OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

Haha @ that story vin was tellin.

Pedro Martinez and Bautista was chillin at the beach, and bautistas phone rings and pedro picked up and it was bautistas ex and pedro told her to come down tothe beach ... while the dudes new gf was there

He would do that +%#%, grimey.
Anybody else at the game last night happen to catch the huge altercation on the concourse of the reserve (3rd base side)? There was some shoving in the seats asection over from me and I thought it was over with once security came up to escort a few guys out. Next thing I know I look over the railing to the concourseand see one of the guys who was ejected swing on a security guard and get taken down with the swiftness...only for his equally drunk brother to try and jump inand get taken down as well
Had to be at least 5 people in cuffs after it was over with.

Iron Man, you hear anything about this?
Originally Posted by jpap348

Anybody else at the game last night happen to catch the huge altercation on the concourse of the reserve (3rd base side)? There was some shoving in the seats a section over from me and I thought it was over with once security came up to escort a few guys out. Next thing I know I look over the railing to the concourse and see one of the guys who was ejected swing on a security guard and get taken down with the swiftness...only for his equally drunk brother to try and jump in and get taken down as well
Had to be at least 5 people in cuffs after it was over with.

Iron Man, you hear anything about this?

Shoot, I'm sure this happens often, those drunk idiots don't respect authority, I've seen it happen too many times.
Originally Posted by sinser13

anybody have the schedule for next year?

they need to stop with this opening on the road BS

[h1]If not this year, Dodgers draw Yanks, Red Sox, Tigers and Angels next year[/h1]
September 15, 2009 | 11:01 am

The Dodgers will probably play all four American League playoff teams next season. According to a preliminary 2010 schedule, the Dodgers will travel to Boston to play the Red Sox from June 18-20 and then host the New York Yankees from June 25-27. Detroit also makes a visit from May 21-23, and of course the annual home-and-home forays with the Angels return. Thanks to Dodger Thoughts commenter BHSportsguy for passing along the link.

[h1]If not this year, Dodgers draw Yanks, Red Sox, Tigers and Angels next year[/h1]
September 15, 2009 | 11:01 am

The Dodgers will probably play all four American League playoff teams next season. According to a preliminary 2010 schedule, the Dodgers will travel to Boston to play the Red Sox from June 18-20 and then host the New York Yankees from June 25-27. Detroit also makes a visit from May 21-23, and of course the annual home-and-home forays with the Angels return. Thanks to Dodger Thoughts commenter BHSportsguy for passing along the link.

Wowzers. Man this blows, we have yet to play in NY, we played Bosox already at home and on the road. I want LA in NY.
Damn my bad sinser, didn't know the schedule was going to release today.

Wow, they play Pittsburgh for 2 series' for the stretch run this month, and they open with them the first week of the 2010 season.
Originally Posted by amarusgear

Wowzers. Man this blows, we have yet to play in NY, we played Bosox already at home and on the road. I want LA in NY.
Eff it bro, NY is coming to LA.

The hate is gonna be strong June 25-27, those dudes roll DEEP.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Originally Posted by amarusgear

Wowzers. Man this blows, we have yet to play in NY, we played Bosox already at home and on the road. I want LA in NY.
Eff it bro, NY is coming to LA.

The hate is gonna be strong June 25-27, those dudes roll DEEP.
Can you imagine the Cholo Yanks fans vs. the Cholo Dodgers at Dodger Stadium
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Can you imagine the Cholo Yanks fans vs. the Cholo Dodgers at Dodger Stadium

Cholo fans rockin' that NY?! Frontrunners forsure

I gotta get tickets for this.

BoSox & Yankee fans roll like Charter Buses deep to the games, I remember when I went to an Angel vs BoSox game and they damn near took over that stadium

Them obnoxious pricks gonna come out with black eyes (not endorsing violence) if they did the *#+% at the Ravine.

Dodger Summit 2010, lets get it started
Originally Posted by bright nikes

Dodger Summit 2010, lets get it started

For the Yankees series??

Your Girlfriend's, wives, ladies, or baby mommas, better have that Aladdin bail bonds on speed dial just in case.
Takin my vacation to Beantown next year for sure

NY series ill be in there once again just as i was back in 2004 when Gagne made Bernie Williams look like a little girl with a K to end the game, and DaveRoberts getting an inside the park HR to open the sunday game
i was at all 3 games that year

2010 lets get a trip to SF goin too...
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by jpap348

Anybody else at the game last night happen to catch the huge altercation on the concourse of the reserve (3rd base side)? There was some shoving in the seats a section over from me and I thought it was over with once security came up to escort a few guys out. Next thing I know I look over the railing to the concourse and see one of the guys who was ejected swing on a security guard and get taken down with the swiftness...only for his equally drunk brother to try and jump in and get taken down as well
Had to be at least 5 people in cuffs after it was over with.

Iron Man, you hear anything about this?

Shoot, I'm sure this happens often, those drunk idiots don't respect authority, I've seen it happen too many times.

Like French said, it happens all the time. I'm not talking about the Security Guards getting assaulted, I will probably get the scoop today.

We just see security guards running full speed on the councourse, and your mentality is "Oh, guess something is going down".

If they assaulted a Security Guard
, they will probably get bookedand arrested. To be honest, they are very lenient. When people get ejected, they just tell them to leave. When they get into fights, they take them toSecurity HQ until the end of the game and "86" them, tell them to go home.

The two sure ways to get arrested is to run on the field and assaulting a Security Guard, which happens occasionally. It's sad

Reminds me of the time last year, at the tail end of the season when some drunk idiot straight smacked a uniformed LAPD female officer's *#+. Hethought he was being funny, until four LAPD officer's took his *#+ down,
. LAPD officers at Dodger Stadium are just there for presence, they only act if things get really out of control, or in this case if you !!$# withthem. The guy was at the game with his wife and kids,
, so she was crying her eyes out trying to get her man free: "He didn't mean it!"
. LAPD doesn't mess around. Last I heard, they put Sexual Assaultcharges on the guy.

Moving on...................

@ the 2010 schedule. Looks like a trip to Fenway,
. I didn't go last time they went, will make the trip this time. TheAngels and Yankee's back to back
. The stadium is going to bepacked for those six games.

As for the giveaway policy, it is FUBAR
, I'm not a chief, just an Indian but I'm preparing for Epic Failure. Just arrive early, the lines willbe backed up.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

Like French said, it happens all the time. I'm not talking about the Security Guards getting assaulted, I will probably get the scoop today.

We just see security guards running full speed on the councourse, and your mentality is "Oh, guess something is going down".

If they assaulted a Security Guard
, they will probably get booked and arrested. To be honest, they are very lenient. When people get ejected, they just tell them to leave. When they get into fights, they take them to Security HQ until the end of the game and "86" them, tell them to go home.

The two sure ways to get arrested is to run on the field and assaulting a Security Guard, which happens occasionally. It's sad

Reminds me of the time last year, at the tail end of the season when some drunk idiot straight smacked a uniformed LAPD female officer's *#+. He thought he was being funny, until four LAPD officer's took his *#+ down,
. LAPD officers at Dodger Stadium are just there for presence, they only act if things get really out of control, or in this case if you !!$# with them. The guy was at the game with his wife and kids,
, so she was crying her eyes out trying to get her man free: "He didn't mean it!"
. LAPD doesn't mess around. Last I heard, they put Sexual Assault charges on the guy.

Moving on...................

@ the 2010 schedule. Looks like a trip to Fenway,
. I didn't go last time they went, will make the trip this time. The Angels and Yankee's back to back
. The stadium is going to be packed for those six games.

As for the giveaway policy, it is FUBAR
, I'm not a chief, just an Indian but I'm preparing for Epic Failure. Just arrive early, the lines will be backed up.
at the fool smacking a LAPD's ^&%!!!

I'm gonna try to convince the girlfriend how nice and historical the city of Boston is next year

She wanted to take a trip to NYC, but things will change now that I've seen the schedule.

As for the giveaways.... FUBAR!!!! Is it really that difficult to coordinate these giveaways?

Nonetheless, I'm leaving work at 4:30 today, heading straight to the stadium, because you scared me.

Leaving my house around 9-9:30 tomorrow morning....
As for the giveaways.... FUBAR!!!! Is it really that difficult to coordinate these giveaways?

It really isn't, but the new Dodger policy of "The fan is always right!" (
), they want to curb complaints. Plus, our new guestrelations department is useless now, bunch of turds. There are fans that legitimately say they didn't get a giveaway. Then there are those that just saythat they don't receive one. On the last Manny bobble, you said you didn't get one, and I told you frankly that you just got there too late. Somefans feel they can get there in the bottom of the 7th and should still receive their giveaway

There are always going to be unhappy fans, it just happens. This new policy will eliminate all the "excuses" fans give, or basically catch them in alie, which is what they do. "Greatest Fans in All of Baseball".....
laugh.gif @%$.

Our fans lie, they make their kids lie, hell their lies aren't even good. All to get an extra bobblehead.
@ all the silly lies fans try to tell inorder to snake their way to another giveaway. It is what it is.

Our VP of Stadium Ops, left for a position with the Washington ********, and he would've killed any talk of an implementation of a new giveaway policy. Instead, there are more people trying to put their "input" without ever being on the front lines.

A giveaway should be easy and seamless. Trust me, with our fans, nothing is easy. They think they are Lay's, you just can't have one. I will leaveit at that.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

As for the giveaways.... FUBAR!!!! Is it really that difficult to coordinate these giveaways?
It really isn't, but the new Dodger policy of "The fan is always right!" (
), they want to curb complaints. Plus, our new guest relations department is useless now, bunch of turds. There are fans that legitimately say they didn't get a giveaway. Then there are those that just say that they don't receive one. On the last Manny bobble, you said you didn't get one, and I told you frankly that you just got there too late. Some fans feel they can get there in the bottom of the 7th and should still receive their giveaway

There are always going to be unhappy fans, it just happens. This new policy will eliminate all the "excuses" fans give, or basically catch them in a lie, which is what they do. "Greatest Fans in All of Baseball".....
laugh.gif @%$.

Our fans lie, they make their kids lie, hell their lies aren't even good. All to get an extra bobblehead.
@ all the silly lies fans try to tell in order to snake their way to another giveaway. It is what it is.

Our VP of Stadium Ops, left for a position with the Washington ********, and he would've killed any talk of an implementation of a new giveaway policy. Instead, there are more people trying to put their "input" without ever being on the front lines.

A giveaway should be easy and seamless. Trust me, with our fans, nothing is easy. They think they are Lay's, you just can't have one. I will leave it at that.
Understood. I am the last person in the world who would ever show up to a game late, so I don't condone that crap.

I was simply a ++@#!*! the day of the Manny giveaway, by taking the 101 during rush hour.
I knew I wasn't getting one, but still had hopes because it was still the 2nd inning, and when I saw those %%+%$$+!# kids with 2 boxes of them, I got evenmore pissed off that they took off before I could buy 1 off them.

I will never forget that day, one, it was chaos, plus I had to park up in the 'Think Blue' sign, horrible, and second, the Manny slam.

And ditto with "typical" Dodger fans being shady, it doesn't surprise me at all.

At the end of the day, I was able to get an OG Manny BH, in a trade.
Looks like a trip to Fenway,

Man, I wish I could go. That's going to be a surreal experience. Can't believe I'm also going to miss the Yankees series.

Hopefully we face NY or Boston for ship.

Ironman: What are the changes for giveaways you mentioned?

Let's get a Niketalk Summit for the 1st game of the nlds. Tickets are going on sale right?
I might be making a trip the Boston too
then take the trip up to NY for a couple days. But I've heard sox ticket prices are od expensive, sinceyou'll have buy them from a broker/scalper
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