OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

What a horrible throw juan cholo

Hanging curve, should have thrown him something outside had a pitch to work with.

Hopefully that gets manny going.
im going to get chipotle in honor of cincoseisdos right now. hope your ground-up soy in the shape of a turkey is delicious.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

im going to get chipotle in honor of cincoseisdos right now. hope your ground-up soy in the shape of a turkey is delicious.

get the red tomatillo sauce for me. I hate "mild" salsas

The veggie burrito bol I had yesterday was bomb

Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

OOOOH Paul is up?

I saw him too and was thinking who they brought em up 4 and when

Apparently he was moved to the 60 day DL last week in order to make room for Kuos return
Oh yeah, just copped an authentic Overbay jersey that i'm sending to EPS to be stripped and relettered as either Gallardo or Fielder

I'm thinking Gallardo since he's the only player I can recall to come out as close as possible from where my pops is from (he's from La Piedad andmy pops from Tangancicuaro). That and he's good IMHO

Nice hit.
Originally Posted by UCLAMIKE

so why are you eating extra heathly now?


Refer to the last 10 pages or so...

Nah but seriously, I figure why not? I mean, I saw the movie "Food Inc." on Sunday and it opened my eyes to the max. It's not a visuallydisturbing movie, but rather the facts are shocking...

I'll be honest. I don't think i'm physically capable of maintaining this road that I put myself on to. But I want to test my will power mentally,and plan on doing so until I give in. I hope I'm stronger than to just give in, but i'm taking it a day at a time. Hell, compared to wherei'm physically at rightnow, this can't hurt. I see all positives, and with my new workload it's a welcome change.

I'm open to the jokes and jabs from you dudes, it's all love from what I can tell. Who knows, it might just stick. You can only try right?

Tomorrow i'll be hitting up the healthier food cart in the Reserve section
Lets see if I can resist Dodger Dogs and Garlic Fries, and for how long
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