Official Air Air Jordan IX/XIV Countdown post! 3-15-08!

well i held the pair of xivs in my hand (got them from finishline on thursday) for a good 4-5 minutes... and i decided i liked it. you're right though, iactually hated both shoes when they came out (went walkin around NYC on launchday and i saw them everywhere). still not a fan of the 9s (even though i thinkthe bottom sole is sick), ill probably end up selling this pack i got and buying to xiv's down the road for cheap.
I cant believe people are hateing on the 14s. They are so nice and show some respect. Last shoe that jordan wore with the bulls and the colorway of his last shot with the bulls. They are the retros so thats why it has the white stitching.

I hope you are not implying what I think you are implying.

I'll play nice,
Originally Posted by cesarhpr1986

Originally Posted by versache530

ya'll get soooo paranoid. calling a million times bugging the phone reps, checking tracking 10 times a day. it's comedy. ya'll act like you've never bought online before. the shoes will get there when they get there. if you want em quick, pay for expedited shipping. what's $5 when you're already spending $300?

that right there does not benefit anyone, so go fly a kite.
appearntly you dont know about online realases or FNL, or how they do business....
no, YOU go fly a kite sir. i have dealt with online releases and finishline a million times. you know how finishline is, so why on earth would you takethe chance if it's a shoe you really want? and calling them a million times and checking tracking every five minutes wont change the situation. if they aregonna cancel it, they are gonna cancel it wheather you bug them to death or not. if they do cancel it, they will send an email, if they ship it, they will sendan email, so why go through all of that stressing yourself out when it's a situation you can't control anyway? just wait for your email. like i said,it's stupid to me, so don't get mad at me because you are wasting your time with all of that silliness when they are gonna do what they are gonna doregardless. like is said,IT'S COMEDY
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

in regards to versache530 comment

i think people call only because finishline doesnt have a warehouse, well they do but its primarily to ship items to the stores. the main inventory of their online stock comes directly from stores. hence if the stores are sold out before its updated on the FNL computers, they can oversell shoes. so it helps to call the reps and if possible ask them to locate the exact store the item will be coming from and make sure they are processing the order, otherwise you may miss your order and they wont be fulfilled. so i dont think its not justified to be calling the reps. its not even about the shipping at the point, its about the order actually being fulfilled.

i didnt order this pack but just addressing the issue.
thank you for addressing my comment in a civilized manner and actually having something constructive to say. i understand your point, but i look at itthe same way i look at the situation with my job when we get a million calls a day asking about nintendo wii. 9 out of every 10 calls is asking for the wii. ifwe took the time to explain the situation to every customer, we would be there all day and night, so we simply say, "no we don't have the wii, no wedon't know when any will come in" just to keep it simple because we get so many calls about it. so, relating it to calling the phone reps about shoes.i believe that since so many people call asking the same question, they basically give everyone the generic answer, " it's processing". now i doadmit that every now and then you might get a rep that is really helpful and will give you a straight answer, but for the most part, yall are wasting timebecause a thousand people have called before you asking the same question and yall are getting blown off. trust me.
Originally Posted by thekronic1

{ I've grown to be appreciative alot more than I was for this pack. Of course the 9's are dope which I'm wearing as I type this but the 14's are very nice as well....haven't worn those yet but looking forward to it on another sunny spring day. }

^ how could you feel so strongly about something you have only seen in pictures. probably should think about waiting to hate next time til you've actually seen what your talking about.

First off grasshopper there's a quote button which probably would be more easier if you're gonna quote somebody. Just a quick bit of advice.

As it relates to my comment, do you not read and understand English? Something I saw in pictures? Duke I had these in my possession since Tuesday. I simplyadmired the craftsmanship of the XIV's in person which was what I was saying to begin with. Next time have someone sit down and read with you.
Let's no be ******ed people When the retro 9's first dropped it was the cheapest retro ever made.
The leather was paper thin and crappy. There is a missing lace loop. Also the mid-sole paint would crack within a few wears..
The only difference I have noticed between the '02 and '08 is the mud guard. The '08's version look like they dipped in glitter.
yea my order dnt go through they put the money back in my account. ughhh now gootta hit up ebay
finally got mines on friday..lovin both pairs...i dunno bout yall but i tried my 14's on then my last shots..then my white/red's and the countdown pack14s feel lighter to me..the others are a little heavy on my feet...
Originally Posted by Size 15 Please

finally got mines on friday..lovin both pairs...i dunno bout yall but i tried my 14's on then my last shots..then my white/red's and the countdown pack 14s feel lighter to me..the others are a little heavy on my feet...
yeah the last pack was like 10lbs, this one's only 8.50, shoes look good though, ive never owned a pair of the 14's so im excited to see howthey look and fit on my feet.
whats with can fnl be trusted at this point....theres still a FSR, is it safe to order???
Those XIV's look so generic... Sorry they do, I passed on this pack and the 10/13 they just didn't do anything for me. And whoever I think erick10 orsomething like that said this colorway from the 9/14 pack was what he wore for his last shot...WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING??? Dude that's why there is already acolorway OG and retroed and not at great quality at that called the "Last Shots". I have great respect for the better colorways and especially to thereal "last shots"...
i ordered my a size 9 on eastbay at 12 on the dot saturday the 15th. one week later UPS comes and its a size 7.5
Originally Posted by RetroMan23

i ordered my a size 9 on eastbay at 12 on the dot saturday the 15th. one week later UPS comes and its a size 7.5

Are the stores around you sold out? You could buy your size there and then return the 7.5 since you will save on the tax. I'm doing something similar, Iordered off finishline with the code and at that time they only had 11.5 and up (im 9.5) So I ordered there, bought them from my store the next day and will bereturning the 11.5 once they arrive on Tuesday.
Are the stores around you sold out? You could buy your size there and then return the 7.5 since you will save on the tax. I'm doing something similar, I ordered off finishline with the code and at that time they only had 11.5 and up (im 9.5) So I ordered there, bought them from my store the next day and will be returning the 11.5 once they arrive on Tuesday.
They were all sold out around my area b4 release date!! stuck with these 7.5! i dunno weither to sell on ebay or return it ....i still needa size 9
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