Official Bitcoin Thread


Apparently, users could get a minimum 80% of their deposited tokens back which after all thats happened is better than nothing.

Not sure what's happening with Celsius. They keep finding money behind the sofa and have paid off a lot of their debts. Their liquidation price fot BTC is now 2.7K so they're very safe


With stEth slowly getting its peg back they might be able to salvage something. I was expecting a bankruptcy filing by now.
sneakaprince sneakaprince you still holding on Nexo or took your bag and went home ?
Sidelines for now. I was close to a liquidation after a loan I took when the market was 5x where it is today.

Nexo token was inflating my stack and I would've been in a situation where I couldn't repay my loans (because u can't use nexo towards principal). So I paid my loan cashed out my nexo (still above 1.00) and I'm on the sides for now.
I like what they’re doing to scale the network and become more reliable. Token issuance vs fee revenue is still disproportionate so it’ll never be bigger than a 5-10% position for that reason. But the speculative bet I’m making is, if speed creates network effects and attracts developers, it could have a shot to grow to a $1T market cap one day. So I’m basically taking a risk here with a dollar amount that I’m comfortable losing completely.
Comfort that man

I sent bro a text basically to the effect of

"we Gon make it bro, we got this far from nothing. The knowledge we gained during the last cycle will take us to new heights. Keep your head up, if you need anything I got you".

Obviously I don't have 6 or 7 figures to give my man but I'd still put good money with him. No one saw these exchanges shafting people the way they have.

Its still not clear if celsius just ****s over everyone or if it will just be a long journey to get at least partial funds back, hoping for the later.

Why the hell didn't Celsius just let nexo buy them out is the question. The offer was made damn near a full month ago.

Felt appropriate to post the discussion at large from Reddit since I'm sure there will be a good deal of people impacted by this.

I sent bro a text basically to the effect of

"we Gon make it bro, we got this far from nothing. The knowledge we gained during the last cycle will take us to new heights. Keep your head up, if you need anything I got you".

Obviously I don't have 6 or 7 figures to give my man but I'd still put good money with him. No one saw these exchanges shafting people the way they have.

Its still not clear if celsius just ****s over everyone or if it will just be a long journey to get at least partial funds back, hoping for the later.

Why the hell didn't Celsius just let nexo buy them out is the question. The offer was made damn near a full month ago.

Pride. They really led people on and couldn't bear to see Nexo buy them out. They would of rather the whole ship go down. It's a lot of people who have 6 or 7 figures on there that may never see their tokens or that money again unfortunately. It's sad man and they'll have to live with the pain when we melt up again and go even higher than last time. Imagine losing high 7 figures or even potentially 8.

I feel for your man. Celsius people are gonna have to pray for a miracle.
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