Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Why is no one talking about how eric gordon just crossed the %%+% outta curry?
lmaoo this is the first time ive ever seen the crowd's reaction when Lin plays. i'm glad white ppl get hyped too when he gets in and that it's not just asians.
those cheers when he touches the basketball are hilarious. when he does anything the crowd goes wild

I hope Curry's injury isn't serious, great win though.
Too bad about Curry, hopefully it's nothing serious. Love the chemistry on both ends of the court. Nice help defense and rotations on defense and the ball was moving really well on offense for most of the game. Brandan needs to slow his game down. Always seems in a rush. He needs to try and back down some opponents (especially if he can get a mismatch) and use pump fakes. Reggie needs to pick some better shots. It's no surprise his shot count is down, but he shouldn't force some of these. Vlad didn't shoot well, but he did a solid job on defense and was aggressive on offense. Everyone else played well, but they need to take care of the ball. Those TO's were hurting them early and most of them were unforced.
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