Official Adidas Dame Thread - Dame 4 in stores now.

Should This become the Official Adidas Dame Thread?

  • Yes

    Votes: 91 92.9%
  • No

    Votes: 7 7.1%

  • Total voters
nah, no defending that

you can't say you wipe every single chance then give it a 9 out of 10 grade because bad today is good objectively?

nah that's some bs ranking, the whole review is inconsistent and these guys always get the techs wrong or just has no clue, I mean you're doing a review on a shoe, read up on what the shoe consist of first

KG didn't exactly sellout, it's just that one half of the team stopped playing ball and it's the one that knew most of the tech, watch their old reviews and you'll see tre trying to explain the science on the tech

and people get mad at KG for being late on the PG1 review while SB takes a night of playing on an empty gym to test the shoes and looks like they test multiple shoes at a time at that, those dudes are at the gym at like midnight when the courts are empty

but hey if any of us were asked by Eastbay to be on their cover and get paid, who would say no? :lol: this is like getting mad because their underground band became mainstream then starts saying they soldout like they have some sense of entitlement to the whole band and just want to keep them from being successful :rofl:

I am not really mad at these reviewers, if they are getting money and followers, all the power to them despite my criticisms but I also just pick and choose who to believe or not

Whole thing is truth and gospel.
nah, no defending that

you can't say you wipe every single chance then give it a 9 out of 10 grade because bad today is good objectively?

nah that's some bs ranking, the whole review is inconsistent and these guys always get the techs wrong or just has no clue, I mean you're doing a review on a shoe, read up on what the shoe consist of first

KG didn't exactly sellout, it's just that one half of the team stopped playing ball and it's the one that knew most of the tech, watch their old reviews and you'll see tre trying to explain the science on the tech

and people get mad at KG for being late on the PG1 review while SB takes a night of playing on an empty gym to test the shoes and looks like they test multiple shoes at a time at that, those dudes are at the gym at like midnight when the courts are empty

but hey if any of us were asked by Eastbay to be on their cover and get paid, who would say no?
this is like getting mad because their underground band became mainstream then starts saying they soldout like they have some sense of entitlement to the whole band and just want to keep them from being successful

I am not really mad at these reviewers, if they are getting money and followers, all the power to them despite my criticisms but I also just pick and choose who to believe or not
Well I think you're exaggerating with the "9 out of 10, but it stinks".

I think KG are sellouts not for appearing anywhere, but because it seems like their reviews have a lot of flash/comedy and very little substance.

It'll be like, "hey, I thought the cushion was good, now go get that tieeen!!"

I also don't see them making videos like these:

If nothing else, that's dedication to what the topics we want to see I don't see from KG.

End of the day, all these guys except for maybe Nightwing are all amateurs anyway.
Well I think you're exaggerating with the "9 out of 10, but it stinks".

no, no i am not :lol:

watch the review again, you can't say you wipe every chance you get then say it's 9 out of 10

why, because they squeak extra loud? yes, you heard that right, they do a squeak test... a squeak test :rofl:

I think KG are sellouts not for appearing anywhere, but because it seems like their reviews have a lot of flash/comedy and very little substance.

It'll be like, "hey, I thought the cushion was good, now go get that tieeen!!"

what?!?!? they've been doing that since the beginning even before they got big, that "if u a ten just get that ten" line is something they've been saying for years

like if the flashy and comedic content is your complaint, then you haven't been watching their reviews since the beginning, they've always had that back when they were just doing their vids in their bedrooms, only thing that changed is the quality of vids

and yes KG used to do top 5s or top 10s at the end of the year, they have been busy and the other dude stopped playing ball so contents going to go down no matter what

at the end of the day, KG has way more substance that SB will ever have in the handful of vids they ever have than SBs filler vids like "does a running shoe ball?"

and oh my god that vids beginning where they snap their fingers are stupidly annoying from the get go

And the topics they've been discussing about pricing, they got that from Nightwing, which at times actually felt very lecture-y from him but that's not original content

and what else are they complaining about pricing for? KD9 and Lebron 14s has all lowered their prices, it really does sound more whining than anything else

I could really go on and on on that rant vid but saying they should do flyknit like vapormax because its ventilated but it doesn't offer enough support when they tried it on the KD9 but it's still not breathable enough and they should do some new ground breaking fabric "and you know" (yes they said and you know, like what is this new ground breaking fabric?)... like what the hell are you trying to say? dude has a notebook, write a damn outline of what your topic is and go down the list instead of just doing some random topic and pressing record and just saying what comes to your mind at the time, this is why their vids are inconsistent, it's like they didn't learn how to write term papers in school if they can't organize a thought through a 12 minute vid


If nothing else, that's dedication to what the topics we want to see I don't see from KG.

at calling those vids dedication :rofl:

KG used to make those comparison vids too so sb got it from them too

and they ***** out vids as much as possible, one day compare the ce lows to hardens, the next vid compare the ce lows clb16, then compare the ce lows to pg1, etc... they could narrow that ish down to single vid and none of them comparo's should last longer than 3 minutes, get to the point already

then there's the AD NXT initial thoughts, then AD NXT first impressions then AD NXT vlog then AD NXT review and then what follows that is comparing the AD NXT to gazilion other bball shoes :lol:
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no, no i am not

watch the review again, you can't say you wipe every chance you get then say it's 9 out of 10

why, because they squeak extra loud? yes, you heard that right, they do a squeak test... a squeak test

what?!?!? they've been doing that since the beginning even before they got big, that "if u a ten just get that ten" line is something they've been saying for years

like if the flashy and comedic content is your complaint, then you haven't been watching their reviews since the beginning, they've always had that back when they were just doing their vids in their bedrooms, only thing that changed is the quality of vids

and yes KG used to do top 5s or top 10s at the end of the year, they have been busy and the other dude stopped playing ball so contents going to go down no matter what

at the end of the day, KG has way more substance that SB will ever have in the handful of vids they ever have than SBs filler vids like "does a running shoe ball?"

and oh my god that vids beginning where they snap their fingers are stupidly annoying from the get go

And the topics they've been discussing about pricing, they got that from Nightwing, which at times actually felt very lecture-y from him but that's not original content

and what else are they complaining about pricing for? KD9 and Lebron 14s has all lowered their prices, it really does sound more whining than anything else

I could really go on and on on that rant vid but saying they should do flyknit like vapormax because its ventilated but it doesn't offer enough support when they tried it on the KD9 but it's still not breathable enough and they should do some new ground breaking fabric "and you know" (yes they said and you know, like what is this new ground breaking fabric?)... like what the hell are you trying to say? dude has a notebook, write a damn outline of what your topic is and go down the list instead of just doing some random topic and pressing record and just saying what comes to your mind at the time, this is why their vids are inconsistent, it's like they didn't learn how to write term papers in school if they can't organize a thought through a 12 minute vid

at calling those vids dedication

KG used to make those comparison vids too so sb got it from them too

and they ***** out vids as much as possible, one day compare the ce lows to hardens, the next vid compare the ce lows clb16, then compare the ce lows to pg1, etc... they could narrow that ish down to single vid and none of them comparo's should last longer than 3 minutes, get to the point already

then there's the AD NXT initial thoughts, then AD NXT first impressions then AD NXT vlog then AD NXT review and then what follows that is comparing the AD NXT to gazilion other bball shoes
Not sure if you even watched the video in the first place. They never once say "we had to wipe on every play".They said it collected some dust on a dirty court, but so did other shoes thry brought with really good traction that they tested on the same court, and said the shoe had good stopping power.

Here's the key phrase in your mention of KG: "Used to". Who cares what they or any of the other reviewers used to do? This isn't a discussion of washed up players and who was better at their peak. You, I, nor anyone else should care what these reviewers "used to do". What purpose does that serve any of us? 

Who cares about snapping fingers or "squeak tests"? I can't even recall a "squeak test". No one should care whether irrelevant stuff like that is included or not as long as the substance topics are discussed in depth, which I don't see from KG which is why I brought up "tien".

You'r saying "they pump out a lot of videos". Your point being? That just means watch what you want and ignore the rest. You ain't making the videos so what do you care if there are "too many".

I think you're doing the same thing KG is...making an argument without any depth. I'm out on this "debate"
Yes I watched the vid, hell I posted it here first iirc and went through the topic of inconsistency in the review. Just because the review is 12 minutes long doesn't mean it is "in-depth", it's like you don't know what that means :lol:

But yeah, lets get to the review of dame3, they claim they only player on the dusty court and they were slipping a lot because of dust so they gave it a 9/10 but did they ever mention playing in a clean court? Nope! They say you stop reall yhard on a clean court (yeah practically all shoes does) but they never said they played in it, just on a dusty court. So if your only experience on the shoes have you slipping and sliding through the night, how the hell can you give it a 9/10?

But again back to that, they say this shoe picks up a lot of dust where they slip like crazy including showing it in the vid, they make seem like it's unplayable as you see Sami slip on a pull up, but guess what, traction is 9/10. But when it is dusty despite repeatedly saying how bad it is, still rank it 8.5-9 out of 10 :lol: (2:00-3:00 min mark)

Now onto the cushion. Bounce can't be felt as much, doesn't help heel to toe transition, makes it clunky, midsole is too thick, I can feel the forefoot bounce slightly, courtfeel isn't the best and there is a little bump in there "or something"... YUP you guessed it. 9 out of 10! :lol: Keep in mind he said the forefoot bounce can't be felt as much as the 2s, courtfeel isn't the best (not very low to the ground) and there is a little bump he can feel but give it a 9 out of 10. I mean the point of the shoe having less cushion in the forefoot is to be close to the ground (like what Kyries advertise and delivers, sacrifice cushion for more courtfeel) but this shoe according to them accomplishes neither but still gives it a near perfect score. I mean think about that.

But hey that is in-depth testing to you. :rofl:

Then they go to the upper material and dude says "they changed the material too into... uh.. what is this?"... "it's plasticky" :lol: As said before, read up and look the tech specs of what you are reviewing for gods sake. Then "the materials are a little stiff but they are super soft", well, what is it?

I mean I am done with that review. It's 12 minutes of just uninformed non-sense and really those things I posted a 3 minutes of content (from 2:00-5:00 mark), there are 9 more minutes on the review.

Who cares about snapping fingers or "squeak tests"? I can't even recall a "squeak test". No one should care whether irrelevant stuff like that is included or not as long as the substance topics are discussed in depth, which I don't see from KG which is why I brought up "tien".

Irrelevant items matters because they are fillers on a review that could be a lot shorter and more concise, that is not what substance is and it isn't "in depth" if irrelevant stuff are included in the vids just so it is longer.

You'r saying "they pump out a lot of videos". Your point being? That just means watch what you want and ignore the rest. You ain't making the videos so what do you care if there are "too many".

My point is they are whoring out quantity over quality. You say KG sold out but these are the guys who makes vids non-stop and many agrees that quality on them sucks and unnecessary. I really care very little about it but we are discussing this subject so obviously it has to be mentioned. If this is your argument then why did you bring up KG and why do you care if they "sold out"? Why do you bother to bring them up if you can simply say "I don't care"? Why take time to read and reply if you simply "do not care"?

And we are pointing out what we like and dislike about them so obviously the finger snaps and dumb squeak tests (3min mark on dame 3) are unnecessary bloat to a 12minute review.

I think you're doing the same thing KG is...making an argument without any depth. I'm out on this "debate"

You keep telling yourself that and it is funny that you love SB for their "depth" when they are one of the worst at making as many vids they can with little to no substance and really just repeating the same thing over and over again.

And saying my argument has no depth because you disagree? You really have no idea what the word means. :rofl:
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Yes I watched the vid, hell I posted it here first iirc and went through the topic of inconsistency in the review. Just because the review is 12 minutes long doesn't mean it is "in-depth", it's like you don't know what that means

But yeah, lets get to the review of dame3, they claim they only player on the dusty court and they were slipping a lot because of dust so they gave it a 9/10 but did they ever mention playing in a clean court? Nope! They say you stop reall yhard on a clean court (yeah practically all shoes does) but they never said they played in it, just on a dusty court. So if your only experience on the shoes have you slipping and sliding through the night, how the hell can you give it a 9/10?

But again back to that, they say this shoe picks up a lot of dust where they slip like crazy including showing it in the vid, they make seem like it's unplayable as you see Sami slip on a pull up, but guess what, traction is 9/10. But when it is dusty despite repeatedly saying how bad it is, still rank it 8.5-9 out of 10
(2:00-3:00 min mark)

Now onto the cushion. Bounce can't be felt as much, doesn't help heel to toe transition, makes it clunky, midsole is too thick, I can feel the forefoot bounce slightly, courtfeel isn't the best and there is a little bump in there "or something"... YUP you guessed it. 9 out of 10!
Keep in mind he said the forefoot bounce can't be felt as much as the 2s, courtfeel isn't the best (not very low to the ground) and there is a little bump he can feel but give it a 9 out of 10. I mean the point of the shoe having less cushion in the forefoot is to be close to the ground (like what Kyries advertise and delivers, sacrifice cushion for more courtfeel) but this shoe according to them accomplishes neither but still gives it a near perfect score. I mean think about that.

But hey that is in-depth testing to you.

Then they go to the upper material and dude says "they changed the material too into... uh.. what is this?"... "it's plasticky"
As said before, read up and look the tech specs of what you are reviewing for gods sake. Then "the materials are a little stiff but they are super soft", well, what is it?

I mean I am done with that review. It's 12 minutes of just uninformed non-sense and really those things I posted a 3 minutes of content (from 2:00-5:00 mark), there are 9 more minutes on the review.

Irrelevant items matters because they are fillers on a review that could be a lot shorter and more concise, that is not what substance is and it isn't "in depth" if irrelevant stuff are included in the vids just so it is longer.

My point is they are whoring out quantity over quality. You say KG sold out but these are the guys who makes vids non-stop and many agrees that quality on them sucks and unnecessary. I really care very little about it but we are discussing this subject so obviously it has to be mentioned. If this is your argument then why did you bring up KG and why do you care if they "sold out"? Why do you bother to bring them up if you can simply say "I don't care"? Why take time to read and reply if you simply "do not care"?

And we are pointing out what we like and dislike about them so obviously the finger snaps and dumb squeak tests (3min mark on dame 3) are unnecessary bloat to a 12minute review.
You keep telling yourself that and it is funny that you love SB for their "depth" when they are one of the worst at making as many vids they can with little to no substance and really just repeating the same thing over and over again.

And saying my argument has no depth because you disagree? You really have no idea what the word means.
You say "practically all traction works good on a clean court", then ask why they didn't test on a clean court?

Once again, just making up your own interpretation of what they said, this time on the cushion. He goes through the cushion pointing out some of the things you said, then said impact protection is good and it's slightly bouncy.

I see you continuing the same nonsensical defense of KG in the PG 1 thread(complete with unnecessary emoticons) and getting called out for it:
:lol: It's not non-sensical, it's only that way to you because you have little grasp to understand it or what depth is. You obviously did not even read those posts if you are bringing it up over here.

As for why I ask if they tried it on a clean court, because there are different degrees and if they rank it a 9 on a dusty floor where they were slipping the whole time, what is it on a clean floor, 12 out of 10?

And for cushioning, they listed more cons that pros and it got a 9 out of 10, how does this ranking make sense? I mean what type of cushion would it have to be to get less than a 9? Made out of cardboard and cotton balls?

I have my gripes with KG too, all of them have their cons but that is a completely different topic and wasn't even on defense of KG but in defense of review being posted late (by any reviewer) and why it is still relevant but I guess you decided not to read it and just glance over it to try and use it against me :lol:
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It's not non-sensical, it's only that way to you because you have little grasp to understand it or what depth is. You obviously did not even read those posts if you are bringing it up over here.

As for why I ask if they tried it on a clean court, because there are different degrees and if they rank it a 9 on a dusty floor where they were slipping the whole time, what is it on a clean floor, 12 out of 10?

And for cushioning, they listed more cons that pros and it got a 9 out of 10, how does this ranking make sense? I mean what type of cushion would it have to be to get less than a 9? Made out of cardboard and cotton balls?

I have my gripes with KG too, all of them have their cons but that is a completely different topic and wasn't even on defense of KG but in defense of review being posted late (by any reviewer) and why it is still relevant but I guess you decided not to read it and just glance over it to try and use it against me
Solebros got their problems, they aren't perfect. Rating system could be better like you said. They could do better preparation(No one wants to see them google the prices during a video because they didn't check beforehand). 

But at least they try and put in the grind, and when people call them out for some of the same things you do, they address it and you see them try improve.

KG doesn't even try anymore.
As I said, I have no hate on any of them, if whatever they are doing are making them money/followers then good for them.

Personally, I have seen little improvements.

As for KG, again they are getting success with whatever they are doing so I am not mad at that either but I also can't blame them when the reviews seems lackluster when half of the duo stopped playing bball. I definitely prefer it when both offers their opinions on the shoes because they do differ at times but that's life. I don't necessarily think they stopped caring, things just changed and being the only one doing the review, they can't provide them as much as they could (they used to split some reviews at times or the two would go ball at the same time but now it's pretty much all Jay and it's more difficult to get some runs if you're all by yourself). I am sure if Jay could provide as much insight/science/tech talk as Tre, he would too.

I still like their showcase vids in the beginning and it's a nice option to be able to skip all of it to the review section and go straight to the review and it's just concise and to the point. I honestly do not see much difference in Jays review other than Tre isn't there, I feel like if I watch the older ones and just mute out Tre then you still see the same review as we are getting today.

I pretty much ignore 90% of content these days too outside of reviews. They're Q&A seems pointless because they would read out the question and either not answer it or say something not related to it at all and then moves on :lol:
So back to the sizing issue, my Lillard 2's and CLB 2016 are almost exactly equal in length to a full size larger Kobe 11 em.

Now if you have a wide foot it might be a different issue. The shoes themselves are all about the same width, but for some reason the footbeds of the adidas models are more narrow, possibly due to more padding.

Helps with the weight too.

That said I checked out the Dame 3 in person today and just eyeballing it half a size down looked like it would work fine, though I can't comment on weight/heel slip.
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Not trying to be that guy but this topic is getting to be too far away from the Dame 3 discussion.

P.S. Solebros. are one of the most unorganized, inconsistent and unprofessional reviewers I've ever watched. They spread a lot of misinformation and I take a lot of what they say with a huge grain of salt. With that said, I watch them for my love of sneakers, not for gaining factual information.
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sucks that the Blazers got swept but Adidas didn't seem to take advantage of Lillard short temperance in the post season, there weren't any eye catching PEs

actually even Harden isn't getting as much burn in new colorways in the post either
Shoe companies overall but out way too many CWs. While it seems like maybe an opportunity was missed with Dame/Harden, I'm fine with them not putting something out. But next time they should save one of the planned releases for the playoffs.

Curry 3 sales sucked cause there were sooooo many CWs. Plus most people who buy bball shoes don't even play. If you have last year's Curry 2s, you don't really need the 3s unless you really like them and the 3s didn't match the 2s visually.
Not trying to be that guy but this topic is getting to be too far away from the Dame 3 discussion.
Got that right.  Haha, I'm all for discussion and debate, but at some point that had to go to PM's.  Felt like a schwollo review, I just kept scrolling and scrolling.
Tried these on finally. Narrow as hell and I gotta narrow foot already. Joints were tight on my sides. Length seems kind of big on these shoes.
Any thoughts on the lacing system? Does it provide more versatility with the fit?

Wheat City Sole said he was able to eliminate any heel slip with it:

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Any thoughts on the lacing system? Does it provide more versatility with the fit?

Wheat City Sole said he was able to eliminate any heel slip with it:

Depends on how you lace it. If you are to utilize more of the lace holes, especially the ones* farther back, you may need longer laces. I personally am okay with it although I see it a bit gimmicky. But then again, I've heard from others that they didn't like the lacing system at all.
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Depends on how you lace it. If you are to utilize more of the lace holes and the fines farther back, you may need longer laces. I personally am okay with it although I see it a bit gimmicky. But then again, I've heard from others that they didn't like the lacing system at all.
They seem to have been experimenting with lacing systems the last couple of years, first the Drose 6 now these.
I want to like those florists, but not feeling all the purple going around the shoes. Would have been nice for it to be black imo.
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