Lino32 nice grab. U get those from a fb in new england saw same breds size and everything the other day

EBay...suprsingly enough. Got em for $188 shipped. Im still kinda shocked. There are flaws but nothing glaring,they cleaned up pretty nice. and its really solid. Guy even told me they're wearable,but I got my 2012s for that. Haha. Grails for me definitely.
^ :smokin Same here bro!!! Told myself I wouldn't go back to the px after the IV's cluster. But as a Big East fan, I couldn't pass them up. Surprisingly there were pairs left over too.
Same here bro!!! Told myself I wouldn't go back to the px after the IV's cluster. But as a Big East fan, I couldn't pass them up. Surprisingly there were pairs left over too.
Nice! There were plenty leftover here too lol. Where you at?
@pic9809 just kill the thread why don't you. :smokin and yeah there was plenty of those 11's to go around this time. Sort of defeats the purpose for resale! :D
all of this months pickups so far, and one from late last month lol

LACED marketplace for 140 

ebay for 80

LACED marketplace for 140

ATATF for 120 dropped off

ATATF for 200

platos for 20

just noticed my dumbass wrote the 20th lmfao. most of these i got yesterday or today. will post others tomorrow 
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