now you understand what I mean when I say this isn't a black and white issue. How did you come up with that age range? Based on what you know?

And you don't agree with underaged marriage, but that a lot of other societies cultures man. That's how they work that how they operate. Who's to say who's right and who's wrong? There's no concrete answer, which is why I would hold my daughter's happiness as supreme.
What age do you draw the line at then fam? Just curious.

I don't know, and none of us really know if we're being honest because there is no line drawn. You can't draw it. We're literally picking ages out of a hat relatively speaking. Ultimately, we as human beings are drawn to another for one reason, and one reason only: To procreate. And the ability to procreate obviously starts when puberty hits.

Now we are humans with morals and common sense which complicate things, but that alone shows you just how tricky and complicated this could be.
When ur under 18 u get a 1-2 year buffer in age imo
And under age marriage is :smh: as well

But see, now you understand what I mean when I say this isn't a black and white issue. How did you come up with that age range? Based on what you know?

And you don't agree with underaged marriage, but that a lot of other societies cultures man. That's how they work that how they operate. Who's to say who's right and who's wrong? There's no concrete answer, which is why I would hold my daughter's happiness as supreme.
A lot of societies and cultures believe blacks are beneath everyone else
I would assume that u don't agree and that they are wrong
There's no gray area or In Between am I correct???
Just cause a society or culture does one thing different than another doesn't make it more or less right
It's either right or wrong
What age do you draw the line at then fam? Just curious.

I don't know, and none of us really know if we're being honest because there is no line drawn. You can't draw it. We're literally picking ages out of a hat relatively speaking. Ultimately, we as human beings are drawn to another for one reason, and one reason only: To procreate. And the ability to procreate obviously starts when puberty hits.

Now we are humans with morals and common sense which complicate things, but that alone shows you just how tricky and complicated this could be.
Ain't picking age out of a hat no way in hell
Someone whose age doesn't have a teen in it should be dating a teen under 18
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