Let it be known that a year ago... I was saying Spoelstra needed to get fired. Let it also be known... That the minute lebron left, I said Spoelstra is about to get exposed for his bad of a coach he is. And here we are. Players losing confidence in him. Team is just losing period. He still can't get lineups right. Zero adjustments in game STILL
We didn't forget TEK. We didn't forget lol
Let it be known that a year ago... I was saying Spoelstra needed to get fired. Let it also be known... That the minute lebron left, I said Spoelstra is about to get exposed for his bad of a coach he is. And here we are. Players losing confidence in him. Team is just losing period. He still can't get lineups right. Zero adjustments in game STILL

I've been quietly in the cut agreeing with you the past couple of years. I'm not a big Spo fan either. He's not innovative nor is he passionate enough to reach our team. How is Mike Beas our hottest hand tonight but gets 5 minutes in the 2nd half? He finally woke up and realized he needs to sit Walkers ***** on the bench. But why did it take him weeks to see what others (560am & 790am) have been saying for weeks??

I'm not saying he has to go, "but he has to..."
I've been quietly in the cut agreeing with you the past couple of years. I'm not a big Spo fan either. He's not innovative nor is he passionate enough to reach our team. How is Mike Beas our hottest hand tonight but gets 5 minutes in the 2nd half? He finally woke up and realized he needs to sit Walkers ***** on the bench. But why did it take him weeks to see what others (560am & 790am) have been saying for weeks??

I'm not saying he has to go, "but he has to..."
you aint gotta go home spo...but...
Who do y'all think would make us whole next season, as in adding or subtracting?

I'm not sayin' off Spo just yet, but + something to the coaching staff

Kinda hoping UD and Birdman retires and let us move forward and sign younger big guys, especially for next season..

Love Deng but I think if we could add a SF with better handles and a little more size than the starting line-up and bench would have grown exponentially. Too many slashers with Dragic, Wade, and Deng in the starting 5. 

Could be one of the biggish teams in the league with Whiteside, Bosh, McRob... so on and so on...

Doubt were looking at any big FA's, so I say + Hopson/Birch, - Chalmers/Walker

and + 1 or 2 shooters... I think lol. Maybe something similar will happen.
Who do y'all think would make us whole next season, as in adding or subtracting?

I'm not sayin' off Spo just yet, but + something to the coaching staff

Kinda hoping UD and Birdman retires and let us move forward and sign younger big guys, especially for next season..

Love Deng but I think if we could add a SF with better handles and a little more size than the starting line-up and bench would have grown exponentially. Too many slashers with Dragic, Wade, and Deng in the starting 5. 

Could be one of the biggish teams in the league with Whiteside, Bosh, McRob... so on and so on...

Doubt were looking at any big FA's, so I say + Hopson/Birch, - Chalmers/Walker

and + 1 or 2 shooters... I think lol. Maybe something similar will happen.
i dunno man. imo our squad is nice with high potential right now, but itd be more so if we attacked our issues from the inside. our shooting is abysmal. i think our team would lose at a local LA fitness in a game of 3ball. We've addressed our big man situation so FINALLY we're set on centers. We've always had too many PGs we need to trim the fat. If chalmers doesnt put together his absolutely BEST year ever this coming year, hes out. he hasnt developed at all in the nba. and the only reason isay give him one last chance is out of nostalgia and loyalty. but keeping it real, hes pretty much a f*** up that can hit a 3 once or twice a game...maybe. 

shabazz needs to be integrated. tyler johnson needs to be integrated. we dont need any more pg's. need to train the ones we have. ud just isnt UD anymore. he barely ever hits that midrange shot thats been his bread n butter. i dont want to see him go off of nostalgia and loyalty either tho. i think birdman still has use on the team. 

we need the team we have to work man. Wade putting up pothead numbers last night. deng not scoring. Whiteside putting up the best numbers is not acceptable. Whiteside is great, but he shouldnt be greatER than the #1 option. Wade needs to get it sorted out.

Ive said this before as well. Wade, shabazz, chalmers, tyler, deng, beasley, and ennis need to be in hardcore shooting training. all summer. nonstop. give em a 2 week vacay then soon as they come back work them to death. like wade said, other teams have figured out the heat's gameplan. we've lost all of our shooters either to retirement or to lebron. time to make new shooters. 500 MADE 3pters a day no excuses. This shouldn't be a problem for them  but its not like coachin/training staff is pushing them. And spo sure as hell aint.

if we could stretch the floor, the inside wouldn't be so crowded. we'd have an idea star center/star sg type set up. thats a NIGHTMARE on defense. itd be like the kobe shaq ordeal. u have to double team the sg, but that means whoever is down low has to fight the beast by themselves. NIGHTMARE to defend. and even if you somehow find a way (or have the personnel) to defend the sg, they have a shooter likely chilling open in the corner.  but nobody is scared of our outside shooting so the lane is ALWAYS crowded forcing us to do the patented chalmers-esque-run-into-traffic-then-squeeze-by-on-baseline-and-then-bring-it-back-up-to-where-you-started tactic. or chuck a rushed shot since defense is pretty much always set and in position.

if u ask spo tho... we're fine. we just need more grit. we need to get back into rhythm 1 bucket at a time, we need more collective grit.
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Just one or two more shooters, that's all that's needed.

Birdman has been great this year but I don't think they would want to rely much on 37 year old Birdman, he's already earned his keeps in Miami.

Deng is great, but there are things about his game that keep him from being a reliable 2nd option in our starting 5... + our benches value would have increased 3 fold with Deng on it.

And Rio is my dude but Heat might want to look for a reliable back up SG in case Wade goes down... not that confident in Rio as of now

I'm cool with all the other PG's tho

and Let's not even Joke about Henry
Bring it on home brehs... 

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From the highest of highs to the lowest of lows
dont fret fam. do u know what we're gonna be looking like next year all healthy? be glad we're out of the playoffs this year. our entire starting lineup needs senzu beans at this point. coaches give em a lil vacation, then work on their weaknesses all summer. a healthy bosh and wade and deng and dragic and whiteside is nothing to take lightly on either coast. this is just a much needed vacation for our guys
Gerald Green or Jordan Crawford, Khris Middleton would be nice pick-ups for SG,

Rio was never an exception at SG... they need two real ones in the off

Gonna' be interesting to see how weight is shifted in the offseason
Very Early look at next year:


That team can't shoot. Those are 14 guys, so somebody gotta go. I'm really looking at those backup SGs :nerd:. I think we really need to draft a "3 and D" type player or trade the pick for one. We also need to get some in free agency.

Like someone previously stated:

All of these guys need to spend summer shooting 3s and mid range, outside of Whiteside.
Very Early look at next year:


That team can't shoot. Those are 14 guys, so somebody gotta go. I'm really looking at those backup SGs
. I think we really need to draft a "3 and D" type player or trade the pick for one. We also need to get some in free agency.

Like someone previously stated:

All of these guys need to spend summer shooting 3s and mid range, outside of Whiteside.
fixed. this is what needs to happen. but it wont. 

napier and johnson backing up dragic would be great. but tyler cant be a SG. he'd get eaten alive by the seasons SG's out there, especially when u add that hes playing out of position. and yes, everybody shooting drills till their elbows hurt. pick up 1 nice 3pt shooter. problem solved.
So we need Indy to lose tonight. BKN to lose tomorrow and we gotta win tomorrow and were in.

Indy has to lose tomorrow too.
Honestly, other than tonight, it's on Brooklyn because they can beat the magic but if they play like how they did yesterday we'd be good.
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