Sent the Kamara owner an offer for my Pittman and Ingram for his CeeDee. I got Lenny, Chubb, Monty, Eli Mitchell and Hunt for my other RB’s. Let’s see if it goes through
Got no choice but to play Pitts. Have Ertz but with the possibility of no Murray, no chance I play him.

also starting the NE defense tonight. Gimme a pick 6 please?
Wonder how much run Stevenson will get? Pondering if I should put him in my second rb spot over Michael Carter.
Of ******* course a pick 6

off to a bad start against a 2-8 team. But hey I’ve been down worse and still won the week.

annnnnnnd another pic :rofl:

Bruh NE defense alone has my opponent up 38 pts :lol:

Hopefully TB can somewhat match that vs Giants :lol:
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Can’t believe I didn’t start my NE defense but I got the Bills defense so I had reason to.

Matt Ryan is terrible and that’s a BAD Falcons team.
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