[[ Official 2009 World Series Post: PHILLIES (2) @ YANKEES (3) Game 6 (11/04) ]]

Originally Posted by Big J 33


at least we made a push, took some of the momentum away

Only positive this game.....And at least we know Jeter/Damon/A-Rod are determined to win this thing.....

That DP by Jeter killed us though
Originally Posted by Tuff G0ng

I wasn't so sure about him earlier in the year, but Damon has earned himself a new contract.
Now if only we can get him a Dave Winfield-type arm for the outfield.
Chillax Yankees fans. We're still in good shape. Pedro and Hamels? We can hit those guys.

We took 2/3 in Philly. Won three in a row after getting owned in game one.

Gave up 8 runs, and still had a chance to tie the game in the 9th.

We're still in good shape.
we live for another day

hopefully this gets the bats awake. and hopefully Martinez gives us 7 strong innings on Wed.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Chillax Yankees fans. We're still in good shape. Pedro and Hamels? We can hit those guys.

We took 2/3 in Philly. Won three in a row after getting owned in game one.

Gave up 8 runs, and still had a chance to tie the game in the 9th.

We're still in good shape.
i could see Happ taking Hamels turn.

Tough loss, always fighting from behind is tough as hell to do.

But I think were fine, we've done it all year
I really feel like if we go to game 7, it might be scary.

I'm sorry, '04 is still fresh in my mind.

Let's get them Yanks!!!!!!!!
Happ will def take Hamels turn since he is actually one of the better Philly pitchers (next to Lee) at the moment.
Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Chillax Yankees fans. We're still in good shape. Pedro and Hamels/Happ? We can hit those guys.

We took 2/3 in Philly. Won three in a row after getting owned in game one.

Gave up 8 runs, and still had a chance to tie the game in the 9th.

We're still in good shape.
Umm yeah true....

I just really hope Andy the "Big Game Picther" Shows up for us on Wed and also our bats have to keep on hitting... but Tex needs to wake the +$%@ upfor real!
Originally Posted by yankeesfan0130

$##@!@@ jeter is a double-play machine.he killed the rally.what a bum

you better not be a yankee fan or you better be a newborn baby
Originally Posted by onewearz


good game, you guys are finished on wed.........

I can appreciate that that's what you'd like to see happen but this series has proven that there is no home-field advantage.
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Chillax Yankees fans. We're still in good shape. Pedro and Hamels? We can hit those guys.

We took 2/3 in Philly. Won three in a row after getting owned in game one.

Gave up 8 runs, and still had a chance to tie the game in the 9th.

We're still in good shape.
i could see Happ taking Hamels turn.

Yeah, you're probably right. I think we can hit Happ too, though. I'm scared of Andy on 3 days rest tomorrow. In hindsight we shoulda pitchedGaudin.

Welp, lets get 'em in the Bronx ladies.
Had to expect Philly would come out strong this game, credit goes out to them.

AJ struggling didn't surprise me, had to expect that was a strong possibility.

Rallying and putting up a fight was a great push to steal some momentum and now we're heading back home.

Plus taking 2/3 in Philly is a real positive.

Still in the drivers seat, heading back home, let's get it.
win or lose, w all the injuries and crappy bullpen, it's really amazing how far this phils team went. Hamels trash. Lidge trash. When Madson starts offgiving up a base hit trash. Only pitchers we could really trust is CHP and Erye.
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