[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

Peace out Pedro!
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Here come the wolves.

Late in the game? Yea that sounds about right. The thread was going so well too.
What you mean?
Everyone so far has been level headed and just been having fun talking about the game. Now that its almost over all the guys who just come toargue and talk shti are gonna start posting
@The smile.

You know, as much as I hate Pedro, I love him. He's that arch enemy that just balances things out. Kinda like Reggie Miller.
Pedro is a G for that smile.....He thinkin to himself "I still got these Bammas"
. *crank* Swagger like a leprechaun
When will these managers learn to just pull Pedro's *%# early?

Not surprised at his performance tonight at all. Mez will vouch for me I think.
Originally Posted by PhilBalla09

Terrible game

Pedro had a good game but this is the offense we learned to love....swinging at crap


Agreed man. Our bats haven't produced anything.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

@The smile.

You know, as much as I hate Pedro, I love him. He's that arch enemy that just balances things out. Kinda like Reggie Miller.
Dude loves the hate. Just like Manny. The more you boo him the better he feels. He pitched a good game and it got away from him a little at theend there. But he pitched better than was being predicted
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

@The smile.

You know, as much as I hate Pedro, I love him. He's that arch enemy that just balances things out. Kinda like Reggie Miller.
Someone said the EXACT same thing over at the Yankee forums I post on.

Let's get it!
The difference between Utley's and Matsui's homeruns is this - Utley's was a line drive and in a legit stadium would have been a double/triple. Noway a right field would get there in time to cach the ball. Matsui's ball was a routine fly ball and would have been caught. I have no doubt even a scrublike Milton Bradley would have camped underneath it.

Joke of a stadium and I could care less about either of these two teams or this world series in general. Just an observation.
Originally Posted by AllenIversonFan01

Everyone so far has been level headed and just been having fun talking about the game. Now that its almost over all the guys who just come to argue and talk shti are gonna start posting
Oh yeah...I've grown numb to it.

Originally Posted by onewearz

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Brett "the fastest white man in the world" Gardner.

fixed, we don't wanna piss off bolt
Originally Posted by SCuse7

I don't want to bring Mariano in, we can't be scared to use the relief every single game.

It just won't work.
...y'all won't be saying none of that when Hughes or whoever blows the lead.

I have little confidence in them dudes for the time being. I'm not a big fan of having Mo out there for two innings each game...but this is a MUST win gamefor the Yanks. Girardi can't blow this...
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

buncha old guys standin around with no clue whats going on.
I'm sayin'. They're itchin' to get outta the stadium...

Pedro pitched a damn good game. I had a feeling he'd be effective, a lot of y'all were calling for a blowout and %$+$...

Let's go Jorge.
Originally Posted by Rapido27

Agreed man. Our bats haven't produced anything.

when they're not hitting. it looks like a minor league team

but we lost how many game 2's?
hopefully the bats will wake up athome
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