Official 2010-2011 San Jose Sharks Playoff Thread vs Vancouver Canucks; Vancouver Advances

Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

wth? did yall catch that asian dude go for monta's wristband?

monta thought the guy stuck out his hands to congrats monta, but he really wanted to take monta's wristband.
Just hit the rewind to see it.  
  Dude got it though. 
Cool, I'll check it out.

And the guy did a little "can I get your wrist band?" hand gesture before going after it.
^Or how about you relax & realize it was a typo on my iphone. 
Warriors win 3 in a row, yet you're concerned with spelling?
no *+@* it was a typo. it became a running joke, guy.
instead of you coming out and saying it was a typo, you thought it would be even funnier to proclaim udon being his 'official name'.
get outta here with that
Originally Posted by Jalrulz

mifune. right across from benihana in the shopping center.

Mifune is good stuff.  Anyone know a good ramen house in SF?  Im sure there is probably one in that same shopping center in Jtown.  Anyone?
Originally Posted by NothingToL0se

no *+@* it was a typo. it became a running joke, guy.
instead of you coming out and saying it was a typo, you thought it would be even funnier to proclaim udon being his 'official name'.
get outta here with that
Dude, why are you taking this so serious? No one was going to start calling him that. 
 Enjoy the win, there hasn't been enough of them lately.
They have the new logo new eras at the team store now. they have 3 or 4 different colors. i would have taken a picture but i dropped my phone in my car at bart
Great win Warriors fans. 3-game streak is looking nice. for the team. It also seems that Lee is getting back to his old form.
Originally Posted by LiveMyReality

Great win Warriors fans. 3-game streak is looking nice. for the team. It also seems that Lee is getting back to his old form.

Lee getting back to his old form is what really making this team play well.
Originally Posted by dland24

Cant wait for the Thunder game in Feb.

ESPN game.

I'll be a few rows behind the OKC bench.

NikeTalk sign?

Or I can simply put Acid <3 8===D
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