F where the money comes from, they steal 25% of my paycheck so the way I see it they owe me a lot more.

I want something I’ll pay for it, I don’t need you taking it for some social security I’ll never see and to pay some clown police.
Yeah again people only seem to ask this question when it helps regular folks. Nevermind the thousands those same people pay per year in taxes.
Anybody spend that stimulus check on something ignant??? :lol:
Anybody spend that stimulus check on something ignant??? :lol:
I copped da motion logo hoodie and I’m trying to get a pair of plums but the damn prices are going up like crazy. Gonna save the rest

I’ve still been working so it was just some extra $$ for me
Well after two weeks my unemployment profile finally updated. I was claiming every week and it still showed the the week prior. So hopefully I’ll get that back payment. It’ll go straight to my savings......after I buy a 70 inch flat screen lol
Filed it, they called me a couple of days later and told me that I have to wait to receive a message on the portal which will be a different form I need to fill out cuz I’m self employed. Been waiting on that ever since. If it goes through properly I should receive whatever my unemployment would be plus $600 on top a week from March 15th til now. That would be lit
Got my check in the mail last week.

When's the 2nd one coming? A few months? Before fall? Or during fall?

That 2nd check gonna hit right for cyber Monday.
With people holding protests and going crazy, I can see them green lighting another stimulus check quickly
man im still waiting on my check in the mail they claimed was sent out on April 24th sheesh
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