
Memphis fan/friend of mine pitched me in an email that if Melo goes to the Nets or Orlando that the Knicks try and get Gasol from Memphis this offseason to play next to Amare. Wouldn't mind that, has experience next to a better rebounding offensive big man in Zach and still leaves them with some cap room. Thought it was interesting.

Memphis fan/friend of mine pitched me in an email that if Melo goes to the Nets or Orlando that the Knicks try and get Gasol from Memphis this offseason to play next to Amare. Wouldn't mind that, has experience next to a better rebounding offensive big man in Zach and still leaves them with some cap room. Thought it was interesting.
Will probably take 5 years-$55 million or so to get Marc.

Marc is probably the most important (not best, important) on the team given his size, smarts and skills, so I think management will keep him around. Plenty of teams (Oklahoma City, Toronto, etc) could use him, so we'll see.
Will probably take 5 years-$55 million or so to get Marc.

Marc is probably the most important (not best, important) on the team given his size, smarts and skills, so I think management will keep him around. Plenty of teams (Oklahoma City, Toronto, etc) could use him, so we'll see.
lots of hate towards the heat in this thread
Yea, I figured as much Nas. Hopefully management has a brain fart on that front
that would be a decent fit in New York if Jersey, Orlando or Chicago get Melo. I'm trying to be optimistic with the team hoping Felton and Amare get more in tune with the pick and roll, Toney playing more 2 and Azibukke (sp?) coming back and helping either stabalize the bench more or do what Chander does in the rotation. Big week coming up.

Yea, I figured as much Nas. Hopefully management has a brain fart on that front
that would be a decent fit in New York if Jersey, Orlando or Chicago get Melo. I'm trying to be optimistic with the team hoping Felton and Amare get more in tune with the pick and roll, Toney playing more 2 and Azibukke (sp?) coming back and helping either stabalize the bench more or do what Chander does in the rotation. Big week coming up.

Said Jensen: "This is something he's been dealing with since his first surgery in high school. So this is not anything really new. I've been around Brandon and a lot of other athletes that have had similar ailments that they've had to deal with and they've played at a high level. Arvydas (Sabonis) played with a bad wheel for many years. And he just learned how to play with it and he didn't let it affect him mentally and affect his game, and he played at a very high level for a long period of time. And I think Brandon has the same kind of will and desire to help the Trail Blazers win in any way that is."
Look at all this make believe @#$%^&*(. 

Been dealing with it since high school, but his will and desire will help him help the Blazers. 
  These dudes blatant saying whatever they can to take the heat off themelves.  Roy, franchise guy, 82 mil man, gon play like Sabonis did? 
  I mean, really?  I don't fault Sabas, he was old, played a long career overseas, hey, that's how it goes, but as a mid 20's franchise guy, come on. 

How can they say NOW that they knew he was dealing with all this back in high school?  Yet, they still went and traded for him?  And invested heavily in him after that?  That doesn't make any sense to me.  I don't get it.  And I was on board saying they should lock the kid up, but I didn't know any of that stuff before hand. 

Said Jensen: "This is something he's been dealing with since his first surgery in high school. So this is not anything really new. I've been around Brandon and a lot of other athletes that have had similar ailments that they've had to deal with and they've played at a high level. Arvydas (Sabonis) played with a bad wheel for many years. And he just learned how to play with it and he didn't let it affect him mentally and affect his game, and he played at a very high level for a long period of time. And I think Brandon has the same kind of will and desire to help the Trail Blazers win in any way that is."
Look at all this make believe @#$%^&*(. 

Been dealing with it since high school, but his will and desire will help him help the Blazers. 
  These dudes blatant saying whatever they can to take the heat off themelves.  Roy, franchise guy, 82 mil man, gon play like Sabonis did? 
  I mean, really?  I don't fault Sabas, he was old, played a long career overseas, hey, that's how it goes, but as a mid 20's franchise guy, come on. 

How can they say NOW that they knew he was dealing with all this back in high school?  Yet, they still went and traded for him?  And invested heavily in him after that?  That doesn't make any sense to me.  I don't get it.  And I was on board saying they should lock the kid up, but I didn't know any of that stuff before hand. 

Something just reminded me of the dude who said the Hornets would have the worst record in the league and Darren Collison would put up better numbers than Chris Paul. 
Something just reminded me of the dude who said the Hornets would have the worst record in the league and Darren Collison would put up better numbers than Chris Paul. 
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