Official Air Jordan I Retro BLACK/ROYAL Thread FEB 2013

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pm me the italian store asap por favor.

please before the mexican cartels get me

LOL Italian store link is 24 hrs old. We crashed and killed it last night and took all they had. If a site is being openly talked about on this thread, NT has already run through it like a *****, or someone has already blown it up and we are waiting for the ***** to get drunk enough to take us all
camped 3 hours for this on saturday and didnt get **** 
restocks all come randomly. but there just might be one. by the looks of sneaker forums and local craigslist, not too many pairs are out on the market right now. most probably made their purchases online. so come this friday, we will probably see a lot more listings both on forums and cl. let's hope for a restock though.....
I've been on NT only since about '06, and I benefitted from people dropping links publicly... so I try to give back when I can-- but that was back when twitter and facebook wasn't feeding the masses with info... still remember walking up to UBIQ here in philly when they opened to scoop Cool Greys like it was nothing-- anyway... back when people shared links publicly-- they used to not crash sites and people in the thread were able to get their pair! Very few sites are hush these days... cats never even knew about UK/Intl. sites before-- but now sites like deadstock, hanon, shelta, UI, end are common knowledge. The worst thing about the whole gamechange is the lack of resourcefulness that SOME new members tend to have and their sense of entitlement... I stay in this thing for the thrill of it and the love of kicks-- don't know that I'd be so in to it if I was just getting spoon-fed all the time.
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This thread has become disgusting. So much thirst. Good luck to everyone who's been in here before Saturday that still needs a pair. To everyone who jumped in here after Saturday, go play in traffic

::drops mic::
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