Official Bitcoin Thread

How much did you initially put in?

It’s hard to really count because as I saw success I kept putting more in. If I was to guess it’d be 10K or so total but I’ve also withdrawn on several occasions (like a dummy). I’d say total investment is probably 5K or so but I’m WAY way up. Im actually a lot closer to my 100K goal than I am to 50K so I have no complaints at all.
NEO is next... Can definitely see it at ETH levels this time next year.

Man Neo is soaring right now.... I definitely need to hop in while it’s lower. I have a very small position in it right now and I may need to sell off my LTC and hop on that
It's starting to get crazy, another hundred eggs was sold in last hour :lol:
Price is like 40x what I paid now
Yeah I ended up copping. Still don't see how this can be profitable for anyone other than the absolute earliest investors, but it's a genuinely cool project so I had to throw a little something at it. Wish I got on board as early as you did :lol:.

Anyone know about BAR?

For my electroneum boyz, to my knowledge their latest hire is the founder of Titanium.

This ICO looks very interesting.


ETN is also getting added to another exchange soon. Pretty crazy that the price is where it's at considering all of the past and current issues it's faced.

I'll look in to that ICO.
sry man didnt mean to be sirly but im tired of the blind predictions. Like "I can see coin X hitting price Y by date Z". if you make a statement like this with no dat/info ur jus saying ****, litterally. new noobs come in, take it as gospel and lose their money. no bueno
Yeah I ended up copping. Still don't see how this can be profitable for anyone other than the absolute earliest investors, but it's a genuinely cool project so I had to throw a little something at it. Wish I got on board as early as you did :lol:.
I think we're definitely amongst the earliest, the amount of eggs sold already doubled since you posted. Buzz is starting to build
Man I'm no longer up on my initial investments feels bad bros

Yea me too. I feel like it was just all hype around October, November, and the early December and for now it will all stabilize normally because all the hype has died. Our only hope is that some major investment company will pump Bitcoin. I blame a lot on Charlie Lee for cashing all out.
Moved out of BTC and bought Stellar. Didn't feel like selling Monero or Dash to get in Stellar.
It’s not that they forgot. It’s that they don’t even know ish about ish. Bunch of first time investors panicking for no reason at all while trying to give advice. I’m just looking at them like.

This x1000 people jumped in at the right time to see parabolic gains with damn near every coin and think thats gonna be everyday in this game. Everybody was a genius new age Jordan Belfort for that 1-2 week span.

Tron has a long way to go and will have to get over this hump moreso than other speculative projects but theres still a great chance they turn it up - that rise to .30 was bad for the coin/company and was fueled by the other frenzy factors in the market at the time.

And lol at this new found love for NEO. People wishing they got in here or there - it just started to climb back to $50 just a month ago. Everybody was looking for the next sub penny pump instead of strong projects.

Props to the ANS holders if there are any here. Even if people got in at $2 or $8 they would have been shaken out long ago.

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