Who will win the inaugural COVID Invitational Jamboree?

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while I agree.. I think this is their biggest platform to force shh to get done

election in November, high unemployment and economy going to shh.. and people need a distraction and ain’t a ton of it

dudes should stay in the bubble, least for now.. but I’d say as a group games ain’t happening until stuff is actually done AND let everyone know they’re getting on the phone with the nfl guys

now you would get all the nfl guys, but imagine that kickoff game in a couple days with mahomes and deshaun threatening not to be there

I guess but they ain't thinking about gives them the biggest stage. NBA players been speaking since Trayvon Martin was murdered. They want to be out amongst the people. Like VanVleet said, all the talking and sayings is cool but when do put your nuts on the line?

I don't think either way is wrong when it comes to athletes because at the end of day black americans have tried every single way to open white people's minds except one...

This article was written in June but this quote was very telling:
In a letter to the Legislative Black Caucus, Evers implied Republican leaders would likely “gavel in and gavel out” without taking up any measures as they have in past instances when he’s called special sessions. The Legislature is not scheduled to meet again this year.

I unfortunately expect the Deplorables to do that in this instance.

Here is a list of the 9 Bills for anyone interested that didn't click the link:
  • LRB 6273: Establishes statewide use of force standards for all law enforcement agencies that would ensure deadly force is to be used only as the last resort, requires the Law Enforcement Standards Board (LESB) to develop a model use of force policy and prevents discipline of officers who report use of force policy violations.
  • LRB 6274: Requires every officer to complete at least eight hours of training on use of force options and de-escalation techniques each year.
  • LRB 6275: Creates a $1 million grant program through the Department of Justice to fund community organizations that use evidence-based outreach and strategies to prevent violence and mediate conflicts.
  • LRB 6276: Requires law enforcement agencies to develop policies barring the use of chokeholds.
  • LRB 6277: Requires every law enforcement agency create use of force policies and make them available online.
  • LRB 6281: Creates a civil action for those who call law enforcement with intent to harass, unlawfully discriminate or infringe on a person’s rights under the Wisconsin Constitution or the U.S. Constitution.
  • LRB 6283: Requires the Department of Justice to collect demographic information on use of force incidents and publish annual reports that includes information about incidents where there was a shooting, even if there was no injury.
  • LRB 6289: Prohibits no-knock search warrants.
  • LRB 6292: Changes certain responsibilities of the LESB, including requiring board to also regulate jail and juvenile detention officer training standards and oversee recruitment standards for new law enforcement, jail, and juvenile detention officers; Requires each law enforcement agency to maintain an employment file for employees; Requires potential candidates for a position in an agency, jail, or facility to authorize their previous employer to disclose related employment files to the hiring entity.
yo I’m being serious, is Twitter a cesspool of the scum of America or is Twitter just an accurate reflection of our country?

some of the **** I just read in the comments of the Bucks statement up there is disgusting

The thing with twitter is you can make a twitter and just throw a random photo of a fictional character and you can speak your true mind without judgment. If your racist coworker goes off on Facebook or IG everyone knows who they are and can be exposed. On Twitter it's like having a mask on where you can speak your mind and say how you really feel, regardless of how racist and despicable your real views truly are.
The police system in america needs a massive overhaul in terms of qualifications and training. Having a federal standard there instead of letting towns and cities decide would help. This is how you end up with cops who barely finished HS and go to the academy for 2 months before being given a gun and badge and told to roam the streets free from repercussions. No more academies. Send their asses to John Jay and make them earn a criminal justice degree.

Get rid of IA and replace them with a civilian agency. Whose bright idea was it to let cops police cops?

I'm all for unionization, but not for the police. Until police culture changes, abolish police unions. They shouldn't have so much goddamn political power that they can effectively threaten the career of any politician who dares to openly criticize or curtail them.

No more paid vacations for murder. You don't get to go out and buy oreos with my tax dollars after murdering someone. You kill someone, you sit in jail until we figure out what to do with you, just like everyone else does.

No more military weapons and vehicles for police organizations. Any problem that would require those should fall to the national guard. Cops don't need em.

Fine cops for violations such as a "malfunctioning" camera and covered up badge numbers/names, unnecessary force, drawing guns prematurely, etc. No excuses, if you're caught, you pay the fine. A hefty ******* fine. My great grandmother used to say "He who don't hear, will feel." If they don't wanna hear then they can feel it where it hurts most, in their goddamn pockets.

Protect cops who come forward about other cops. Stop allowing them to be punished and forced out of the profession for doing the right thing. Save it for the scumbags they blew the whistle on.
The thing with twitter is you can make a twitter and just throw a random photo of a fictional character and you can speak your true mind without judgment. If your racist coworker goes off on Facebook or IG everyone knows who they are and can be exposed. On Twitter it's like having a mask on where you can speak your mind and say how you really feel, regardless of how racist and despicable your real views truly are.
You can make fake accounts on any social media man
Onus should have always been on the owners as much as it was on the players. Owners’ influence has to be massive across many sectors

I hope this is the wake up call society needs. Or at least a whisper to get things rolling
You know a lot of people always say stop looking towards black athletes and celebrities when it comes to political matters but this is EXACTLY why we need their contribution.

They have the biggest stage. They have the financial power. When you add them to the mix the foundation of the movement is stronger.

It's also funny how this same generation of people are criticized for not being strong enough or entitled but its the older generation of adults on all levels, the every day man and the celebrities, who probably did the least amount of fighting post MLK.

MJ just wanted to sell shoes. Imagine if that man spoke back in the 90s with his platform. This took way too long man, way way way too long.
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