:smh: be prepared people
Ive seen this pic posted in various web sites talking about this af1
Sites that aren't even "sneaker sites"
Might be harder than I thought to get these :smh:

Those RTs are a butchered and bastardized version anyways :x

The shape on those things are worse than the foamposite af1s :x

Don't fall for that high fashion bull - **** hype
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:smh: be prepared people
Ive seen this pic posted in various web sites talking about this af1
Sites that aren't even "sneaker sites"
Might be harder than I thought to get these :smh:

Those RTs are a butchered and bastardized version anyways :x

The shape on those things are worse than the foamposite af1s :x

Don't fall for that high fashion hype
Yeah but the shape on the highs looked promising
Hoping to see detailed pics of the highs soon
still no shipping conf from undefeated...

Right? Like what are they doin over there? Long weekend? Smh. I just want to be sure I'm gettin em and I'm good, coulda copped on bodega gotten all my info and got em in quicker had I known undftd was so slow... Oh, AND saved $10....
Right? Like what are they doin over there? Long weekend? Smh. I just want to be sure I'm gettin em and I'm good, coulda copped on bodega gotten all my info and got em in quicker had I known undftd was so slow... Oh, AND saved $10....
Yeah, my Bodega order is coming in Tues or Weds.
Right? Like what are they doin over there? Long weekend? Smh. I just want to be sure I'm gettin em and I'm good, coulda copped on bodega gotten all my info and got em in quicker had I known undftd was so slow... Oh, AND saved $10....
agreed 100%
Undftd weirdly sold out half and hour ago on all models. Very weird online release
 Either they are trying to pull a NDC move and say "sold out" only to build hype and randomly do a "restock" down the road.

or the site never updated with inventory and orders are gonna get canceled and they did in fact sell out.
Seems like a lot of y'all never ordered from UNDFTD. Impatient mofos :lol:

I've never ordered from undefeated, so the fact that I can't get a shipping confirm in a 4-day weekend is ODD to me fam. Crappy lil Skateboard shops can get me that info on some random SB's almost immediately, but a respected streetwear brand/shop can't? I just find that odd. And it's not about being impatient if say, the item i was going after wasn't going anywhere. I guess my concern is that I get a cancellation email, and now I have NO chance at copping at retail. Anywho, I just expected some better communication from them, that is all. I guess that's too much to expect nowadays. :: Ye shrug ::

Since YOU have ordered from them plenty, Am i good to go once my order status has changed to "invoiced"? Thanks in advance for the help.
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