Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

I mean come on folks, the law of averages had to have kicked in eventually. Dude has been shooting lights out for 3 weeks now. He is bound to have a bad game, he is human right?
I swear Jason Terry's ability to catch and shoot in transition is such a beautiful thing. And he religiously makes those 8-13 footers, those shots that are so damn hard to make. They make you think because you don't want to over/under shoot them. I miss those shots often. SMH
Originally Posted by LDJ

Originally Posted by thebsprky

Shots beating whistles

um ok but u do realize the mavs have gotten more calls and are shooting better right....

Mavs 4-7 , Heat 7-12 from ft's edit 9-14 Mavs are shooting better, hence shots > whistles
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