Official Bitcoin Thread

Just don’t ****ing rebound back to the top of this range. I need to cover my bills and can’t dca again till the 15th. About to fire my child care and buy crypto with her salary.

i recently did a grad course where we studied the developmental and social impact of exposing toddlers to sesame street.. im just gonna say, goodbye nanny, hello 9-5 Elmo. stack that ETH my guy!
I had time and read through pages 600-800 during the crash and bear market of 2018. What an eye opener. Man the amount of ******** coins posted and the amount of speculative fake news posted to gather up false hope of good news was insane.

The thread was on fire back then though. Crazy page jumps. So many of the same posters were buying too, really hope they held until 2021. Even the **** coins. Would’ve been nice come ups today. People were hesitating at buying BTC at 6500 and were saying “2 months max”

Man no one will ever time this. We gotta zoom out. Shout out to tkthafm tkthafm tho, that guy is the leader of the bears. Dude knows when **** hits the fan lol. Very good judgement throughout the bear market.

Im starting to think that none of these “smart contracts”, mining, speculation, newspaper articles, banks promising this and that none of that matters. Articles in the NYT stating Amazon blockchain and Goldman Sachs opening a crypto space Back in 2018. All speculation and this was three years ago! We need concrete evidence. Countries adapting and institutions buying is real. That’s all that matters. Real evidence and not speculation. That’s the only thing that‘ll start a new bull market.
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i have about $9k invested in crypto. have learned my lesson. keep my mouth shut and HODL until it goes to $0. That’s an amount i can stomach losing.
fapmaster: HFBP
my portfolio: ok
2018 PTSD kicking in but I'm going to wait to see how this week pans out.

China kicking out all the miners so they're forced to sell so the sell pressure could last for a few more days and make us dip below the 30K support.

The only positives for me has been mining rewards for ETH which has picked up a bit. It straight up died after the dog culling from Vitalik.
I know everyone got their own strategy. But having lived through every crypto crash. There is 0 incentive to hold. Remember that if u sold yesterday u still could’ve got it cheaper today

. It doesn’t make you special to hold to $0, it’s stupid actually. Why not sell yesterday and if you still love crypto invest in it next week when it’s down another 15%?. There is no loyalty in this game. Money is the end game here.
I know everyone got their own strategy. But having lived through every crypto crash. There is 0 incentive to hold. Remember that if u sold yesterday u still could’ve got it cheaper today

. It doesn’t make you special to hold to $0, it’s stupid actually. Why not sell yesterday and if you still love crypto invest in it next week when it’s down another 15%?. There is no loyalty in this game. Money is the end game here.

This post is stupid, actually.
Focus during this is going to be on eth rune amp and if they get low enough atom Luna perp link aave. Just need time to get the size I want.
Well that’s why I prefaced by saying I’ve experienced this and there is no “magical news” that comes out to pump prices during crypto bear markets..and so have all of you as one member suggested he went back and read the posts during the previous crash and it’s filled with the same logic.... But it’s ok. Like I said we got our own strategies!
lol how so?

Why not sell yesterday and if you still love crypto invest in it next week when it’s down another 15%?.

Why not sell next week and if you still love crypto invest in it next month when it’s down another 30%?

Point is, you can’t call the bottom and you can’t call a breakout either. This crash will be different from the last. Last one may offer some clues but looking too deep into it is an exercise in futility.

No offense but your post reads like someone brand new to investing. “I’ll sell now and buy back later cheaper” is easier said than done. How does one “sell yesterday” today?
reacting to price based on a chart is one thing
blindly doing stuff because it might be a bear market gives you no edge

if you were interested in being a trader rather than investor, the sell signals were there every time your coin failed to clear the 21 ema or hold the 200 day moving average. Nothing easier than reacting that way and waiting for it to base or reclaim.

Very small adds in ATOM, RUNE and AMP. Waiting for puke levels to hit to use size, but wanted to be a buyer into the heat.

Eying 1-1.50s to size into RUNE, AMP anything under .05 is attractive to me, ATOM I probably am done until it's below 5, got it to core size. LUNA want it in the 1s. PERP want it in the 1s.

We'll get there if this is a bear. 1400 ETH looks inevitable. Just DCA slowly and stay solvent.
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Again, what is an investment to you? I guess the term “investment” can mean different to many people, but you would think an investment in anything is 3-5yrs minimum. If WE are like minded and use this approach, WE are flourishing these past 3 cycles, and will continue to do so.

if you just came into this space and its your first rodeo, yah its hard…but let me tell you…ya’ll havent seen nothing yet.

You guys mentioned reading back at this thread 3-4yrs, what do you think this thread will look like in another 3-5yrs??
I take it that’s for me. Bro I promise I’m not new to it nor am I a first adopter.

first btc purchase


First eth purchase

im not doubting the space or claiming it’s all over.. just a quick note that these are not companies and you aren’t a shareholder. I’ve adopted a philosophy of Selling to avoid more losses in crypto downturn. And It’s worked out fine for ME.

btw screenshots are about a year after I had Poliniex account
Started a sub stack, plan on going into detail on the themes I think are interesting and the protocols I like within them. first article focused on blockchains, smart contracts and interoperability.
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